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Tauri + Vue 3

This template should help get you started developing with Tauri + Vue 3 in Vite. The template uses Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs, check out the script setup docs to learn more.

Recommended IDE Setup

Getting started

Customize - general

  • Search and replace any occurences of PeterBlenessy, addableand tauri-app-boilerplate with what better corresponds to your project.
  • Edit the version in package,json.
  • Edit to reflect your needs. Note, that the scripts in package.json use the release version comments from this file as git commit messages.

Customize - bundle, sign, notarize, update

  • Install GitHub CLI if you intend to use the git related scripts in package.json.
  • If you intend to sign and notarize your macOS app, follow the description for macOS Code Signing. This allows the app to automatically update itself when an update is available. See next bullet.
  • Make sure to configure required secrets if you intend to build and release your app binaries using GitHub Actions and the release.yml workflow that is included.
  • Replace the tauri.updater.pubkey with your own pubic key for signing the Updater files. Read more here.

Next steps

What comes hereafter is up to you and to get a head start, make sure to check out the Tauri guides.