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Tools used to build, benchmark and test Mame

WARNING: Do not use your development checkout of Mame to run these scripts. They will irrevocably delete any local changes. Make sure you run these builds in a checkout dedicated for this purpose.

Compiling Mame (lots and lots of Mames)

To compile a set of all tagged mame releases, check out Mame into a directory named "mame" and run "" from that directory. Example:

cd /mametest
git clone
mkdir /mametest/arch/$(uname -m)-$(getconf LONG_BIT)
cd /mametest/arch/$(uname -m)-$(getconf LONG_BIT)
git clone
cd mame

With a modern computer you can go to bed and have this done by the morning, but using a Raspberry Pi 4 expect 4-6h per build for a total time of weeks.

Running benchmarks

If any romsets are available, put them in /mametest/.

$ ls -d /mametest/roms/0.2*
/mametest/roms/0.212  /mametest/roms/0.213

Run setup to create games.lst and download roms if needed:

cd /mametest/mame-tools/bench

For games that need preparation before they can be started run and do whatever steps are needed. For some games those steps are documented in bench/README.txt.

This can be done on a different system/architechture than the benchmarks are run on. This state can later be cloned and tested by running and will automatically be picked up and cloned when running benchmarks.

./ sfiii
./ 0.212 sfiii

For running on Raspberry Pi, first make an initial run and check that it work and produces results. The initial run will install a crontab that tries to resume the benchmark if it's ever stopped halfway. When you are satisfied things are working you can ^C the interactive benchmark and let the Pi take care of the rest in the background. Note that the benchmark will reboot the Pi any time it is throttled in any way to clear the throttling flags. Any future benchmarks can be started by setting up a queue:

./ 0.212
for x in 0.{176..213}; do
    echo $x >> runstate/queue-rpi4_1.75
echo 0.175 > runstate/CURRENT_VERSION-rpi4_1.75

When running on other (much faster) platforms no special tricks are used; no crontab, no reboots, no runtime monitoring of temperature or throttling. Just run the benchmark with the version to test:

./ 0.212
./ 0.213

The benchmark is still resumable if it's aborted for some reason as long as ONLYONCE=1 in the script. If ONLYONCE=0 then the benchmark will resume, but all games on the list will be re-benchmarked.

Producing a HTML report from a selection of benchmarks

Requirement: Pike 8.0+

cd /mametest/mame-tools/bench/graph
./create_graph.pike ../games.lst rpi4_1.75

The result found in output/ can be viewed in a web browser either from the local filesystem or when uploaded to a web-server.


The coverity/ directory contains helper scripts for building and analyzing Mame with Coverity Scan.