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Mise en correspondance de bitextes dans des langues différentes

Alignment algorithms

See Pypi's ENPC-Aligner documentation here

Support ressources

Extra ressources :


Sous Debian ou dérivé, exécutez ./


Pour voir le rapport de couverture, faire

cd back/
pytest --cov-report html --cov

Puis ouvrir htmlcov/index.html dans un navigateur.

Pour exécuter les tests:

cd back/

GraphiQL playground

Run the Django web server :

cd back/
python runserver

Go to http://localhost:8000/graphiql and query for

  all_bitexts {
    texts {
      paragraphs {
        sentences {

Click on "docs" on the right-hand corner to go through the graph structure.

Admin pannel

Run the Django web server and create an admin account :

cd back/
python createsuperuser
python runserver

Go to http://localhost:8000/admin

Apollo lets you automatically batch multiple queries into one request when they are made within a certain interval. This means that if you render several components, for example a navbar, sidebar, and content, and each of those do their own GraphQL query, they will all be sent in one roundtrip. Batching works only with server that support batched queries (for example graphql-server). Batched requests to servers that don’t support batching will fail. To learn how to use batching with Apollo checkout the indepth guide

from mixer.backend.django import mixer

# Generate model with some values
client = mixer.blend(Client, username='test')
assert client.username == 'test'

# Generate model with reference
message = mixer.blend(Message, client__username='test2')
assert message.client.username == 'test2'

# Value may be callable
client = mixer.blend(Client, username=lambda:'callable_value')
assert client.username == 'callable_value'

# Value may be a generator
clients = mixer.cycle(4).blend(Client, username=(name for name in ('Piter', 'John')))

# Value could be getting a counter
clients = mixer.cycle(4).blend(Client, username=mixer.sequence(lambda c: "test_%s" % c))
print clients[2].username  # --> 'test_2'

# Short format for string formating
clients = mixer.cycle(4).blend(Client, username=mixer.sequence("test_{0}"))
print clients[2].username  # --> 'test_2'

# Force to generation of a default (or null) values
client = mixer.blend(Client, score=mixer.RANDOM)
print client.score  # Some like: --> 456

# Set related values from db by random
message = mixer.blend(Message, client=mixer.SELECT)
assert message.client in Client.objects.all()

Lazy loading routes : or use react-loadable instead

In React, we can lazy load components and routes by code splitting using Webpack. By splitting our app into chunks we can load & evaluate only the code that is required for the page rendered. A React app has routes/components that can use several React plugins. Without code splitting, all the React code and plugins in use will be bundled into one JavaScript file, but with code splitting, only the component/plugin needed would be loaded.


Add SASS preprocessing

Run optimized version for production


yarn global add serve

cd back/
python runserver

cd ../front/
yarn build
serve -s build

Go to http://localhost:3000

Front deployment

With the delorean ssh alias for the VPS, execute

cd front
yarn build
scp -r build/* delorean:/var/www/alignment

Django deployment


Reference :

Many of these settings are sensitive and should be treated as confidential. If you’re releasing the source code for your project, a common practice is to publish suitable settings for development, and to use a private settings module for production.


Reference :

Docker repo :

Image development :

docker build -t django-alignment .   # ajouter *--no-cache* pour désactiver l'usage du cache
docker run -e DATABASE_URL=none -p 8000:8000 -t django-alignment

Useful commands :

docker container ls
docker stop back
docker exec -it back /bin/sh   # /bin contient très peu de programmes sur Alpine Linux (optimisé pour la production), il y a /bin/sh mais pas /bin/bash !
docker cp file back:file

Image deployment :

docker pull philippefds/bitext-matching



References :

Add mod_wsgi to requirements.txt and 'mod_wsgi.server' to INSTALLED_APPS in settings

To prepare for running mod_wsgi-express, ensure that you first collect up any Django static file assets into the directory specified for them in the Django settings file: python collectstatic

You can now run the Apache server with mod_wsgi hosting your Django application by running: python runmodwsgi

If working in a development environment and you would like to have any code changes automatically reloaded, then you can use the --reload-on-changes option. python runmodwsgi --reload-on-changes

If wanting to have Apache started as root in order to listen on port 80, instead of using mod_wsgi-express setup-server as described above, use the --setup-only option to the runmodwsgi management command.

python runmodwsgi --setup-only --port=80 \
    --user www-data --group www-data \

This will setup all the required files and you can use apachectl to start and stop the Apache instance as explained previously.



Tester{all_bitexts{title texts{language paragraphs{sentences {content}}}}}