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Test ColumnIsValid

Mateusz Czerniawski edited this page Feb 20, 2018 · 7 revisions


PPoShTools -> Test-ColumnIsValid.ps1


Validates a column value in a single CSV row.


Test-ColumnIsValid [-Row] <PSObject> [-ColumnName] <String> [-NonEmpty] 
[[-NotContains] <String[]>] [[-Match] <String[]>] [[-ValidSet] <String[]>] 
[[-DateFormat] <String>] [[-LengthMax] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


It is useful in Get-CsvData / Get-ValidationRules to validate columns read from CSV row. It returns empty array if the value is valid, or array of error messages if it's invalid.



CSV row (or any other PSCustomObject).

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: true


Name of the column which will be validated.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: true

-NonEmpty<SwitchParameter> (default: False)

If $true, it will be asserted the column value is not empty.

  • DefaultValue: False
  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


If specified, it will be asserted the column value does not contain any of the specified string.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


If specified, it will be asserted the column value contain any of the specified string.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


If specified, it will be asserted the column value is one of the specified string.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


If specified, it will be asserted the column value can be converted to a date using specified format.

  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false

-LengthMax<Int32> (default: 0)

If specified, it will be asserted the column value is specified lenght.

  • DefaultValue: 0
  • PipelineInput: false
  • Required: false


Example 1

$errors += Test-ColumnIsValid -Row $CsvRow -ColumnName 'Login' -NonEmpty -NotContains '?', ' '

$errors += Test-ColumnIsValid -Row $CsvRow -ColumnName 'Name' -NonEmpty -NotContains '?' $errors += Test-ColumnIsValid -Row $CsvRow -ColumnName 'StartDate' -DateFormat 'yyyy-MM-dd' $errors += Test-ColumnIsValid -Row $CsvRow -ColumnName 'Gender' -ValidSet '', 'F', 'M'