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Peershares Dividends

SirCoinGame edited this page May 5, 2014 · 4 revisions

Work in progress - information here is still being added/changed

Peershares Dividends

Peershares provides functionality to automate distribution of dividends to owners of Peershares. When a new Peershares blockchain is generated dividends can only be paid out to shares which originated from that blockchain. The blockchain serves as a public ledger to record which Peershares addresses own shares. A listing of the share distribution can be viewed from the client. Dividends are paid out in the form of Peercoins to each shareholder based on the number of shares they own. The client does not send out dividends itself. It must be used with a Peercoin or Peerunity wallet, with both running at the same time. Peershares will automate sending dividends through the coin wallet using RPC commands.

Working with dividends in Peershares

To work with dividends in peershares, click on the "Shares" drop down menu in the top left. Find the "Distribute dividends" options and click it.

View of how to access peershares dividends window

A screen similar to the one below will load up.

Point explanation of dividend interface

  1. Record Date - Here you can select to view the distribution of shares at a specific date and time. Once selected you can click "Get List of Shareholders" to view the distribution of shares and the Peershares addresses associated with them.

  2. Get List of Shareholders - After selecting a "Record Date" clicking this button will show the distribution of shares and associated addresses. You must click "Get List of Shareholders" before you can calculate the dividend distribution.

  3. Number of Peercoins to distrubute to shareholders - Here you can enter the number of Peercoins to distribute to shareholders. After entering the amount of Peercoins click "Calculate Dividends" to see how they will be divided between shareholders.

  4. Calculate Dividends - Displays how many Peercoins each shareholder will receive based on the number of shares they own. It will display the Peercoin address where the dividends will be sent as well.

  5. Peershares Address - This column shows the Peershares addresses of all the shareholders for the selected date and time. Like Peercoins, shareholders man have multiple addresses to store shares within their portfolio.

  6. Shares - This column shows the number of shares owned by an address at the selected date and time.

  7. Peercoin Address - This column shows the addresses where the Peercoin dividends will be sent.

  8. Dividends - This column shows how many Peercoin dividends will be sent to the shareholder based on the number of shares they own.

  9. Export List... - After you've populated the grid with the list of shareholders and their calculated dividends you can click "Export List" to create a CSV file of the data and save it to your hard drive. You MUST first click "Get List of Shareholders", enter an dividend amount, and click "Calculate Dividends" before you may export a CSV list.

  10. OK - Once you're ready to distribute the dividends you can click "OK" to have dividends sent out to shareholders. You MUST have a Peercoins or Peerunity wallet running as Peershares cannot send out Peercoins. It will instruct your Peerwallet to automate sending coins to the addresses in the grid.

  11. Cancel - Exits from the "Distribute Dividends" screen without applying any changes.