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        The Garbage Collector

  • hb_gcAll( [<lForce>] ) NIL
    Scans the memory and releases all garbage memory blocks. Optional param <lForce> will force Garbage Collector activation in Multi Thread mode by temporary suspending all executing threads.

  • hb_gcStep() ➜ lResult
    this function performs a single-step garbage collection. Returns logical value indicating whether garbage collection of unused memory chunk was performed or not. See more details and an example of use here. Also here... is the detailed documentation of the Harbour garbage collection mechanism (mostly internal API).

  • hb_gcSetAuto([<nNewVal>]) ➜ nPrevVal
    set the frequency of automatic garbage collection (GC) activation.
    <nNewVal> is the (optional) number, in thousands, of allocated items that when exceeded forces garbage collector's activation; if set to 0 (zero), automatic garbage collection is deactivated! it returns the previously set value.
    Normally, the garbage collector is activated during idle states. In cases where a program allocates big number of complex items with cyclic references without entering any idle state, then it is necessary programmers to add code invoking the hb_gcAll() function; if the Automatic GC is activated, there's no need of such an extra coding.
    NOTE: This function is not included by default in binaries builds being released! To make it available, Harbour must be compiled with setting the relevant build flag: SET HB_USER_CFLAGS=-DHB_GC_AUTO

  • hb_Get() oGet
    Creates a new Get object. For more, inspect tget.prg and tgethb.prg Harbour source files.
    Below is a sample code utilizing hb_Get() to create a password-like Get object:

    PROCEDURE Main()
       LOCAL cValidPass := "Top Secret"
       LOCAL cPass := GetPassword()
       LOCAL GetList
       IF ! (cPass == cValidPass)
          ? "Access not allowed!"
          ? "Access granted!"
       ? "---"
       ? "password expected: " + cValidPass
       ? "password entered : " + cPass
    FUNCTION GetPassword( cPrompt, nRow , nCol )
       LOCAL GetList := {}
       LOCAL cPass   := Space(30)
       LOCAL oGet
       hb_Default( @cPrompt, "Enter password:" )
       hb_Default( @nRow, 0 )
       hb_Default( @nCol, 0 )
       oGet := hb_Get():New( nRow, nCol+Len( cPrompt )+2 , ;
                             {|x| IIf( x == NIL, cPass, cPass := x )}, "cPass" )
       oGet:PostBlock := {|| ! Empty(cPass)} // valid block: Empty pass not allowed!
       oGet:Picture := "@S10"  //  // the get picture: modify as needed.
       oGet:ColorSpec := "w/b,r/w" // color
       oGet:HideInput := .T. // this one does the real trick!
       oGet:Style := Chr(7)
       AAdd(GetList, oGet)
       @ nRow, nCol SAY cPrompt
       RETURN RTrim( cPass )
  • hb_GetEnv(<cEnvVar>, [<cDefaultValue>]) cValue
    retruns the value of the <cEnvVar> environment variable or <cDefaultValue> or an empty string if <cEnvVar> does not exist and no <cDefaultValue> specified.

  • hb_GetReadVar()

  • hb_GetStdErr()

  • hb_GetStdIn()

  • hb_GetStdOut()

  • hb_gtAlert(cMessage, [aOptions|"Ok"],[cColorNorm],[cColorHigh],[nDelay]) ➜ nSelection
    same as hb_Alert() with an additional parameter to define hi-light color of displayed option(s).
    In fact, the hb_Alert() invokes this very function to perform the Alert service.

  • hb_gtCreate(<cGtName>) ➜ pGT
    Creates a new graphic terminal window; this way an application can create many different windows (even in single thread programs) and switch between them by applying their pointers to hb_gtSelect() (see below).
    <cGtName> is the literal name of a GT that have such capabilities, like f.e., GTXWC (XWindow Console) or GTWVT (Windows GUI console).
    Returns pointer to newly created window or NIL on failure.

  • hb_gtExists(<cGtName>) ➜ lExists
    returns true when the given <cGtName> GT driver is available, false otherwise. Note that the GT name has to be designated as a three letter keyword without the GT prefix, e.g.: "WVT"
    NOTE: This function is not available in Harbour 3.2 before the 2023-01-15 11:17 source-code update.

  • hb_GtInfo(<nInfo>, [<xParam1>], [<xParam2>]) ➜ xResult
    returns and/or change many of GT driver settings. This is a sophisticated function with a plethora of accepted values / performed actions.

  • hb_gtList() ➜ aGtNames
    returns array with all available GT drivers, each one as a three letter keyword. See the code below for more...

    #if ! defined( __HBSCRIPT__HBSHELL ) 
    request hb_gt_NUL, hb_gt_WIN, hb_gt_GUI
    request hb_gt_WVT, hb_gt_STD, hb_gt_PCA, hb_gt_CGI
    PROCEDURE Main()
       LOCAL aGtNames, cGtName, cList
       SetColor( "G+/N" )
       aGtNames := hb_gtList() // -> <aGtNames>
       cList := "" 
       for each cGtName in aGtNames
          cList += cGtName + " " + hb_CStr( hb_gtExists( cGtName ) ) + ", "
       ? hb_StrShrink( cList, 2 )

    result of above code when run on Windows platform as a script via hbrun: NUL .T., WIN .T., GUI .T., WVT .T., STD .T., PCA .T., CGI .T., CTW .T. (by the way, if any harbour user out there knows sth about the GT drivers: STD, PCA & CTW and how or when they could be used please be so kind to let us know).
    NOTE: This function is not available in Harbour 3.2 before the 2023-01-15 11:17 source-code update.

  • hb_gtLock() ➜ lSuccess
    Locks the current GT console to permit output only from current process (thread), which means that console output from any other thread is blocked.
    NOTE: be careful using GT lock and always unlock locked GT!

  • hb_gtReload(<cGtName>) ➜ lSuccess
    By default new thread inherits console Window from parent thread. But each thread can allocate its own console window by calling hb_gtReload(<cGtName>) function, f.e. by: hb_gtReload( hb_gtVersion() ). If the GT driver supports such functionality, then new thread will allocate new console windows. Each console window has reference counter which is increased when new thread starts and decreased when hb_gtReload() is executed or thread terminates. When counter reach zero console window is destroyed.

  • hb_gtSelect([<pGT>]) ➜ pPrevGT
    selects the window specified by <pGT>. Returns pointer of the previous selected GT window.

  • hb_GTSYS()

  • hb_gtUnlock() lResult
    unlocks previously locked console output.

  • hb_GtVersion() ➜ cGtID
    returns GT identifier, e.g.: WVT

  • NOTE: see this and this code sample concerning hb_gt***() functions usage.

It must be noted here that there exists a group of hb_Gz***() core functions which, alphabetically, should be placed here. However, I decided to move them at a dedicated, separate Compress page, so to be together with other, relative compression functions. Also in that page, I have included the hb_ZLib***() core functions.

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Harbour exclusive functions Clipper compatible functions
hb_A A
hb_B B
hb_C C
hb_D D
hb_E E
hb_F F
hb_G G
hb_H H
hb_I I
hb_J_K J K
hb_L L
hb_M M
hb_N_O N O
hb_P P
hb_R Q R
hb_S S
hb_T T
hb_U U
hb_V V W
hb_W X Y

  • Contrib. Libraries
HBWIN WinAPI Library Compress Libraries
HBHPDF Library (Haru) Multi Threading
Harbour Socket API hbCT (Cl*pper tools)
Serial API hbNF (NanForum library)
HBCURL cURL API Library Mini-XML docs

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