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Adeet Phanse edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 19 revisions

Welcome to the PokeSnowdown wiki! This wiki will attempt to consolidate a lot of information about the game into one place.
**Please note that currently there is no full screen support for this game, it only runs at the resolution it is presented in (600 x 480) and there are no plans to change this in the near future.

If you find any errors in this wiki feel free to raise an issue/make a comment and we will look into it. You can also email me at and I will look into any issues with the wiki.

If you would like to work on the game, here is a list of current issues we are working on

Click on the image below to watch a gameplay trailer of the game! Please watch in the highest quality possible!


##This wiki is currently a work in progress!

Clone this wiki locally