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Target Diagram Options

Peter Rochford edited this page Aug 23, 2023 · 7 revisions

An exhaustive list of options is available to customize the appearance of the target diagram and are listed below for convenience of reference. The format for their use is "option = value". For example, to produce a target diagram that labels the points and changes the axis options for BIAS and CRMSD, the command would appear as (cf.

sm.target_diagram(bias,crmsd,rmsd, markerLabel = label, ticks = np.arange(-50,60,10))

These options can also be obtained by calling the target diagram function without arguments at a Python command line:

% python
>>> import skill_metrics as sm
>>> sm.target_diagram()

General Options

colormap 'on' / 'off' (default): Switch to map color shading of markers to colormap ("on") or min to max range of RMSDz values ("off"). Set to same value as option "nonRMSDz".
overlay 'on' / 'off' (default): Switch to overlay current statistics on target diagram. Only markers will be displayed.

Options when ColorMap is 'on'

cmap Choice of colormap. (Default: 'jet')
cmap_marker Marker to use with colormap (Default: 'd')
cmap_vmax Maximum range of colormap (Default: None)
cmap_vmin Minimum range of colormap (Default: None)

Marker Options

MarkerDisplayed 'marker' (default): Experiments are represented by individual symbols
  'colorBar': Experiments are represented by a color described in a colorbar

Options when MarkerDisplayed is 'marker'

markerColor Single color to use for all markers (Default: None)
markerColors Dictionary with two colors as keys ('face', 'edge') or None. If None or 'markerlegend' == 'on' then considers only the value of 'markerColor'. (Default: None)
markerLabel Labels for markers. (Default: '')
markerLabelColor Marker label color (Default: black)
markerLayout Matrix layout for markers in legend [nrow, ncolumn], e.g. [4,None] for 4 rows and [None,3] for 3 columns. (Default [15, no. markers/15] )
markerLegend 'on' / 'off' (default): Use legend for markers
markers Dictionary providing individual control of the marker label, label color, symbol, size, face color, and edge color. (Default: none)
markerSize Marker size (Default: 10)
markerSymbol Marker symbol (Default: 'o')

Options when MarkerDisplayed is 'colorbar'

cmapZData Data values to use for color mapping of markers, e.g. RMSD or BIAS. (Used to make range of RMSDs values appear above color bar.)
locationColorBar Location for the colorbar, 'NorthOutside' or 'EastOutside'.
titleColorBar Title of the colorbar.

Axes Options

axismax Maximum for the Bias & uRMSD axis
colFrame Color for the y and x spines
equalAxes 'on' / 'off' (default): Set axes to be equal
labelWeight Weight of the x & y axis labels
ticks Define tick positions (default is that used by axis function)
xtickLabelPos Position of the tick labels along the x-axis (empty by default)
ytickLabelPos Position of the tick labels along the y-axis (empty by default)

Diagram Options

alpha Blending of symbol face color (0.0 transparent through 1.0 opaque) (Default: 1.0)
circles Define the radii of circles to draw (default of (maximum RMSDs)*[.7 1], [.7 1] when normalized diagram)
circleColor Circle line color specification (default None)
circleCols Dictionary with two possible colors keys ('ticks', 'tick_labels') or None, if None then considers only the value of 'circlecolor' (Default: None)
circleLineSpec Circle line specification (default dashed black, '--k')
circleLineWidth Circle line width
circleStyle Line style for circles, e.g. "--" (Default: None)
normalized 'on' / 'off' (default): normalized target diagram
obsUncertainty Observational Uncertainty (default of 0)

Plotting Options from File

target_options_file name of CSV file containing values for optional arguments of the target_diagram function. If no file suffix is given a '.csv' is assumed. (Default: empty string '')