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Implemented Clojures persistent vectors in Nim
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PMunch committed Jul 21, 2017
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Persistent Vector
This is an implementation of Clojures persistent vectors in Nim. The default branching factor is 32 as in Clojure, but can be changed by using the boot switch `-d:persvectorbits=n` where n is the power of two to use as the branching factor (and thus defaults to 5 for 32-way branching).

For more information see the vector.nim file and it's doc-strings.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions example.nim
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
## This is a file which shows most of the implemented features of the
## persistent vector data structure. It was created to test the algorithms
## during the implementation

import vector

# Create an empty vector of ints and a sequence of vectors
var vec = initVector[int]()
var vecs = @[vec]

# Add numbers to the vector and store the produced vectors in the sequence. Note that this was tested with a node size of 2 or 4 to increase the branching. 64 numbers only ever branches once.
#for i in 0..1_000_000:
for i in 0..64:
vecs.add(vecs[vecs.high].add i)

# Add some vectors which delete a field
vecs.add vecs[vecs.high].delete
vecs.add vecs[vecs.high].delete

# Add a vector that has a field updated:
vecs.add vecs[vecs.high-5].update(10, 100)

# Grab a slice from the vector (Note that this returns a regular sequence)
echo vecs[vecs.high][20..30]

# Create a completely new vector created from a sequence
var strVec = @["Hello", "world!", "How", "is", "it", "going?", "Persistent", "vectors", "are", "cool!"].toPersistentVector
# And create a new update of it
var neatVec = strVec.update(strVec.len-1, "neat!")

for nvec in vecs:
echo "len: " & $nvec.len
echo $nvec
echo "---"

echo "len: " & $strVec.len
echo $strVec
echo "---"

echo "len: " & $neatVec.len
echo $neatVec

#echo getOccupiedMem()

279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions vector.nim
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@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
## This module implements Clojures persistent vectors with tail optimisation.
## For more information about those please see the blogpost series:
## which
## was used as a reference for this implementation.
## Persistent, or immutable, data structures are important for many functional
## workloads. Instead of changing the data within them they have a structure
## which shares nodes with similar data so a minimal amount of data needs to
## be copied. This is not however only used for functional programming and have
## benefits for things like asynchronous programming and even systems which
## stores it's state to provide things like an undo feature.

const persvectorbits {.intdefine.}: int = 5

## These constants define how the node sharing is done. For Clojure BITS is
## set to 5, which gives 32 elements per node. Fewer bits means less copied
## data but a deeper tree and more work in maintaining it. More bits means
## more copied data but a shallower tree and less work. 32 is seen to be a
## good compromise between memory and computational performance.
BITS = persvectorbits
WIDTH = 1 shl BITS

NodeKind = enum
leaf, branch
VectorNode[T] = ref VectorNodeObj[T]
VectorNodeObj[T] = object
case kind: NodeKind
of leaf:
data: seq[T]
of branch:
children: seq[VectorNode[T]]
PersistentVector*[T] = ref object
tail: seq[T]
size: int
shifts: int
tree: VectorNode[T]

proc copyRef[T](theSeq: seq[T]): seq[T] {.noSideEffect.} =
shallowCopy(result, theSeq)

proc initVector*[T](): PersistentVector[T] {.noSideEffect.} =
new result
result.tail = @[]

proc add*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T], elem: T): PersistentVector[T] {.noSideEffect.} =
## Returns a new persistent vector with the element `elem` inserted at the end
new result
result.size = vec.size + 1
result.shifts = vec.shifts
if vec.tail.len != WIDTH:
result.tail.deepCopy vec.tail
result.tail.add elem
result.tree = vec.tree
if vec.tree == nil:
result.tree = VectorNode[T](kind: leaf, data: copyRef(vec.tail))
if vec.tree.kind == leaf:
result.tree = VectorNode[T](kind: branch, children: @[vec.tree])
var newChild = VectorNode[T](kind: leaf, data: copyRef(vec.tail))
result.tree.children.add newChild
result.shifts = BITS
var n = vec.size - vec.tail.len
while (n and (WIDTH - 1)) == 0:
n = n shr BITS
if n == 1:
result.tree = VectorNode[T](kind: branch, children: @[vec.tree])
level = vec.shifts
node = result.tree
result.shifts = 0
while level > 0:
var nnode = VectorNode[T](kind: branch, children: @[])
node.children.add nnode
node = nnode
level -= BITS
result.shifts += BITS
result.shifts += BITS
node.children.add VectorNode[T](kind: leaf, data: copyRef(vec.tail))
result.tree = VectorNode[T](kind: branch)
result.tree.children = vec.tree.children[0 .. ^1]
node = result.tree
level = vec.shifts
while level > 0:
let index = ((vec.size - vec.tail.len) shr level) and MASK
if node.children.high < index:
while level > BITS:
level -= BITS
node.children.add VectorNode[T](kind: branch, children: @[])
node = node.children[node.children.high]
node.children.add VectorNode[T](kind: leaf, data: copyRef(vec.tail))
let oldNode = node.children[index]
node.children[index] = VectorNode[T](kind: branch)
node = node.children[index]
node.children = oldNode.children[0 .. ^1]
level -= BITS

result.tail = @[elem]

proc update*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T], key: int, elem: T): PersistentVector[T] {.noSideEffect.} =
## Returns a new persistent vector with the element at `key` changed to `elem`
new result
result.size = vec.size
result.shifts = vec.shifts
if key >= vec.size - vec.tail.len:
result.tail = vec.tail[0 .. ^1]
result.tree = vec.tree
result.tail[key - (vec.size - vec.tail.len)] = elem
result.tail = vec.tail
result.tree = VectorNode[T](kind: vec.tree.kind)
if result.tree.kind == leaf: =[0 .. ^1][key] = elem
result.tree.children = vec.tree.children[0 .. ^1]
node = result.tree
level = vec.shifts
while level > 0:
index = (key shr level) and MASK
oldNode = node.children[index]
node.children[index] = VectorNode[T](kind: oldNode.kind)
node = node.children[index]
if oldNode.kind == branch:
node.children = oldNode.children[0 .. ^1]
else: =[0 .. ^1]
level -= BITS[key and MASK] = elem

proc delete*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T]): PersistentVector[T] {.noSideEffect.} =
## Returns a new persistent vector with the last element of the given vector missing.
new result
result.size = vec.size - 1
if vec.tail.len > 1:
result.shifts = vec.shifts
result.tree = vec.tree
result.tail = vec.tail[0 .. ^2]
if vec.tree.kind == leaf:
result.tree = nil
result.tail = copyRef(
var n = result.size - WIDTH
while (n and (WIDTH - 1)) == 0:
n = n shr BITS
# If new size of tree is power of WIDTH, the right branch of the tree only consists of one node to be promoted.
if n == 1:
result.tree = vec.tree.children[0]
var node = vec.tree.children[1]
while node.kind != leaf:
node = node.children[0]
result.tail = copyRef(
result.shifts = vec.shifts - BITS
result.shifts = vec.shifts
var vector = result
proc promoteRight[T](node: VectorNode[T]): VectorNode[T] =
if node.kind == branch:
let newNode = promoteRight(node.children[node.children.high])
if newNode == nil and node.children.len == 1:
return nil
result = VectorNode[T](kind: branch, children: node.children[0 .. ^2])
if newNode != nil:
result.children.add newNode
vector.tail = copyRef(
result = nil
result.tree = promoteRight(vec.tree)

proc toPersistentVector*[T](s: seq[T]): PersistentVector[T] =
## Returns a new persistent vector that contains all elements in the passed sequence. This copies all the data from the sequence.
result = PersistentVector[T](size: s.len)
var nodes: seq[VectorNode[T]] = newSeq[VectorNode[T]](s.len shr BITS)
result.tail = s[s.len - (s.len and MASK) .. ^1]
for i in 0..nodes.high:
nodes[i] = VectorNode[T](kind: leaf, data: s[WIDTH*i .. WIDTH*(i+1)-1])
while nodes.len > WIDTH:
result.shifts += BITS
var newNodes = newSeq[VectorNode[T]](nodes.len shr BITS + (if (nodes.len and MASK) != 0: 1 else: 0))
for j in 0..<newNodes.high:
newNodes[j] = VectorNode[T](kind: branch, children: nodes[j*WIDTH .. WIDTH*(j+1)-1])
newNodes[newNodes.high] = VectorNode[T](kind:branch, children: nodes[newNodes.high*WIDTH .. nodes.high])
nodes = newNodes
if nodes.len == 1:
result.tree = nodes[0]
result.shifts += BITS
result.tree = VectorNode[T](kind: branch, children: nodes)

proc `[]`*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T], key: int): T {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
## Access operator for persistent vectors
if key >= vec.size - vec.tail.len:
return vec.tail[key - (vec.size - vec.tail.len)]
level = vec.shifts
node = vec.tree
while level > 0:
let index = (key shr level) and MASK
node = node.children[index]
level -= BITS
return[key and MASK]

proc `[]`*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T], slice: Slice[int]): seq[T] {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
## Optimised slice operator for persistent vectors, returns a sequence
if slice.a >= vec.size - vec.tail.len:
return vec.tail[slice.a - (vec.size - vec.tail.len) .. slice.b - (vec.size - vec.tail.len)]
i = slice.a
e = min(slice.b, vec.size - vec.tail.len)
result = newSeq[T](slice.b - slice.a + 1)
while i < e:
level = vec.shifts
node = vec.tree
while level > 0:
let index = (i shr level) and MASK
node = node.children[index]
level -= BITS
let start:int = i and MASK
for d in[start ..]:
result[i-slice.a] = d
i += 1
if i > e:
if i <= slice.b:
result[i-slice.a .. slice.b-slice.a] = vec.tail[i - (vec.size - vec.tail.len) .. slice.b - (vec.size - vec.tail.len)]

iterator items*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T]): T {.noSideEffect.} =
## Optimised iterator for PersistentVector (could be optimised further)
var i = 0
if vec.tree != nil:
while i < vec.size - vec.tail.len:
level = vec.shifts
node = vec.tree
while level > 0:
let index = (i shr level) and MASK
node = node.children[index]
level -= BITS
for d in
yield d
i += WIDTH
for d in vec.tail:
yield d

proc len*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T]): int {.noSideEffect.} =
## Function to get length of a persistent vector (stored result, not calculated)
return vec.size

proc high*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T]): int {.noSideEffect.} =
## Function to get the highest valid index of the persistent vector
return vec.size-1

proc `$`*[T](vec: PersistentVector[T]): string {.noSideEffect.} =
## Returns a string representation of the elements in the persistent vector. Equal to `$vec[0 .. ^1]`
#return if vec.tree == nil: "nil" else: ($vec.shifts & " " & $vec.tree)
return $vec[0 .. vec.high]

proc `$`*(node: VectorNode): string {.noSideEffect.} =
## Returns a string representation of a vector node, for debugging.
if node.kind == leaf:
return "l" & $cast[int]( & ": " & $
return "b" & $cast[int](node) & ": " & $node.children

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