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Sebioff edited this page Jan 22, 2024 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the ParkitectAssetEditor wiki!

With the Parkitect asset editor you can easily add custom scenery to the game.

You'll need:

  • Unity3D. Parkitect is currently using Unity 2020.3.48f1 and for best results we recommend you use this version as well.
  • the latest Asset Editor package from the releases page.

After installing Unity create a new Unity project in a location of your choosing. Next select Assets > Import package > Custom package from the top menu. Select the Asset Editor package you've just downloaded. Select everything and hit import. This Unity project is now ready for asset creation.

Open the Asset Editor window from Window > Parkitect Asset Editor. Press New project in the Asset Editor window. This will ask you for a project name. The project name will also be used as your mod's directory name in the Parkitect mod directory so it must be unique. Press Create to start editing.

The asset editor window will switch to edit mode, see this page for more information on the window.

Example objects

We've included a bunch of example objects in the Assets/Resources/Reference Objects folder as size reference and style guides. When creating your own models please keep in mind that the triangle count will have an impact on the performance of the game. Try to keep it as low as possible - for most objects you should be able to stay below 500 triangles. Be especially careful with props that are supposed to be "spammed" like plants, while "one off" objects like sculptures are ok to use a higher triangle count. Big objects that are usually only built once and that are the "star" of a park are ok to use much higher triangle counts of course. Most of the flat rides in the game are somewhere in the range of 20.000 to 30.000 triangles for example.

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