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Start ExternalProcess

mgrzywa edited this page May 31, 2017 · 3 revisions


PPoShTools -> Start-ExternalProcess.ps1


Runs external process.


Start-ExternalProcess [-Command] <String> [[-ArgumentList] <String>] 
[[-WorkingDirectory] <String>] [-CheckLastExitCode] [-ReturnLastExitCode] 
[-CheckStdErr] [[-FailOnStringPresence] <String>] [[-Credential] 
<PSCredential>] [[-Output] <PSReference>] [[-OutputStdErr] <PSReference>] 
[[-TimeoutInSeconds] <Int32>] [-Quiet] [-ReportOutputOnError] 
[[-IgnoreOutputRegex] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Runs an external process with proper logging and error handling. It fails if anything is present in stderr stream or if exitcode is non-zero.



Command to run.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: true


ArgumentList for Command.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


Working directory. Leave empty for default.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false

-CheckLastExitCode<SwitchParameter> (default: True)

If true, exit code will be validated (if zero, an error will be thrown). If false, it will not be validated but returned as a result of the function.

  • DefaultValue: True
  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false

-ReturnLastExitCode<SwitchParameter> (default: True)

If true, the cmdlet will return exit code of the invoked command. If false, the cmdlet will return nothing.

  • DefaultValue: True
  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false

-CheckStdErr<SwitchParameter> (default: True)

If true and any output is present in stderr, an error will be thrown.

  • DefaultValue: True
  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


If not null and given string will be present in stdout, an error will be thrown.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


If set, then $Command will be executed under $Credential account.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


Reference parameter that will get STDOUT text.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


Reference parameter that will get STDERR text.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false

-TimeoutInSeconds<Int32> (default: 0)

Timeout to wait for external process to be finished.

  • DefaultValue: 0
  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false

-Quiet<SwitchParameter> (default: False)

If true, no output from the command will be passed to the console.

  • DefaultValue: False
  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false

-ReportOutputOnError<SwitchParameter> (default: True)

If true, STDOUT/STDERR will be displayed if error occurs (even if -Quiet is specified).

  • DefaultValue: True
  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


Each stdout/stderr line that match this regex will be ignored (not written to console/$output).

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


Example 1

Start-ExternalProcess -Command "git" -ArgumentList "--version"