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Update pt-pt translations (by MiguelC030)
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JSKitty committed Jul 24, 2023
1 parent 2da2b0e commit e9d1ee6
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 86 deletions.
172 changes: 86 additions & 86 deletions locale/pt-pt/translation.js
Expand Up @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ export const pt_pt_translation = {
// NOTA: Se uma seção NÃO precisar ser traduzida, deixe-a vazia.

// General words
amount: '', //Amount
staking: '', //Staking
wallet: '', //Wallet
display: '', //Display
activity: '', //Activity
amount: 'Quantia', //Amount
staking: 'Staking', //Staking
wallet: 'Carteira', //Wallet
display: 'Mostrar', //Display
activity: 'Atividade', //Activity

// Nav Bar
navDashboard: 'Painel', //Dashboard
navStake: 'Construção', //Stake
navStake: 'Stake', //Stake
navMasternode: 'Masternode', //Masternode
navGovernance: 'Governança', //Governance
navSettings: 'Configurações', //Settings
Expand All @@ -21,114 +21,114 @@ export const pt_pt_translation = {
footerBuiltWithPivxLabs: '', //Built with 💜 by PIVX Labs

// Intro
loading: '', //Loading
loadingTitle: '', //My PIVX Wallet is
loading: 'Carregar', //Loading
loadingTitle: 'A Minha Carteira PIVX', //My PIVX Wallet is

// Onboarding Dashboard
dashboardTitle: '', //Dashboard
dCardOneTitle: '', //Create a
dCardOneSubTitle: '', //New Wallet
dCardOneDesc: '', //Create a new PIVX wallet, offering the most secure backup & security methods.
dCardOneButton: '', //Create A New Wallet

dCardTwoTitle: '', //Create a new
dCardTwoSubTitle: '', //Vanity Wallet
dCardTwoDesc: '', //Create a wallet with a custom prefix, this can take a long time!
dCardTwoButton: '', //Create A Vanity Wallet

dCardThreeTitle: '', //Access your
dCardThreeSubTitle: '', //Hardware Wallet
dCardThreeDesc: '', //Use your Ledger Hardware wallet with MPW's familiar interface.
dCardThreeButton: '', //Access my Ledger

dCardFourTitle: '', //Go to
dCardFourSubTitle: '', //My Wallet
dCardFourDesc: '', //Import a PIVX wallet using a Private Key, xpriv, or Seed Phrase.
dCardFourButtonI: '', //Import Wallet
dCardFourButtonA: '', //Access My Wallet
dashboardTitle: 'Painel', //Dashboard
dCardOneTitle: 'Criar a', //Create a
dCardOneSubTitle: 'Nova Carteira', //New Wallet
dCardOneDesc: 'Crie uma carteira nova PIVX, oferecendo os métodos de backup e segurança mais seguros.', //Create a new PIVX wallet, offering the most secure backup & security methods.
dCardOneButton: 'Crie uma Carteira Nova', //Create A New Wallet

dCardTwoTitle: 'Criar Nova', //Create a new
dCardTwoSubTitle: 'Carteira Vanity', //Vanity Wallet
dCardTwoDesc: 'Criar uma carteira com um prefixo personalizado, isso pode levar muito tempo!', //Create a wallet with a custom prefix, this can take a long time!
dCardTwoButton: 'Criar uma Carteira Vanity', //Create A Vanity Wallet

dCardThreeTitle: 'Acesse a sua', //Access your
dCardThreeSubTitle: 'Carteira de hardware', //Hardware Wallet
dCardThreeDesc: 'Use a sua carteira Ledger Hardware com a interface familiar do MPW.', //Use your Ledger Hardware wallet with MPW's familiar interface.
dCardThreeButton: 'Acessar a minha Ledger', //Access my Ledger

dCardFourTitle: 'Vá para a', //Go to
dCardFourSubTitle: 'Minha Carteira', //My Wallet
dCardFourDesc: 'Importar uma carteira PIVX usando uma chave privada, xpriv ou Frase Inicial.', //Import a PIVX wallet using a Private Key, xpriv, or Seed Phrase.
dCardFourButtonI: 'Importar Carteira', //Import Wallet
dCardFourButtonA: 'Acessar a Minha Carteira', //Access My Wallet

// Seed Phrase Creation
thisIsYourSeed: '', //This is your seed phrase:
writeDownSeed: '', //Write it down somewhere. You'll only see this <b>once!</b>
doNotShareWarning: '', //Anyone with a copy of it can access <b>all</b> of your funds.
doNotShare: '', //Do NOT share it with anybody.
digitalStoreNotAdvised: '', //It is <b>NOT</b> advised to store this digitally.
optionalPassphrase: '', //Optional Passphrase
writtenDown: '', //I have written down my seed phrase
thisIsYourSeed: 'Esta é a sua frase inicial:', //This is your seed phrase:
writeDownSeed: 'Escreva em um lugar. Você só vai ver isso <b>uma vez!</b>', //Write it down somewhere. You'll only see this <b>once!</b>
doNotShareWarning: 'Qualquer pessoa com uma cópia dela pode acessar <b> a todos</b> os seus fundos', //Anyone with a copy of it can access <b>all</b> of your funds.
doNotShare: 'NÃO a compartilhe com ninguém.', //Do NOT share it with anybody.
digitalStoreNotAdvised: '<b>NÃO</b> é aconselhável armazená-lo digitalmente.', //It is <b>NOT</b> advised to store this digitally.
optionalPassphrase: 'Frase Senha Opcional', //Optional Passphrase
writtenDown: 'Eu escrevi a minha frase-inicial', //I have written down my seed phrase

// Wallet Dashboard
gettingStarted: '', //Getting Started
secureYourWallet: '', //Secure your wallet
unlockWallet: '', //Unlock wallet
lockWallet: '', //Lock wallet
gettingStarted: 'A Começar', //Getting Started
secureYourWallet: 'Proteja a sua carteira', //Secure your wallet
unlockWallet: 'Desbloquear a carteira', //Unlock wallet
lockWallet: 'Fechar a carteira', //Lock wallet

// Wallet Dashboard Sub-menu
balanceBreakdown: '', //Balance Breakdown
viewOnExplorer: '', //View on Explorer
export: '', //Export
refreshAddress: '', //Refresh address
redeemOrCreateCode: '', //Redeem or Create Code
balanceBreakdown: 'Composição do Saldo', //Balance Breakdown
viewOnExplorer: 'Ver no Explorador ', //View on Explorer
export: 'Exportar', //Export
refreshAddress: 'Atualizar endereço', //Refresh address
redeemOrCreateCode: 'Resgatar ou Criar Código', //Redeem or Create Code

// Send
transfer: '', //Transfer
address: '', //Address
sendAmountCoinsMax: '', //MAX
paymentRequestMessage: '', //Description (from the merchant)
send: '', //Send
transfer: 'Transferir', //Transfer
address: 'Endereço', //Address
sendAmountCoinsMax: 'Máximo', //MAX
paymentRequestMessage: 'Descrição (do destino)', //Description (from the merchant)
send: 'Enviar', //Send

// Export
privateKey: '', //Private Key
viewPrivateKey: '', //View Private Key?
privateWarning1: '', //Make sure no one can see your screen.
privateWarning2: '', //Anyone with this key can steal your funds.
viewKey: '', //View key
privateKey: 'Chave privada', //Private Key
viewPrivateKey: 'Mostrar a chave privada?', //View Private Key?
privateWarning1: 'Certifique-se de que ninguém está a ver o seu ecra.', //Make sure no one can see your screen.
privateWarning2: 'Qualquer pessoa com esta chave pode roubar os seus fundos', //Anyone with this key can steal your funds.
viewKey: 'Ver a chave', //View key

// PIVX Promos
// NOTE: for this below line, continue the sentence "PIVX Promos [...]", since 'PIVX Promos' is a brand, it is not translated.
pivxPromos: '', // [...] is a decentralised system for gift codes worth PIV
pivxPromos: '[...] um sistema descentralizado de códigos de presente no valor de PIV', // [...] is a decentralised system for gift codes worth PIV
// NOTE: on this line, if possible, leave 'PIVX Promos' untranslated
redeemInput: '', //Enter your 'PIVX Promos' code
createName: '', //Promo Name (Optional)
createAmount: '', //Promo Amount
redeemInput: 'Digite o seu código \'PIVX Promos\'', //Enter your 'PIVX Promos' code
createName: 'Nome da promoção (opcional)', //Promo Name (Optional)
createAmount: 'Valor promocional', //Promo Amount

// Stake
stake: '', //Stake
stakeUnstake: '', //Unstake
rewardHistory: '', //Reward History
loadMore: '', //Load more
rewardHistory: 'Histórico de recompensas', //Reward History
loadMore: 'Carregar mais', //Load more

// Masternode
mnControlYour: '', //Control your
mnSubtext: '', //From this tab you can create and access one or more masternodes
mnControlYour: 'Controle o seu', //Control your
mnSubtext: 'A partir deste guia, você pode criar e acessar um ou mais masternodes', //From this tab you can create and access one or more masternodes

// Governance
govSubtext: '', //From this tab you can check the proposals and, if you have a masternode, be a part of the <b>DAO</b> and vote!
govMonthlyBudget: '', //Monthly Budget
govAllocBudget: '', //Allocated Budget
govNextPayout: '', //Next Treasury Payout
govTableStatus: '', //STATUS
govTableName: '', //NAME
govTablePayment: '', //PAYMENT
govTableVotes: '', //VOTES
govTableVote: '', //VOTE
contestedProposalsTitle: '', //Contested Proposals
contestedProposalsDesc: '', //These are proposals that received an overwhelming amount of downvotes, making it likely spam or a highly contestable proposal.
govSubtext: 'Nesta aba você pode conferir as propostas e, se tiver um masternode, fazer parte do <b>DAO</b> e votar!', //From this tab you can check the proposals and, if you have a masternode, be a part of the <b>DAO</b> and vote!
govMonthlyBudget: 'Orçamento mensal', //Monthly Budget
govAllocBudget: 'Orçamento Alocado', //Allocated Budget
govNextPayout: 'Próximo Pagamento da Tesoraria', //Next Treasury Payout
govTableStatus: 'ESTADO', //STATUS
govTableName: 'NOME', //NAME
govTablePayment: 'PAGAMENTO', //PAYMENT
govTableVotes: 'VOTOS', //VOTES
govTableVote: 'VOTE', //VOTE
contestedProposalsTitle: 'Propostas Contestadas', //Contested Proposals
contestedProposalsDesc: 'Essas são as propostas que receberam uma quantidade esmagadora de votos negativos, tornando-as provavelmente spam ou uma proposta altamente contestável.', //These are proposals that received an overwhelming amount of downvotes, making it likely spam or a highly contestable proposal.

// Settings
settingsCurrency: '', //Choose a display currency:
settingsExplorer: '', //Choose an explorer:
settingsLanguage: '', //Choose a Language:
settingsPivxNode: '', //Choose a PIVX node:
settingsAutoSelectNet: '', //Auto-select Explorers and Nodes
settingsAnalytics: '', //Choose your analytics contribution level:
settingsToggleDebug: '', //Debug Mode
settingsToggleTestnet: '', //Testnet Mode
settingsCurrency: 'Escolha uma moeda de exibição:', //Choose a display currency:
settingsExplorer: 'Escolha um explorador:', //Choose an explorer:
settingsLanguage: 'Escolha um Idioma:', //Choose a Language:
settingsPivxNode: 'Escolha um node PIVX', //Choose a PIVX node:
settingsAutoSelectNet: 'Seleção automática de Exploradores e Nodes', //Auto-select Explorers and Nodes
settingsAnalytics: 'Escolha seu nível de contribuição analítica:', //Choose your analytics contribution level:
settingsToggleDebug: 'Modo de depuração', //Debug Mode
settingsToggleTestnet: 'Modo Testnet', //Testnet Mode

// Transparency Report
transparencyReport: '', //"Transparency Report",
hit: '', //"A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent.",
time_to_sync: '', //"The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise.",
transaction: '', //"A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time.",
transparencyReport: '"Relatório de Transparência"', //"Transparency Report",
hit: '"Um ping a indicar o carregamento de um aplicativo, nenhum dado exclusivo é enviado."', //"A ping indicating an app load, no unique data is sent.",
time_to_sync: '"O tempo em segundos que o MPW levou para sincronizar pela última vez."', //"The time in seconds it took for MPW to last synchronise.",
transaction: '"Um ping indicando um Tx, nenhum dado exclusivo é enviado, mas pode ser inferido a partir do tempo na rede."', //"A ping indicating a Tx, no unique data is sent, but may be inferred from on-chain time.",

// Alerts
ALERTS: '<-- DO NOT EDIT! All below entries are for Alert Popups',
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