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Simplified argument parser / multiplatform CLI for Kotlin ~500 LoC


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ArgParser is a simplified argument parser / multiplatform CLI for Kotlin.

With only about 500 LoC implementation, ArgParser has:

  • Parsing for params, flags, items(positional args) and subcommands
  • Type safe and convince data model (Tuple4/OneOrMore and NamedMap, you can ignore them and just use ArgParserBy)
  • No pre-defined command syntax restriction, only prefixed(param, flag) and unprefixed(item) args are distinguished
  • No self-made concept, let users define -v, -h (ParseStop) and -- (PrefixesStop) behavior themselves
object ReadMap: ArgParser3<String, Pair<String, String>, String>(
  arg("name", "store mapping to a name", param = "map_name", default_value = "anonymous") { require(it.isNotBlank()) ; it },
  arg("map m", "maps a key to its value", "k v", repeatable = true, convert = multiParam { it[0] to it[1] }),
  arg("mode", "mode of this mapping", ""/*default to it's name, "mode"*/, "none").checkOptions("none", "mutable", "linked"),
  arg("v", "print version") { println("mapper v1.0") ; throw SwitchParser.ParseStop }

And the one using ArgParserBy wrapper:

class ReadMapUsingBy(ap: ArgParserBy) {
  val name by ap+arg("name", "...", "map_name", "anonymous") { require(it.isNotBlank()) ; it }
  val map by (ap+arg("map m", "...", "k v", convert = multiParam { it[0] to it[1] })).multiply { it.toMap() }
  val mode by ap+arg("mode", "...", "", "none").checkOptions("none", "mutable", "linked")
  val showVer by ap+arg("v", "print version") { println("v1.0") ; SwitchParser.stop() }//should not be accessed
  val isShowVer/*run later?*/ by ap.flag("v", "print version", "vh") // when 'h' in res.flags, item count/ordering checking are suppressed.


class Pip(ap: ArgParserBy) {
  val show = ArgParserBy("show").apply {
    flag("files f", "Show the full list of installed files for each package.")
    // Use general super class to add general(non subcommand specific) options.
  val install = ArgParserBy("install").apply {
    this+arg("index-url i", "Base URL of Python Package Index", "url")
    (this+arg("requirement r", "Install from the given requirements file.", "file")).multiply()
    item(arg("target", "target specifier, maybe requirements file / VCS / local / PyPI", "archive url/path"))
  init {
    ap+helpArg ; ap.asParser().addHelpSubCommand("pip")
    ap.flag("verbose v", "Give more output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3 times.") // then check "vvv" in flags, or count { it == "v" }.
    ap.addSub("Show information about one or more installed packages.", show)
    ap.addSub("Install packages from PyPI/VCS/Local or remote path&archives", install)
    ap.addSub("Compute hashes of package archives.", ArgParserBy("hash").apply { items(arg("...", "")) })

And the one using the old way:

object PipOld: ArgParser1<Unit>(noArg, helpArg) {
  init { addSub("show", "...", Show) ; addHelpSubCommand("pip") }
  object Show: ArgParser1<Unit>(noArg, arg("files f", "..."))

Features 🎁

  • Supports named args --a=b(using autoSplit=listOf("a=")) with configurable prefix list
  • Supports variable number of items and named destruct (both [src...] [dst] and [dst] [src...] are supported)
  • Extension funs for idiom: checkOptions(*strings), options("a" to 1), options(SomeEnum), getEnv(), multiParam {list->}, defineFlags("enable-oo" to "O")
  • Supports repeatable args, multiply params, each can with a converter
  • Sub-commands and command alias (like pip install, git commit -m -> git cm)
  • Extensible using override, features like prompt when missing, mutually exclusive args, sequential prefixes(ffmpeg), @-file expansion, did-you-mean suggestion can be implmented easily
  • Generates well formatted line-wrapped help message (can be grouped), only with Kotlin's named arguments in toString(opened for override)
  • Supports backRun unparsing, so it's also fascinating to build a CLI program binding with this lib
  • Supports 3 different programming paradigm: procedural SwitchParser, OOP&FP ArgParser, reflect ArgParserBy
  • KISS(keep it simple, stupid) principle, modular programming, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".
  • Readable code with reading order guide, <^v>comments and a little line breaks ;)
  • TBD: add shell completion gen(not compile time, req. Arg objects) in a separate module

Not Features 😟

  • Doesn't provide basic APIs for building CLIs on Kotlin/Multiplatform
  • Use too much puzzling configuration objects that hiding the essence from users (e.g. "token transformer" instead of Kotlin's native approach {}.toTypedArray()))
  • Define too complicated data/mental model for command line args
  • Unchangable&invisible pre-defined syntax for args (e.g. GNU/POSIX)
  • Boring API that have too much coding conventions(e.g. named parameter) or boilerplate codes
  • Doesn't support argument types other than String, or expose unchecked types
  • Treating flags as "boolean params", instead of storing them together
  • Made it too complicated to set help-printing format
  • Call exitProcess instead of throwing ParseError to let users influence error behavior(e.g. to print usage)
  • Unnecessary reflection / lazy calculation(e.g. runParse)
  • Unnecessary design patterns(e.g. validator)/ Exception type definitions
  • Too long implementation code that scares newcomers from reading 😨


  • Why not add shorthands for types like Double, kotlin.Pair and Triple?

I think using a general convert parameter for arg is sufficient, and those "special case" ain't special enough.

(In fact I checked --help option in ruby, python, lua, rustc, php, squeak, java, javac, kotlinc; no one have multi-param or float num options... even gcc, clang doesn't have much)

So what's the reason for adding them in org.parserkt.argp, instead of letting users to define them explicitly in their projects...

  • Why not enforce GNU(-o,--name,--name=val)/POSIX(--) syntax for cmdline

This repository is licensed under MIT, neither GNU nor UNIX :)

...and it's boring to separate "long option" and "short option"(they are both "prefixed" option), if you wants to build a Minimist Parser that must distinguish between them, override checkPrefixForName and save var currentPrefix (a partially implemented one can be found here).

  • The animated banner is low-quality/have slow frame rate

This one is the best I've got, it tooks me at least 5-hrs making that...

  • How's the performance of this lib comparing to others?

I don't care, but SwitchParser will only traverse args once every time you run, and declarative code is always no faster than imperative one (a lot of Map<String,Arg<*>> is allocated in ArgParser4)

  • ArgParserBy for unusual/subcommand arg definitions requires dirty code

I'v tried my best... forgive me

  • Your English grammar is poor

...Sorry for that, and please open an issue if you found my grammar mistakes.

Extension APIs


//package org.parserkt.argp

const val SPREAD = "..." //< spread itemArg name

val noArg: Arg<Unit> = arg<Unit>("\u0000\u0000", "") { error("noArg parsed") }
val helpArg = arg("h help", "print this help") { SwitchParser.stop() }

abstract class ArgParserHandlers {
  protected open fun printHelp() = println(toString())
  protected open fun prefixMessageCaps() = TextCaps.nonePair
  protected open fun rescuePrefix(name: String): Arg<*> { throw SwitchParser.ParseError("$name unknown") }
  protected open fun rescueMissing(p: Arg<*>): Any? = null
  protected open fun checkAutoSplitForName(name: String, param: String) {}
  protected open fun checkPrefixForName(name: String, prefix: String) {
    if (prefix == "--" && name.length == 1) throw SwitchParser.ParseError("single-char shorthand should like: -$name")
  /** Un-parse method used in ArgParser4.backRun */
  protected open fun showParam(param: Any): String? = param?.toString() //<^ real implementation omitted
  • rewrite prefixMessageCaps if you want to change letter case in message prefix / body
  • rewrite rescuePrefix (yield an Arg<*> with param/defaultValue) if you want to support dynamic -k=v or -n5
  • rewrite rescueMissing if you want to prompt for arg value when missing

Source Reading

Ordering & focal point:

  • SwitchParser a basic Array<String> iterator state machine with onItem and onPrefix and pretty error messages. focus: run, arg, ParseError/ParseLoc, Companion.extractArg
  • ArgParser ArgParser4~ArgParsrer1(subclass) functional wrapper to SwitchParser using Maps to make DSL-style available. focus: ParseResult (tup,named,flags,items), ArgParser4.<init>(checks), commandAliases, dynamicNameMap/flagMap(non-typed "prefix name" map), inner class Driver: SwitchParser, argToOMs+nameMap, getOrPutOM/addResult(dynamic storage), itemArgZ(an iter); onItem, onPrefix, read, dynamicInterpret; onArg (alias&subcmd), run, assignDefaultOrFail; and backRun/toString/ArgParserAsSubDelegate
  • Helpers Utils & multiplatform CLI and extension for Arg<String>/Arg<T> building. focus: Env a multiplatform(MP) CLI API set(envvar/prompt/write), arg/argInt, (JVM)argFile, OneOrMore+NamedMap, TextCaps, associateByAll(used in arg alias Arg.names), joinToBreakLines (format --help summary line)
  • ArgParserBy By delegates and backRun/addSub wrapper to dynamic typed ArgParser. focus: reversed (for [...] a b desctruct), By(used as namespace) .res, By.Flag/By.ParsedArg<T,R>(.wrap), By.Param.multiply, ArgParser4.reversed/Arg<Str>.addNopConvert(in ParserTricks)
  • ParserTricks Tricks using this framework (contributions are welcome). focus: addHelpSubcommand, Arg<T>.env+Arg<Str>.getEnv (!overload for JVM), Arg<T>.wrapXXX


Thanks to the creators of Python's argparse module, which provided the initial inspiration for this library.

Thanks also to the language design team behind Kotlin (not kotlinx-cli, which disappointed me!!).

Thanks to xenomachina's argparser, where I copied this section from :P

And to AJ Alt's CliKT, which inspired me to make the banner animation


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