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Adeet Phanse edited this page Aug 26, 2016 · 9 revisions

In this mode you or a friend can battle it out locally and take turns inputting commands when it's your turn. You can use either completely randomized teams or create preset teams based on the Pokemon you have unlocked in tournament mode/edited in the Poke-Editor mode of One Player Mode.


##Random Battle -

Random Battle 1

Random Battle 2

Random Battle 3

In this game mode both teams are randomly selected. Player 1 will given the option to make a move first, then Player 2 will be given an option to select a move. Afterwards both moves will go through processing and execute.

##Preset Battle -

Preset Battle 1

Preset Battle 2

Preset Battle 3

Preset Battle 4

Preset Battle 5

Preset Battle 6

In this game mode both players will be given the option to create their teams before the battle begins using the Pokemon created in the Poke Editor mode. Then the battle will proceed the same way it does in the random battle mode.

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