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fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies (#406)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | Type |
Update |
| [@codemirror/view]( | [`6.7.1` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@commitlint/config-conventional](
([source]( |
[`17.3.0` ->
| devDependencies | minor |
| [@grpc/grpc-js](
([source]( | [`1.8.0` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@mikro-orm/cli](
([source]( | [`5.6.3` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@mikro-orm/core](
([source]( | [`5.6.3` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@mikro-orm/mariadb](
([source]( | [`5.6.3` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@mikro-orm/migrations](
([source]( | [`5.6.3` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@mikro-orm/mysql](
([source]( | [`5.6.3` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@mikro-orm/seeder](
([source]( | [`5.6.3` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@sinclair/typebox]( |
[`0.25.16` ->
| dependencies | patch |
| [@sinclair/typebox]( |
[`0.25.16` ->
| devDependencies | patch |
| [ajv](
([source]( | [`8.11.2` ->
`8.12.0`]( |
| dependencies | minor |
| [`1.13.5` ->
| devDependencies | patch |
| [jest-extended]( |
[`3.2.1` ->
`3.2.2`]( |
| devDependencies | patch |
| [node]( | [`18.12.1` ->
`18.13.0`]( |
| volta | minor |
| [pnpm]( ([source]( |
[`7.21.0` ->
`7.22.0`]( |
| packageManager | minor |
| [postcss](
([source]( | [`8.4.20` ->
`8.4.21`]( |
| devDependencies | patch |
| [random-words]( |
[`1.2.0` ->
`1.2.1`]( |
| dependencies | patch |


### Release Notes




##### Bug fixes

Fix a regression where the cursor didn't restart its blink cycle when
moving it with the pointer.

Even without a `key` property, measure request objects that are already
scheduled will not be scheduled again by `requestMeasure`.

Fix an issue where keymaps incorrectly interpreted key events that used
Ctrl+Alt modifiers to simulate AltGr on Windows.

Fix a bug where line decorations with a different `class` property would
be treated as equal.

Fix a bug that caused `drawSelection` to not notice when it was

Fix a crash in the gutter extension caused by sharing of mutable arrays.

Fix a regression that caused touch selection on mobile platforms to not
work in an uneditable editor.

Fix a bug where DOM events on the boundary between lines could get
assigned to the wrong line.





**Note:** Version bump only for package









##### Bug Fixes

- **core:** improve inference of driver exported `MikroORM.init()`
- **core:** respect transaction context in `em.execute()`
- **mongo:** register serialized PK get/set pair only when explicitly
- **mongo:** respect field names in batch update conditions

##### Features

- **cli:** check database connection in debug command
- **core:** add getResultAndCount()









- fix JTD serialisation (remove leading comma in objects with only
optional properties)
- empty JTD "values" schema
- empty object to work with JTD utility type
- fix JTD "discriminator" schema for objects with more than 8 properties
- correctly narrow "number" type to "integer"
-   update Node.js versions in CI to 14, 16, 18 and 19





- test: update expected files since babel upgraded
- feat: 新增SequenceExpression支持





#### What's Changed

- fix(types): add vitest support for AsymmetricMatchers by
[@&#8203;rluvaton]( in

#### New Contributors

- [@&#8203;rluvaton]( made their first
contribution in

**Full Changelog**:



2023-01-05, Version 18.13.0 &#x27;Hydrogen&#x27; (LTS),


##### Notable changes

##### Add support for externally shared js builtins

By default Node.js is built so that all dependencies are bundled into
the Node.js binary itself. Some Node.js distributions prefer to manage
dependencies externally. There are existing build options that allow
dependencies with native code to be externalized. This commit adds
additional options so that dependencies with JavaScript code (including
WASM) can also be externalized. This addition does not affect binaries
shipped by the Node.js project but will allow other distributions to
externalize additional dependencies when needed.

Contributed by Michael Dawson in

##### Introduce `File`

The File class is part of the [FileAPI](
It can be used anywhere a Blob can, for example in `URL.createObjectURL`
and `FormData`. It contains two properties that Blobs do not have:
`lastModified`, the last time the file was modified in ms, and `name`,
the name of the file.

Contributed by Khafra in

##### Support function mocking on Node.js test runner

The `node:test` module supports mocking during testing via a top-level

test('spies on an object method', (t) => {
  const number = {
    value: 5,
    add(a) {
      return this.value + a;
  t.mock.method(number, 'add');

  assert.strictEqual(number.add(3), 8);
  assert.strictEqual(number.add.mock.calls.length, 1);

Contributed by Colin Ihrig in

##### Other notable changes

-   **build**:
- disable v8 snapshot compression by default (Joyee Cheung)
-   **crypto**:
- update root certificates (Luigi Pinca)
-   **deps**:
- update ICU to 72.1 (Michaël Zasso)
-   **doc**:
- add doc-only deprecation for headers/trailers setters (Rich Trott)
- add Rafael to the tsc (Michael Dawson)
- deprecate use of invalid ports in `url.parse` (Antoine du Hamel)
- add lukekarrys to collaborators (Luke Karrys)
- add anonrig to collaborators (Yagiz Nizipli)
- deprecate url.parse() (Rich Trott)
-   **lib**:
- drop fetch experimental warning (Matteo Collina)
-   **net**:
- (SEMVER-MINOR) add autoSelectFamily and autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout
options (Paolo Insogna)
-   **src**:
- (SEMVER-MINOR) add uvwasi version (Jithil P Ponnan)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) add initial shadow realm support (Chengzhong Wu)
-   **test_runner**:
- (SEMVER-MINOR) add t.after() hook (Colin Ihrig)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) don't use a symbol for runHook() (Colin Ihrig)
-   **tls**:
- (SEMVER-MINOR) add "ca" property to certificate object (Ben Noordhuis)
- remove trustcor root ca certificates (Ben Noordhuis)
-   **tools**:
- update certdata.txt (Luigi Pinca)
-   **util**:
- add fast path for utf8 encoding (Yagiz Nizipli)
- improve textdecoder decode performance (Yagiz Nizipli)
- (SEMVER-MINOR) add MIME utilities
(Bradley Farias)

##### Commits

- \[[`40123a6bb0`](]
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **async_hooks**: add hook to stop propagation
(Gerhard Stöbich)
- \[[`9925d20ed8`](]
- **benchmark**: add variety of inputs to text-encoder (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`5e167bd658`](]
- **benchmark**: make benchmarks runnable in older versions of Node.js
(Joyee Cheung)
- \[[`a1421623ac`](]
- **benchmark**: add v8 serialize benchmark (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`fcf61884cc`](]
- **benchmark**: add text-encoder benchmark (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`762d285c98`](]
- **benchmark**: add parameters to text-decoder benchmark (Yagiz
Nizipli) [#&#8203;45363](
- \[[`ab891ecbff`](]
- **benchmark**: fix text-decoder benchmark (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`1ed312a737`](]
- **benchmark**: add blob benchmark (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`2ee3d81277`](]
- **bootstrap**: merge main thread and worker thread initializations
(Joyee Cheung)
- \[[`e638ea4f48`](]
- **bootstrap**: check more metadata when loading the snapshot (Joyee
Cheung) [#&#8203;44132](
- \[[`bfcf4f0046`](]
- **buffer**: make decodeUTF8 params loose (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`3a7f3d5993`](]
- **(SEMVER-MINOR)** **buffer**: introduce File (Khafra)
- \[[`345b847aa6`](]
- **buffer**: fix validation of options in `Blob` constructor (Antoine
du Hamel) [#&#8203;45156](
- \[[`1ddc438444`](]
- **build**: disable v8 snapshot compression by default (Joyee Cheung)
- \[[`bd1a2fbd91`](]
- **build**: add python 3.11 support for android (Mohammed Keyvanzadeh)
- \[[`2b0ace302d`](]
- **build**: rework gyp files for zlib (Richard Lau)
- \[[`5ab7a30a06`](]
- **build**: avoid redefined macro (Michaël Zasso)
- \[[`f58b32c22e`](]
- **build**: fix env.h for cpp20 (Jiawen Geng)
- \[[`1de1f679ec`](]
- ***Revert*** "**build**: remove precompiled header and debug
information for host builds" (Stefan Stojanovic)
- \[[`89d1eb58b0`](]
- **build**: add --v8-disable-object-print flag (MURAKAMI Masahiko)
- \[[`f2a4def232`](]
- **build**: make scripts in gyp run with right python (Jiawen Geng)
- \[[`473a879c91`](]
- **build**: workaround for node-core-utils (Jiawen Geng)
- \[[`abcc034c61`](]
- **build**: fix icu-small build with ICU 72.1 (Steven R. Loomis)
- \[[`8a99221a21`](]
- **build**: remove unused language files (Ben Noordhuis)
- \[[`3fb44f9413`](]
- **build**: add GitHub token to auto-start-ci workflow (Richard Lau)
- \[[`2aac993bb2`](]
- **build**: add version info to timezone update PR (Darshan Sen)
- \[[`0db19b3c60`](]
- **build**: support Python 3.11 (Luigi Pinca)
- \[[`fb008a2e9b`](]
- **build,deps,src**: fix Intel VTune profiling support (Shi Lei)
- \[[`61bc27a5b4`](]
- **build,win**: pass --debug-nghttp2 to configure (Santiago Gimeno)
- \[[`7b68c06988`](]
- **child_process**: validate arguments for null bytes (Darshan Sen)
- \[[`bac6b7d900`](]
- **crypto**: simplify lazy loading of internal modules (Antoine du
Hamel) [#&#8203;45809](
- \[[`2fbf95662c`](]
- **crypto**: fix CipherBase Update int32 overflow (Marco Ippolito)
- \[[`0100fd445b`](]
- **crypto**: refactor ArrayBuffer to bigint conversion utils (Antoine
du Hamel) [#&#8203;45567](
- \[[`fa0a2d8e5d`](]
- **crypto**: refactor verify acceptable key usage functions (Filip
Skokan) [#&#8203;45569](
- \[[`ef64b86d0d`](]
- **crypto**: fix ECDH webcrypto public CryptoKey usages (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`b92b80424a`](]
- **crypto**: validate CFRG webcrypto JWK import "d" and "x" are a pair
(Filip Skokan)
- \[[`621e3c9cd4`](]
- **crypto**: use DataError for CFRG webcrypto raw and jwk import key
checks (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`8fcfbeffe1`](]
- **crypto**: use DataError for webcrypto keyData import failures (Filip
Skokan) [#&#8203;45569](
- \[[`a976a63138`](]
- **crypto**: fix X25519 and X448 webcrypto public CryptoKey usages
(Filip Skokan)
- \[[`27adcc9c4b`](]
- **crypto**: ensure "x" is present when importing private CFRG
webcrypto keys (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`f27ebab56c`](]
- **crypto**: clear OpenSSL error queue after calling
X509\_check_private_key() (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`319ae095fb`](]
- **crypto**: update root certificates (Luigi Pinca)
- \[[`dae92e78d6`](]
- **crypto**: clear OpenSSL error queue after calling X509\_verify()
(Takuro Sato)
- \[[`1ba1809dfd`](]
- **crypto**: handle more webcrypto errors with OperationError (Filip
Skokan) [#&#8203;45320](
- \[[`b54f8761ae`](]
- **crypto**: handle unsupported AES ciphers in webcrypto (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`57f507f1dd`](]
- **crypto**: fix webcrypto HMAC "get key length" in deriveKey and
generateKey (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`7565a75ee5`](]
- **crypto**: remove webcrypto HKDF and PBKDF2 default-applied lengths
(Filip Skokan)
- \[[`631421e8d0`](]
- **crypto**: simplify webcrypto ECDH deriveBits (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`c4f665f528`](]
- **deps**: V8: cherry-pick
(Danielle Adams)
- \[[`c04e1df396`](]
- ***Revert*** "**deps**: fix zlib compilation for CPUs without SIMD
features" (Luigi Pinca)
- \[[`34e708cded`](]
- **deps**: update undici to 5.13.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- \[[`33b0664bbe`](]
- **deps**: update corepack to 0.15.2 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- \[[`7b6d2a8ec0`](]
- **deps**: update nghttp2 to 1.51.0 (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`02eabaf409`](]
- **deps**: update base64 to 0.5.0 (Facundo Tuesca)
- \[[`7d26bf3c08`](]
- **deps**: V8: cherry-pick
[`9df5ef7`]( (Yagiz
Nizipli) [#&#8203;45474](
- \[[`43419ad6bc`](]
- **deps**: fix zlib compilation for CPUs without SIMD features (Anna
Henningsen) [#&#8203;45387](
- \[[`978cfad005`](]
- **deps**: update zlib to upstream
[`8bbd6c3`]( (Luigi
Pinca) [#&#8203;45387](
- \[[`72362f348c`](]
- **deps**: update acorn to 8.8.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- \[[`17a89d1f4e`](]
- **deps**: V8: cherry-pick
(Michaël Zasso)
- \[[`bbe67c484a`](]
- **deps**: upgrade npm to 8.19.3 (npm team)
- \[[`a274d6bc0d`](]
- **deps**: update corepack to 0.15.1 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- \[[`c9c958e188`](]
- **deps**: upgrade to libuv 1.44.2 (Luigi Pinca)
- \[[`07b47ad58c`](]
- **deps**: update corepack to 0.15.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- \[[`bb6e8b1972`](]
- **deps**: update undici to 5.12.0 (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- \[[`596e3a8f2f`](]
- **deps**: V8: cherry-pick
(Jiawen Geng)
- \[[`2088cb4744`](]
- **deps**: patch V8 to (Michaël Zasso)
- \[[`6ea555e8ac`](]
- **deps**: V8: cherry-pick
(Michaël Zasso)
- \[[`6d8c0f0efd`](]
- **deps**: update timezone to 2022f (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- \[[`3b73aa416f`](]
- **deps**: update ICU to 72.1 (Michaël Zasso)
- \[[`555d1723b1`](]
- **deps**: update timezone (Node.js GitHub Bot)
- \[[`5c0fcc13f7`](]
- **deps**: patch V8 to (Michaël Zasso)
- \[[`1a47a7bbed`](]
- **diagnostics_channel**: fix diagnostics channel memory leak
(theanarkh) [#&#8203;45633](
- \[[`40a29aabbc`](]
- **diagnostics_channel**: built-in channels should remain experimental
(Stephen Belanger)
- \[[`2752f543bc`](]
- **diagnostics_channel**: mark as stable (Stephen Belanger)
- \[[`9ceed7a1cc`](]
- **dns**: fix port validation (Antoine du Hamel)
- \[[`108220cb05`](]
- **doc**: buffer.fill empty value (Marco Ippolito)
- \[[`b5ad92fea2`](]
- **doc**: add args of filter option of fs.cp (MURAKAMI Masahiko)
- \[[`899ba3d3c2`](]
- **doc**: disambiguate `native module` to `addon` (Daeyeon Jeong)
- \[[`6e35803789`](]
- **doc**: using console.error for error cases in crypto and events
(emirgoren) [#&#8203;45640](
- \[[`fcd0f71979`](]
- **doc**: fix actual result of example is different in events (Deokjin
Kim) [#&#8203;45656](
- \[[`8203c021dc`](]
- **doc**: add doc-only deprecation for headers/trailers setters (Rich
Trott) [#&#8203;45697](
- \[[`c1f90a5b7b`](]
- **doc**: add detail on how api docs are published (Michael Dawson)
- \[[`90e9951d30`](]
- **doc**: use console.error for error case in child_process and dgram
(Deokjin Kim)
- \[[`d9593ce98b`](]
- **doc**: move streaming instruc to doc/contributing (Michael Dawson)
- \[[`a3eb2dd9b4`](]
- **doc**: add Rafael to the tsc (Michael Dawson)
- \[[`fa8caa328f`](]
- **doc**: add missing line in debugger (Deokjin Kim)
- \[[`3fb5c6d3c5`](]
- **doc**: fix actual result of example is different in stream (Deokjin
Kim) [#&#8203;45619](
- \[[`8a1e556899`](]
- **doc**: add `options` parameter to eventTarget.removeEventListener
(Deokjin Kim)
- \[[`6881188f0f`](]
- **doc**: define "react-native" community condition (Alex Hunt)
- \[[`53e01f650f`](]
- **doc**: move os.machine() docs to sorted position (Colin Ihrig)
- \[[`0669712cbd`](]
- **doc**: use console.error for error case in fs, https, net and
process (Deokjin Kim)
- \[[`ebc89f15fe`](]
- **doc**: add link to doc with social processes (Michael Dawson)
- \[[`b771fdb6f8`](]
- **doc**: deprecate use of invalid ports in `url.parse` (Antoine du
Hamel) [#&#8203;45576](
- \[[`6a36159764`](]
- **doc**: clarify changes in readableFlowing (Kohei Ueno)
- \[[`30a8604143`](]
- **doc**: use console.error for error case in http2 (Deokjin Kim)
- \[[`8e94339891`](]
- **doc**: add version description about fsPromise.constants (chlorine)
- \[[`203ca494a1`](]
- **doc**: add missing documentation for paramEncoding (Tobias Nießen)
- \[[`31233b2064`](]
- **doc**: fix typo in threat model (Tobias Nießen)
- \[[`e851c43c54`](]
- **doc**: add Node.js Threat Model (Rafael Gonzaga)
- \[[`34c2876541`](]
- **doc**: run license-builder (github-actions\[bot])
- \[[`dde8740af3`](]
- **doc**: add async_hooks migration note (Geoffrey Booth)
- \[[`e304628fb5`](]
- **doc**: fix RESOLVE_ESM_MATCH in (翠 / green)
- \[[`8b44c6121e`](]
- **doc**: add arm64 to os.machine() (Carter Snook)
- \[[`009adc7e21`](]
- **doc**: add lint rule to enforce trailing commas (Antoine du Hamel)
- \[[`c6b89abc5f`](]
- **doc**: adjust wording to eliminate awkward typography (Konv)
- \[[`785817e341`](]
- **doc**: fix typo in (Tobias Nießen)
- \[[`00e02bda3a`](]
- **doc**: allow for holidays in triage response (Michael Dawson)
- \[[`bef5206b84`](]
- **doc**: include last security release date (Juan José Arboleda)
- \[[`846b1aefac`](]
- **doc**: fix email for Ashley (Michael Dawson)
- \[[`913b669a2b`](]
- **doc**: fix test runner's only tests section header (Colin Ihrig)
- \[[`691da886f1`](]
- **doc**: run license-builder (github-actions\[bot])
- \[[`90a28920de`](]
- **doc**: add more info for timer.setInterval (theanarkh)
- \[[`d2fc2aa666`](]
- **doc**: use module names in stability overview table (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`3f69d21b5c`](]
- **doc**: add `node:` prefix for examples (Daeyeon Jeong)
- \[[`a5c9b3c112`](]
- **doc**: update name of Node.js core Slack channel (Rich Trott)
- \[[`2bfd60b06f`](]
- **doc**: fix "task_processor.js" typo (andreysoktoev)
- \[[`248de57278`](]
- **doc**: add history section to `fetch`-related globals (Antoine du
Hamel) [#&#8203;45198](
- \[[`1f5975ef50`](]
- **doc**: clarify moderation in `` (Benjamin Gruenbaum)
- \[[`4e87c36570`](]
- **doc**: change make lint to make lint-md (RafaelGSS)
- \[[`3381a17d2c`](]
- **doc**: add more lts update steps to release guide (Ruy Adorno)
- \[[`64b0495310`](]
- **doc**: add bmuenzenmeyer to triagers (Brian Muenzenmeyer)
- \[[`6ebdb76727`](]
- **doc**: update process.release (Filip Skokan)
- \[[`05d89c4722`](]
- **doc**: add link to triage guide (Brian Muenzenmeyer)
- \[[`f1aa82fd3c`](]
- **doc**: mark Node.js 12 as End-of-Life (Rafael Gonzaga)
- \[[`da6f308612`](]
- **doc**: add lukekarrys to collaborators (Luke Karrys)
- \[[`17380a1e6a`](]
- **doc**: update mark release line lts on release guide (Ruy Adorno)
- \[[`3ddb6ccb2a`](]
- **doc**: be more definite and present tense-y (Ben Noordhuis)
- \[[`b09c386208`](]
- **doc**: add major version note to release guide (Ruy Adorno)
- \[[`896b48b549`](]
- **doc**: fix v14.x link maintaining openssl guide (RafaelGSS)
- \[[`33b3d8646b`](]
- **doc**: add note about latest GitHub release (Michaël Zasso)
- \[[`5e76bf5cd5`](]
- **doc**: mention v18.x openssl maintaining guide (Rafael Gonzaga)
- \[[`b4e3f3f095`](]
- **doc**: fix display of "problematic" ASCII characters (John Gardner)
- \[[`8bb23a4da3`](]
- **doc**: mark Node.js v17.x as EOL (KaKa)
- \[[`3f89dcabdb`](]
- **doc**: update Node.js 16 End-of-Life date (Richard Lau)
- \[[`7b23ec47b0`](]
- **doc**: fix typo in parseArgs default value (Tobias Nießen)
- \[[`7da66ef9e7`](]
- **doc**: updated security stewards (Michael Dawson)
- \[[`e5f9a520e2`](]
- **doc**: fix http and http2 writeEarlyHints() parameter (Fabian Meyer)
- \[[`e41a39c2b9`](]
- **doc**: run license-builder (github-actions\[bot])
- \[[`875de23ee9`](]
- **doc**: improve the workflow to test release binaries (Rafael
Gonzaga) [#&#8203;45004](
- \[[`d7fc12f647`](]
- **doc**: fix undici version in changelog (Michael Dawson)
- \[[`4494cb2e82`](]
- **doc**: add info on fixup to security release process (Michael
Dawson) [#&#8203;44807](
- \[[`88351b9758`](]
- **doc**: add anonrig to collaborators (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`aebf7453d7`](]
- **doc**: add notable changes to latest v18.x release changelog
(Danielle Adams)
- \[[`b4cc30e18c`](]
- **doc**: deprecate url.parse() (Rich Trott)
- \[[`4fcbc92788`](]
- **doc**: fix backticks in fs API docs (Livia Medeiros)
- \[[`cc1f41a57e`](]
- **doc, async_hooks**: improve and add migration hints (Gerhard
Stöbich) [#&#8203;45369](
- \[[`6fb74a995d`](]
- **doc, http**: add Uint8Array as allowed type (Gerhard Stöbich)
- \[[`066993a10a`](]
- **esm**: add JSDoc property descriptions for loader (Rich Trott)
- \[[`fa210f91df`](]
- **esm**: add JSDoc property descriptions for fetch (Rich Trott)
- \[[`2f27d058c2`](]
- **esm**: protect ESM loader from prototype pollution (Antoine du
Hamel) [#&#8203;45175](
- \[[`46ded6b96e`](]
- **esm**: protect ESM loader from prototype pollution (Antoine du
Hamel) [#&#8203;45044](
- \[[`3bb764a58a`](]
- **events**: add unique events benchmark (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`b305ad46fd`](]
- **fs**: fix fs.rm support for loop symlinks (Nathanael Ruf)
- \[[`c2f0377b8f`](]
- **fs**: update todo message (Yagiz Nizipli)
- \[[`1db20c84e1`](]
- **fs**: fix opts.filter issue in cpSync (Tho)
- \[[`da302ce15b`](]
- **fs**: trace more fs api (theanarkh)
- \[[`9ab00f5fbd`](]
- **gyp**: fix v8 canary build on aix (Vasili Skurydzin)
- \[[`cbd710bbf4`](]
- **http**: make `OutgoingMessage` more streamlike (Robert Nagy)
- \[[`209e7e3cff`](]
- **http**: add debug log for ERR_UNESCAPED_CHARACTERS (Aidan Temple)
- \[[`3937118f5e`](]
- **http**: add JSDoc property descriptions (Rich Trott)
- \[[`f222c95209`](]
- **http**: add priority to common http headers (James M Snell)
- \[[`2882e6042e`](]
- ***Revert*** "**http**: do not leak error listeners" (Luigi Pinca)
- \[[`b45878b2f1`](]
- **http2**: improve session close/destroy procedures (Santiago Gimeno)
- \[[`a534175aa5`](]
- **http2**: fix crash on Http2Stream::diagnostic_name() (Santiago
Gimeno) [#&#8203;45123](
- \[[`0b9f11bcbe`](]
- **http2**: fix debugStream method (Santiago Gimeno)



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Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
renovate[bot] committed Jan 9, 2023
1 parent 36978a2 commit 1e8a8f8
Show file tree
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Showing 10 changed files with 356 additions and 346 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion apps/auth/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"@scow/config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-ssh": "workspace:*",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.16",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.17",
"asn1": "0.2.6",
"fastify": "4.11.0",
"fastify-graceful-shutdown": "3.4.0",
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions apps/mis-server/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
"dependencies": {
"@ddadaal/tsgrpc-server": "0.18.1",
"@ddadaal/tsgrpc-common": "0.2.0",
"@grpc/grpc-js": "1.8.0",
"@mikro-orm/cli": "5.6.3",
"@mikro-orm/core": "5.6.3",
"@mikro-orm/mariadb": "5.6.3",
"@mikro-orm/migrations": "5.6.3",
"@mikro-orm/mysql": "5.6.3",
"@mikro-orm/seeder": "5.6.3",
"@grpc/grpc-js": "1.8.1",
"@mikro-orm/cli": "5.6.4",
"@mikro-orm/core": "5.6.4",
"@mikro-orm/mariadb": "5.6.4",
"@mikro-orm/migrations": "5.6.4",
"@mikro-orm/mysql": "5.6.4",
"@mikro-orm/seeder": "5.6.4",
"@scow/config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-decimal": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-slurm": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-ssh": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-config": "workspace:*",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.16",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.17",
"@scow/lib-auth": "workspace:*",
"@scow/protos": "workspace:*",
"dotenv": "16.0.3",
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions apps/mis-web/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
"@codemirror/legacy-modes": "6.3.1",
"@codemirror/state": "6.2.0",
"@codemirror/theme-one-dark": "6.1.0",
"@codemirror/view": "6.7.1",
"@codemirror/view": "6.7.2",
"@ddadaal/next-typed-api-routes-runtime": "0.5.2",
"@ddadaal/tsgrpc-client": "0.17.2",
"@grpc/grpc-js": "1.8.0",
"@grpc/grpc-js": "1.8.1",
"@scow/config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-auth": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-decimal": "workspace:*",
"@scow/protos": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-web": "workspace:*",
"@scow/utils": "workspace:*",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.16",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.17",
"antd": "5.1.2",
"dayjs": "1.11.7",
"codemirror": "6.0.1",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
"@types/react": "18.0.26",
"@types/react-dom": "18.0.10",
"@types/styled-components": "5.1.26",
"babel-plugin-import": "1.13.5",
"postcss": "8.4.20",
"babel-plugin-import": "1.13.6",
"postcss": "8.4.21",
"webpack": "5.75.0"
"browserslist": {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions apps/portal-server/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
"dependencies": {
"@ddadaal/tsgrpc-server": "0.18.1",
"@ddadaal/tsgrpc-common": "0.2.0",
"@grpc/grpc-js": "1.8.0",
"@grpc/grpc-js": "1.8.1",
"@scow/config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-slurm": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-ssh": "workspace:*",
"@scow/protos": "workspace:*",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.16",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.17",
"dotenv": "16.0.3",
"node-cron": "3.0.2",
"uuid": "9.0.0",
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions apps/portal-web/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
"@codemirror/legacy-modes": "6.3.1",
"@codemirror/state": "6.2.0",
"@codemirror/theme-one-dark": "6.1.0",
"@codemirror/view": "6.7.1",
"@codemirror/view": "6.7.2",
"@ddadaal/next-typed-api-routes-runtime": "0.5.2",
"@ddadaal/tsgrpc-client": "0.17.2",
"@grpc/grpc-js": "1.8.0",
"@grpc/grpc-js": "1.8.1",
"@scow/config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-config": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-auth": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-decimal": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-ssh": "workspace:*",
"@scow/utils": "workspace:*",
"@scow/lib-web": "workspace:*",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.16",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.17",
"@scow/protos": "workspace:*",
"antd": "5.1.2",
"busboy": "1.6.0",
Expand All @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"next-transpile-modules": "10.0.0",
"nookies": "2.5.2",
"nprogress": "0.2.0",
"random-words": "1.2.0",
"random-words": "1.2.1",
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-async": "10.0.1",
"react-dom": "18.2.0",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
"@types/url-join": "4.0.1",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "29.3.1",
"node-mocks-http": "1.12.1",
"postcss": "8.4.20",
"postcss": "8.4.21",
"webpack": "5.75.0",
"ts-log": "2.2.5"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"@algolia/client-search": "4.14.3",
"@docusaurus/module-type-aliases": "2.2.0",
"@scow/config": "workspace:*",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.16",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.17",
"@tsconfig/docusaurus": "1.0.6",
"@types/react": "18.0.18",
"typescript": "4.9.4"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libs/config/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@scow/lib-config": "workspace:*",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.16"
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.17"
"volta": {
"extends": "../../package.json"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions libs/libconfig/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.16",
"ajv": "8.11.2",
"@sinclair/typebox": "0.25.17",
"ajv": "8.12.0",
"ajv-formats": "2.1.1",
"envalid": "7.3.1",
"js-yaml": "4.1.0"
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"turbo": "1.6.3",
"@ddadaal/eslint-config": "1.9.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "17.3.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "17.4.0",
"@types/jest": "29.2.5",
"@types/node": "18.11.18",
"@types/rimraf": "3.0.2",
Expand All @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"eslint-plugin-license-header": "0.6.0",
"husky": "8.0.3",
"jest": "29.3.1",
"jest-extended": "3.2.1",
"jest-extended": "3.2.2",
"nodemon": "2.0.20",
"pino-pretty": "9.1.1",
"pkg": "5.8.0",
Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"concurrently": "7.6.0"
"volta": {
"node": "18.12.1"
"node": "18.13.0"
"packageManager": "pnpm@7.21.0"
"packageManager": "pnpm@7.22.0"

0 comments on commit 1e8a8f8

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