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Project Name Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative

Keith edited this page Feb 22, 2023 · 1 revision

This is an example project


    title Prioritization Criteria for Public Health Projects
    "Potential Impact" : 4
    "Feasibility of Implementation" : 3
    "Cost and Resource Requirements" : 2
    "Level of Stakeholder Support" : 4
    "Urgency of Need" : 5

Brief Description:

The Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative is a public health project aimed at improving the health of residents in low-income neighborhoods by increasing access to healthy food options and promoting physical activity. The project involves working with community organizations, local businesses, and government agencies to establish community gardens, farmers' markets, and bike lanes in these neighborhoods.

Prioritization Scoring:

Potential Impact: 4
Feasibility of Implementation: 3
Cost and Resource Requirements: 2
Level of Stakeholder Support: 4
Urgency of Need: 5

Desired Outcomes:

Increased availability of fresh, healthy food options in low-income neighborhoods
Increased opportunities for physical activity and active transportation
Improved health outcomes for residents in these neighborhoods, including reduced rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease


The Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative has a high prioritization score based on its potential impact on public health, level of stakeholder support, and urgency of the need for the project. The project has the potential to improve health outcomes for residents in low-income neighborhoods and promote greater health equity in the community.

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