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Apply streamable Poisson concept directly to SampleFilter
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* No need for new VoxelPoisson filter

* Still not happy with a visible artifact that appears to be along voxel
  • Loading branch information
chambbj committed Oct 27, 2020
1 parent c9d501b commit fed0247
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Showing 5 changed files with 191 additions and 334 deletions.
56 changes: 36 additions & 20 deletions doc/stages/filters.sample.rst
Expand Up @@ -8,39 +8,55 @@ The practice of performing Poisson sampling via "Dart Throwing" was introduced
in the mid-1980's by [Cook1986]_ and [Dippe1985]_, and has been applied to
point clouds in other software [Mesh2009]_.

The sampling can be performed in a single pass through the point cloud.
To begin,
each input point is assumed to be kept. As we iterate through the kept points,
we retrieve all neighbors within a given ``radius``, and mark these neighbors as
points to be discarded. All remaining kept points are appended to the output
``PointView``. The full layout (i.e., the dimensions) of the input ``PointView``
is kept in tact (the same cannot be said for :ref:`filters.voxelgrid`).
Our implementation of Poisson sampling is made streamable by voxelizing the
space and only adding points to the output ``PointView`` if they do not violate
the minimum distance criterion (as specified by ``radius``). The voxelization
allows several optimizations, first by checking for existing points within the
same voxel as the point under consideration, which are mostly likely to
violate the minimum distance criterion. Furthermore, we can easily visit
neighboring voxels (limiting the search to those that are populated) without
the need to create a KD-tree from the entire input ``PointView`` first and
performing costly spatial searches.

.. seealso::

:ref:`filters.decimation`, :ref:`filters.fps` and
:ref:`filters.relaxationdartthrowing` also perform decimation.
:ref:`filters.decimation`, :ref:`filters.fps`,
:ref:`filters.voxelcentroidnearestneighbor`, and :ref:`voxeldownsize` also
perform decimation.

.. note::

The ``shuffle`` option does not reorder points in the PointView, but
shuffles the order in which the points are visited while processing, which
can improve the quality of the result.
Starting with PDAL v2.3, the ``filters.sample`` now supports streaming
mode. As a result, there is no longer an option to ``shuffle`` points (or
to provide a ``seed`` for the shuffle).

.. note::

Starting with PDAL v2.3, a ``cell`` option has been added that works with
the existing ``radius``. The user must provide one or the other, but not
both. The provided option will be used to automatically compute the other.
The relationship between ``cell`` and ``radius`` is such that the
``radius`` defines the radius of a sphere that circumscribes a voxel with
edge length defined by ``cell``.

.. embed::

.. streamable::


Minimum distance between samples. [Default: 1.0]

Choose whether or not to shuffle order in which points are visited. [Default:
Voxel cell size. If ``radius`` is set, ``cell`` is automatically computed
such that the cell is circumscribed by the sphere defined by ``radius``.

Seed for random number generator, used only with shuffle.
Minimum distance between samples. If ``cell`` is set, ``radius`` is
automatically computed to defined a sphere that circumscribes the voxel cell.
Whether specified or derived, ``radius`` defines the minimum allowable
distance between points.

.. include:: filter_opts.rst

193 changes: 135 additions & 58 deletions filters/SampleFilter.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Bradley J Chambers (
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017, 2020 Bradley J Chambers (
* All rights reserved.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,25 +34,18 @@

#include "SampleFilter.hpp"

#include <pdal/KDIndex.hpp>
#include <pdal/util/ProgramArgs.hpp>
#include <pdal/util/Utils.hpp>

#include <chrono>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace pdal

static StaticPluginInfo const s_info
"Subsampling filter",
using namespace Dimension;

static StaticPluginInfo const s_info{
"filters.sample", "Subsampling filter",

CREATE_STATIC_STAGE(SampleFilter, s_info)

Expand All @@ -61,69 +54,153 @@ std::string SampleFilter::getName() const

void SampleFilter::addArgs(ProgramArgs& args)
args.add("radius", "Minimum radius", m_radius, 1.0);
args.add("shuffle", "Shuffle points prior to sampling?", m_shuffle, true);
m_seedArg = &args.add("seed", "Random number generator seed", m_seed);
m_cellArg = &args.add("cell", "Cell size", m_cell);
m_radiusArg = &args.add("radius", "Minimum radius", m_radius);

void SampleFilter::prepared(PointTableRef table)
if (m_cellArg->set() && m_radiusArg->set())
throwError("Must set only one of 'cell' or 'radius'.");

if (!m_cellArg->set() && !m_radiusArg->set())
throwError("Must set 'cell' or 'radius' but not both.");

void SampleFilter::ready(PointTableRef)

if (m_cellArg->set())
m_radius = m_cell / 2.0 * std::sqrt(3.0);

PointViewSet SampleFilter::run(PointViewPtr inView)
if (m_radiusArg->set())
m_cell = 2.0 * m_radius / std::sqrt(3.0);

<< "cell " << m_cell << ", radius " << m_radius << std::endl;

PointViewSet SampleFilter::run(PointViewPtr view)
point_count_t np = inView->size();
PointViewPtr output = view->makeNew();
for (PointRef point : *view)
if (voxelize(point))
output->appendPoint(*view, point.pointId());

// Return empty PointViewSet if the input PointView has no points.
// Otherwise, make a new output PointView.
PointViewSet viewSet;
if (!np)
return viewSet;
PointViewPtr outView = inView->makeNew();
return viewSet;

// Build the 3D KD-tree.
KD3Index& index = inView->build3dIndex();
bool SampleFilter::voxelize(PointRef& point)
double x = point.getFieldAs<double>(Id::X);
double y = point.getFieldAs<double>(Id::Y);
double z = point.getFieldAs<double>(Id::Z);

PointIdList shuffledIds(np);
std::iota(shuffledIds.begin(), shuffledIds.end(), 0);
if (m_shuffle)
// Use the coordinates of the first point as origin to offset data and
// derive integer voxel indices.
if (m_populatedVoxels.empty())
if (!m_seedArg->set())
m_seed =
std::shuffle(shuffledIds.begin(), shuffledIds.end(),
m_originX = x; // - (m_cell / 2);
m_originY = y; // - (m_cell / 2);
m_originZ = z; // - (m_cell / 2);

// All points are marked as kept (1) by default. As they are masked by
// neighbors within the user-specified radius, their value is changed to 0.
std::vector<int> keep(np, 1);
// Get voxel indices for current point.
Voxel v = std::make_tuple((int)(std::floor((x - m_originX) / m_cell)),
(int)(std::floor((y - m_originY) / m_cell)),
(int)(std::floor((z - m_originZ) / m_cell)));

// We are able to subsample in a single pass over the shuffled indices.
for (PointId const& i : shuffledIds)
// Check current voxel before any of the neighbors. We will most often have
// points that are too close in the point's enclosing voxel, thus saving
// cycles.
if (m_populatedVoxels.find(v) != m_populatedVoxels.end())
// If a point is masked, it is forever masked, and cannot be part of the
// sampled cloud. Otherwise, the current index is appended to the output
// PointView.
if (keep[i] == 0)
outView->appendPoint(*inView, i);

// We now proceed to mask all neighbors within m_radius of the kept
// point.
PointIdList ids = index.radius(i, m_radius);
for (PointId const& id : ids)
keep[id] = 0;
// Get list of coordinates in candidate voxel.
CoordList coords = m_populatedVoxels[v];
for (Coord const& coord : coords)
// Compute Euclidean distance between current point and
// candidate voxel.
double xv = std::get<0>(coord);
double yv = std::get<1>(coord);
double zv = std::get<2>(coord);
double dist = std::sqrt((xv - x) * (xv - x) + (yv - y) * (yv - y) +
(zv - z) * (zv - z));

// If any point is closer than the minimum radius, we can
// immediately return false, as the minimum distance
// criterion is violated.
if (dist < m_radius)
return false;

// Simply calculate the percentage of retained points.
double frac = (double)outView->size() / (double)inView->size();
<< "Retaining " << outView->size() << " of " << inView->size()
<< " points (" << 100 * frac << "%)\n";
// Iterate over immediate neighbors of current voxel, computing minimum
// distance between any already added point and the current point.
for (int xi = std::get<0>(v) - 1; xi < std::get<0>(v) + 2; ++xi)
for (int yi = std::get<1>(v) - 1; yi < std::get<1>(v) + 2; ++yi)
for (int zi = std::get<2>(v) - 1; zi < std::get<2>(v) + 2; ++zi)
Voxel candidate = std::make_tuple(xi, yi, zi);

// We have already visited the center voxel, and can skip it.
if (v == candidate)

// Check that candidate voxel is occupied.
if (m_populatedVoxels.find(candidate) ==

// Get list of coordinates in candidate voxel.
CoordList coords = m_populatedVoxels[candidate];
for (Coord const& coord : coords)
// Compute Euclidean distance between current point and
// candidate voxel.
double xv = std::get<0>(coord);
double yv = std::get<1>(coord);
double zv = std::get<2>(coord);
double dist =
std::sqrt((xv - x) * (xv - x) + (yv - y) * (yv - y) +
(zv - z) * (zv - z));

// If any point is closer than the minimum radius, we can
// immediately return false, as the minimum distance
// criterion is violated.
if (dist < m_radius)
return false;

return viewSet;
Coord coord = std::make_tuple(x, y, z);
if (m_populatedVoxels.find(v) != m_populatedVoxels.end())
CoordList coords;
m_populatedVoxels.emplace(v, coords);
return true;

bool SampleFilter::processOne(PointRef& point)
return voxelize(point);

} // namespace pdal
31 changes: 20 additions & 11 deletions filters/SampleFilter.hpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016, Bradley J Chambers (
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2020 Bradley J Chambers (
* All rights reserved.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,32 +35,41 @@
#pragma once

#include <pdal/Filter.hpp>

#include <string>
#include <pdal/Streamable.hpp>

namespace pdal

class Options;

class PDAL_DLL SampleFilter : public pdal::Filter
class PDAL_DLL SampleFilter : public Filter, public Streamable
using Voxel = std::tuple<int, int, int>;
using Coord = std::tuple<double, double, double>;
using CoordList = std::vector<Coord>;

SampleFilter() : Filter()
SampleFilter() : Filter() {}
SampleFilter& operator=(const SampleFilter&) = delete;
SampleFilter(const SampleFilter&) = delete;

std::string getName() const;

double m_cell;
Arg* m_cellArg;
double m_radius;
bool m_shuffle;
Arg* m_seedArg;
unsigned m_seed;
Arg* m_radiusArg;
double m_originX;
double m_originY;
double m_originZ;
std::map<Voxel, CoordList> m_populatedVoxels;

virtual void addArgs(ProgramArgs& args);
virtual void prepared(PointTableRef table);
virtual bool processOne(PointRef& point);
virtual void ready(PointTableRef);
virtual PointViewSet run(PointViewPtr view);

bool voxelize(PointRef& point);

} // namespace pdal

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