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Tftpd64 Setup (advanced)

Philippe Jounin edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 1 revision

Tftpd32 advanced setup

Some options are available only by modifying the registry entries.

Tftpd32 saves its configuration into the registry. The key used is : \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TFTPD32

It uses the following entries :

Parameter Description
BaseDirectory Type Char : The base directory
Beep Type BOOL
DirText Type BOOL.
Hide Type BOOL.
LocalIP Type Char: The IP address of the enabled interface. Empty string if unused.
MaxRetransmit Type DWORD.
Negociate Type BOOL.
SecurityLevel Type DWORD. O -> None, 1 Standard, 2 High
Services Type DWORD. The services activated at startup
0x0001 Tftp server
0x0002 Tftp client
0x0008 Syslog server
ShowProgressBar Type BOOL.
TftpLogFile Type Char: Name of the logging file, Empty string if unused.
TftpPort Type DWORD.
Timeout Type DWORD.
UnixStrings Type BOOL
WinSize Type DWORD: The size of anticipation window
SyslogFile Type Char : Name of the syslog log file. Empty string if unused.
VirtualRoot Type BOOL : TRUE if '/' should be interpreted as the base directory
LowestUDPPort Type DWORD:lowest port use for file transfer (0 for default port assignation)
HighestUDPPort Type DWORD:highest port use for file transfer

DHCP part saves its configuration into the registry. The key used is : \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TFTPD32\DHCP Those values should be changed using the DHCP Server view.

parameter type
IP_Pool Type DWORD.
PoolSize Type DWORD
BootFile Type CHAR.
Mask Type DWORD.
Gateway Type DWORD.
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