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Pete edited this page Sep 13, 2017 · 4 revisions

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  • I2Bin(<nInteger>) cBinaryInteger
    Converts a numeric value to a 16bit binary integer. returns a two-byte character string.
    <nInteger> is an integer numeric value to be converted. Note: Decimal digits are truncated.

  • IIf(<lCondition>, <expTrue>, <expFalse>) Value
    returns <expTrue> if <lCondition> is TRUE otherwise returns <expFalse>.
    example usage:
    ? Iif( File( "" ), "File <> exists.", "File <> not found!" )

    • It's similar to ternary operator ?: in C language.
      • example C code: value = a > b ? x : y;
      • Harbour code   : value := Iif( a > b, x, y )
  • IndexExt() cExtension
    returns the default index extension depending on RDD currently selected/used. f.e. it will return ".ntx" if DBFNTX RDD is in use, ".cdx" for DFBCDX et.c.
    It's same as ordBagExt() which, preferably, may be used instead.

  • IndexKey( <nOrder> ) cKeyExp
    returns the key expression of a specified index.
    <nOrder> is the ordinal position of the index in the list of opened index files for the current work area. A 0 (zero) value for <nOrder> denotes the current controlling index. If there is no corresponding index or if no database is in use, a null string ("") returned. ( See also ordKey() function for more options. )

  • IndexOrd() nOrder
    returns the ordinal position of the controlling index or 0 if no index or database is open in the work area.

  • Inkey([<nSeconds>] [,<nEventMask>]) nInkeyCode
    <nSeconds> specifies the number of seconds waiting for a keypress or mouse event. Values in increments as small as one-tenth of a second can be specified. Specifying 0 (zero) halts the program until a key is pressed or an unmasked event occurs. If <nSeconds> is omitted, function returns immediately, i.e. does not wait for a keypress or mouse event.
    <nEventMask> specifies which events should be returned. If <nEventMask> is omitted, the value of _SET_EVENTMASK will be used. If _SET_EVENTMASK is not set, the default value that will be used is 128 (keyboard events only).
    Returns an integer value from -39 to 386 for keyboard events and integer values from 1001 to 1007 for mouse events. This value identifies either the key extracted from the keyboard buffer or the mouse event that last occurred. If the keyboard buffer is empty, and no mouse events are taking place, returns 0. Returns values for all ASCII characters, Function keys (Fn...), Alt+Function, Ctrl+Function, Alt+Letter, and Ctrl+Letter key combinations.

  • Int( <nExp> ) nInteger
    returns the integer part of a numeric value, by truncating (but not rounding) all of its decimal digits (if any). The decimal part is lost.

  • IsAlpha(<cString>) lBoolean
    returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is an alphabet character i.e. not a number, punctuation, control etc.

  • IsColor() lBoolean
    "once upon a time, was a little, doggy B/W monitor..." and at that time this function was answering FALSE!

  • IsColour() lBoolean
    (same story as above -british version tho.)

  • IsDigit(<cString>) lBoolean
    returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is a number digit.

  • IsLeap( [<dDate>] ) lIsLeap
    checks if year of <dDate> is a leap year. If no <dDate> passed, the system date is used.

  • IsLeapYear( <dDate> ) lTrueOrFalse
    checks if year of <dDate> is a leap year. If no <dDate> passed, result is .F., which means <dDate> is essential, in order to get correct result.

  • IsLower(<cString>) lBoolean
    returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is lower-cased.

  • IsNegative( <cChar> ) lBoolean
    returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is a negative answer literal (e.g. 'N' as in No.)

  • IsPrinter() lReady
    checks if LPT1 is available for printing operations.

  • IsUpper(<cString>) lBoolean
    returns TRUE if leftmost char of <cString> is upper-cased.

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Harbour exclusive functions Clipper compatible functions
hb_A A
hb_B B
hb_C C
hb_D D
hb_E E
hb_F F
hb_G G
hb_H H
hb_I I
hb_J_K J K
hb_L L
hb_M M
hb_N_O N O
hb_P P
hb_R Q R
hb_S S
hb_T T
hb_U U
hb_V V W
hb_W X Y

  • Contrib. Libraries
HBWIN WinAPI Library Compress Libraries
HBHPDF Library (Haru) Multi Threading
Harbour Socket API hbCT (Cl*pper tools)
Serial API hbNF (NanForum library)
HBCURL cURL API Library Mini-XML docs

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