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Integrate your deploy pipeline with Sentry. Upload sourcemaps, assign related commits and manage releases.


  • ember-cli-deploy v1.0 or above
  • Node.js v8 or above


ember install ember-cli-deploy-sentry-cli


Add plugin config to your config/deploy.js:

  'sentry-cli': {
    appName: 'sentry-app-name',
    orgName: 'sentry-org-name',
    authToken: process.env.SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN

Optionaly set revision type to version-commit to have unified versioning pattern:

  'revision-data': {
    type: 'version-commit'

Leave the rest for sentry-cli ;) Deploy! 🚀✌️

FAQ & Possible errors

1. You do not have permission to perform this action

Your authToken needs to have following scopes: org:read and project:releases

2. Could not determine any commits to be associated automatically.

Your application repository needs to be connected on Sentry to your ogranization account and connected with the project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.