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Pay Elements

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A javascript SDK for embedding PayProtocol payment page in your website or app. Support mainstream modern browsers. UtcPay Elements

Quick Start

Get the latest release from GitHub, download and unzip the file, and put the contents of the unzipped files into your project directory.

We provide two modularized versions of ESM and UMD. You can choose the appropriate version according to your project needs.

Pay Elements SDK needs to be used with PayProtocol merchant API. You can view how to create a payment order in PayProtocol Docs.


If your project uses ESM modularization, you can directly import the pay-elements.js file and css file. ESM supports both native HTML and React, Vue and other frameworks.

Vanilla HTML

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title>Your website title</title>
  <script type="module">
    // Import pay-elements.js
    import PayElements from './pay-elements.js';
    // Parse apiSign in paymentUrl, paymentUrl is returned from PayProtocol merchant API when creating a payment order
    const paymentUrl = '/payment?apiSign=gKLedHpHBzAmVMNq1cVgox7QGrwg%2FYH8Igp0%2Fv1GX3c%3D';
    const encondedApiSign = paymentUrl.split('=')[1];
    const apiSign = decodeURIComponent(encondedApiSign);
    // Initialize configuration
    const Payment = new PayElements({
      apiSign: apiSign,
      // Id of the mount node
      root: 'payment',
      // Whether to use the sandbox environment
      sandbox: true,
    // Mount
    // Call updateApiSign method if you want to update apiSign
    // let newApiSign = '...';
    // Payment.updateApiSign(newApiSign);
  <!-- Import pay-elements.css -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./pay-elements.css">

  <!-- Provide a mount node -->
  <div id="payment"></div>


Use with React

import { useEffect } from "react";
import UtcPayElements from "./pay-elements.js";
import "./pay-elements.css";

export default function Payment() {
  useEffect(() => {
    // Parse apiSign in paymentUrl, paymentUrl is returned from PayProtocol merchant API when creating a payment order
    const paymentUrl = '/payment?apiSign=gKLedHpHBzAmVMNq1cVgox7QGrwg%2FYH8Igp0%2Fv1GX3c%3D';
    const encondedApiSign = paymentUrl.split('=')[1];
    const apiSign = decodeURIComponent(encondedApiSign);
    // Initialize configuration
    const Payment = new PayElements({
      apiSign: apiSign,
      // Id of the mount node
      root: 'payment',
      // Whether to use the sandbox environment
      sandbox: true,
    // Mount
  }, []);

  return <div id="payment" />;


if your project uses UMD modularization, you can directly import the pay-elements.umd.cjs file and css file.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
  <title>Your website title</title>
  <!-- Import pay-elements.umd.cjs -->
  <script src="./pay-elements.umd.cjs"></script>
  <!-- Import pay-elements.css -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./pay-elements.css">

  <!-- Provide a mount node -->
  <div id="payment"></div>
  <!-- The script needs to be executed after the mount node is loaded -->
    // Parse apiSign in paymentUrl, paymentUrl is returned from PayProtocol merchant API when creating a payment order
    const paymentUrl = '/payment?apiSign=gKLedHpHBzAmVMNq1cVgox7QGrwg%2FYH8Igp0%2Fv1GX3c%3D';
    const encondedApiSign = paymentUrl.split('=')[1];
    const apiSign = decodeURIComponent(encondedApiSign);
    // Initialize configuration
    const Payment = new PayElements({
      apiSign: apiSign,
      // Id of the mount node
      root: 'payment',
      // Whether to use the sandbox environment
      sandbox: true,
    // Mount
    // Call updateApiSign method if you want to update apiSign
    // let newApiSign = '...';
    // Payment.updateApiSign(newApiSign);



  • If the user has not installed any Web3 wallet, the payment cannot be completed.
  • If the user has not completed the payment within the specified time, they will be guided back to the previous page to re-order or select the payment method.
  • If the user pays successfully, they will be guided to the redirectionUrl specified when creating the order. At the same time, PayProtocol will send the payment result to the notifyUrl you specified. You can also get the payment result by polling the order information with the merchant API.


PayElements Class


new PayElements(options: PayElementsOptions)

Create a PayElements instance.


  • options - PayElementsOptions type, configuration options.

The PayElementsOptions type is defined as follows:

Parameter Type Reqired Default Description
apiSign string Yes None The apiSign parsed from the paymentUrl returned by the PayProtocol merchant API when creating a payment order, the apiSign of each order is unique
root string Yes None Id of the HTML mount node
sandbox boolean No false Whether to use the sandbox environment, if true, the sandbox environment will be used, otherwise the production environment will be used.
defaultLanguage string No None Default language setting. Currently built-in support for en-US and zh-CN. If not filled in, the user's browser language will be recognized. If you want to add other languages, you can refer to the following.
customTheme ThemeOverride No None Custom theme, if not passed, the default theme will be used, you can refer to the following for the specific content that can be overridden.
customCKTheme any No None Pay Elements uses ConnectKit to connect to the Ethereum wallet. You can customize the theme of the ConnectKit components. If not passed, the default theme will be used. You can refer to the customTheme document.


mount(): void

Mount payment page.

updateApiSign(newApiSign: string): void

Update apiSign and re-render the payment page.

Custom Theme

Basic Customization

You can simply customize the theme of the payment page by setting the customTheme parameter.

For example:

const Payment = new PayElements({
  root: 'payment',
  customTheme: {
    colorPrimary: '#2D20E8',
    colorBackground: '#C7E8E6',
    colorText: '#232CA0',
    fontFamily: 'Comic Sans MS',
    fontSizeBase: '14px',
    spacingUnit: '3px',
    borderRadiusBase: '0px',
    colorBorder: '#8ABEF0',

Custom Theme

All customizable theme properties are as follows (the type of property value must conform to the CSS specification, the type is string or number):

Property Name Default Value Description
fontFamily 'Inter', system-ui, 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif Font, may need to provide font files separately
fontSizeBase 16px Base font size, will override the font size of the HTML root node
fontSizeSm 0.875rem Small font size, used for internal elements and secondary text
fontSizeLg 1.25rem Large font size, used for titles and other content
lineHeightNone 1 1 times line height
lineHeightTight 1.25 1.25 times line height, used for compact content
lineHeightNormal 1.5 1.5 times line height, used for normal text display
spacingUnit 0.25rem Spacing unit, the margin and padding values of all elements are multiples of this unit (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10)
borderWidth 1px Border width
borderRadiusBase 0.25rem Base border radius, minimum size
borderRadiusMd 2.5 times of borderRadiusBase Medium border radius, used for large size buttons and other elements
borderRadiusLg 5 times of borderRadiusBase Large border radius, used for modals and other elements
borderRadiusPill 200 times of borderRadiusBase Pill border radius, used for pill buttons and other elements
colorPrimary #206bc4 Theme color or brand color
colorPrimaryLight rgba(192, 218, 247, 0.28) Lighter theme color, used for element background or hover state
colorBackground #ffffff Background color
colorText #182433 Text color
colorTextSecondary #6673b2 Secondary text color
colorDanger #d63939 Danger color
colorDangerLight #fbebeb Lighter danger color
colorWarning #f76707 Warning color
colorWarningLight #fefoe6 Lighter warning color
colorSuccess #2fb344 Success color
colorSuccessLight #eaf7ec Lighter success color
colorInputShadow #accaed Shadow color when input box is focused
colorModalShadow rgba(131, 186, 219, 0.2) Shadow color of modals
colorBackdrop rgba(131, 186, 219, 0.2) Background color of modal mask
colorBorder #eaeaea Border color
modalZIndex 500 z-index of modals
colorBackgroundDark #000000 Background color in dark mode
colorTextDark #f6f6f6 Text color in dark mode
colorTextSecondaryDark #858585 Secondary text color in dark mode
colorBorderDark #686868 Border color in dark mode

Deep Customization

You can deeply customize the theme of the payment page by modifying the pay-elements.css file or overriding the relevant styles.

Add Localization Packs

Pay Elements supports multiple languages, currently built-in support for en-US and zh-CN. If you want to add other languages, follow these steps:

  1. In the locales/config.json file, add a new language configuration, the format is "ISO standard language code": "The name of the language in this language". For example:
  "en-US": "English",
  "zh-CN": "简体中文",
  "ja-JP": "日本語",
  "th-TH": "ไทย",
  1. Create a new folder for the corresponding language in the locales directory, such as ja-JP, and then create a translation.json file. Refer to the existing Chinese and English translation files and add the corresponding translation. Note to keep the key unchanged and only modify the value.

The directory structure is as follows:

