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Merge bitcoin#11796: [tests] Functional test naming convention
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
5fecd84 [tests] Remove redundant import in test (Anthony Towns)
9b20bb4 [tests] Check tests conform to naming convention (Anthony Towns)
7250b4e [tests] nit fixes (Anthony Towns)
82b2712 [tests] move witness util functions to (John Newbery)
1e10854 [tests] [docs] update README for new test naming scheme (John Newbery)

Pull request description:

  Splitting bitcoin#11774 into two parts -- this part updates the README with the proposed naming convention, and adds some checks to that the number of tests violating the naming convention doesn't increase too much. Idea is this part of the change should not introduce merge conflicts or require much rebasing, so reviews of the complicated bits won't become invalidated too often; while the second part will just be file renames, which will require regular rebasing and will introduce merge conflicts with pending PRs, but can be merged later, and should also be much easier to review, since it will only include relatively trivial changes.

Tree-SHA512: b96557d41714addbbfe2aed62fb5a48639eaeb1eb3aba30ac1b3a86bb3cb8d796c6247f9c414c4695c4bf54c0ec9968ac88e2f88fb62483bc1a2f89368f7fc80
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laanwj authored and PastaPastaPasta committed Apr 13, 2020
1 parent 5f32c65 commit 3e00841
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Showing 3 changed files with 55 additions and 2 deletions.
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion test/functional/
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,20 @@ don't have test cases for.
`set_test_params()`, `add_options()` and `setup_xxxx()` methods at the top of
the subclass, then locally-defined helper methods, then the `run_test()` method.

#### Naming guidelines

- Name the test `<area>`, where area can be one of the following:
- `feature` for tests for full features that aren't wallet/mining/mempool, eg ``
- `interface` for tests for other interfaces (REST, ZMQ, etc), eg ``
- `mempool` for tests for mempool behaviour, eg ``
- `mining` for tests for mining features, eg ``
- `p2p` for tests that explicitly test the p2p interface, eg ``
- `rpc` for tests for individual RPC methods or features, eg ``
- `wallet` for tests for wallet features, eg ``
- use an underscore to separate words
- exception: for tests for specific RPCs or command line options which don't include underscores, name the test after the exact RPC or argument name, eg ``, not ``
- Don't use the redundant word `test` in the name, eg ``, not ``

#### General test-writing advice

- Set `self.num_nodes` to the minimum number of nodes necessary for the test.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +87,7 @@ start the networking thread. (Continue with the test logic in your existing

- Can be used to write tests where specific P2P protocol behavior is tested.
Examples tests are ``, ``.
Examples tests are ``, ``.

### test-framework modules

Expand Down
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion test/functional/test_framework/
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,24 @@
# file COPYING or
"""Utilities for manipulating blocks and transactions."""

from .address import (
from .mininode import *
from .script import CScript, OP_TRUE, OP_CHECKSIG
from .script import (
from .util import assert_equal

# Create a block (with regtest difficulty)
def create_block(hashprev, coinbase, nTime=None):
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions test/functional/
Expand Up @@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ def main():


if not args.keepcache:
shutil.rmtree("%s/test/cache" % config["environment"]["BUILDDIR"], ignore_errors=True)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -517,6 +518,28 @@ def was_successful(self):
return self.status != "Failed"

def check_script_prefixes():
"""Check that no more than `EXPECTED_VIOLATION_COUNT` of the
test scripts don't start with one of the allowed name prefixes."""

# LEEWAY is provided as a transition measure, so that pull-requests
# that introduce new tests that don't conform with the naming
# convention don't immediately cause the tests to fail.

good_prefixes_re = re.compile("(example|feature|interface|mempool|mining|p2p|rpc|wallet)_")
bad_script_names = [script for script in ALL_SCRIPTS if good_prefixes_re.match(script) is None]

if len(bad_script_names) < EXPECTED_VIOLATION_COUNT:
print("{}HURRAY!{} Number of functional tests violating naming convention reduced!".format(BOLD[1], BOLD[0]))
print("Consider reducing EXPECTED_VIOLATION_COUNT from %d to %d" % (EXPECTED_VIOLATION_COUNT, len(bad_script_names)))
elif len(bad_script_names) > EXPECTED_VIOLATION_COUNT:
print("INFO: %d tests not meeting naming conventions (expected %d):" % (len(bad_script_names), EXPECTED_VIOLATION_COUNT))
print(" %s" % ("\n ".join(sorted(bad_script_names))))
assert len(bad_script_names) <= EXPECTED_VIOLATION_COUNT + LEEWAY, "Too many tests not following naming convention! (%d found, expected: <= %d)" % (len(bad_script_names), EXPECTED_VIOLATION_COUNT)

def check_script_list(*, src_dir, fail_on_warn):
"""Check scripts directory.
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