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Michael McAuliffe edited this page Aug 4, 2015 · 11 revisions

This page contains resources for developing with Phonological CorpusTools


PCT uses PyQt5, which differs from PyQt4 primarily in the location of widgets in the API (QtWidgets rather than QtGui) and in some newer/renamed modules. The file should take care of this, since all GUI imports should be done there. GUI modules should then import via from .imports import *.



API reference


PCT uses pytest as its unit testing suite. When creating new functions or when there are new bug reports, please create unit tests for them to prevent the issue from arising in the future (Relevant blog post:

Examples available here:


PCT uses sphinx to build its documentation. PCT code should follow the NumPy style for documentation:

To generate documentation:

  • Make sure sphinx and numpydoc are installed (pip install sphinx numpydoc).
  • Change directory to docs (cd CorpusTools/docs).
  • Run sphinx-build source build (or sphinx-build -b latex source build to generate the LaTeX files for a pdf).
  • HTML documentation (or LaTeX files) will be available in CorpusTools/docs/build.
  • To make a pdf from LaTeX, pdflatex must be run on the generated LaTeX files.

Code quality

A talk I highly recommend is by Raymond Hettinger at PyCon 2015 titled "Beyond PEP 8 -- Best practices for beautiful intelligible code" available at

PEP8 ( is the general style guide for Python.

Good blogs:

Principles of software design

Principles of object-oriented programming

Additional resources:

Code smells

Code smells is a catch-all term for code that works, but is less than ideal for long term maintainability.



Refactoring is an important part of code maintenance.


Backwards compatibility

In most cases it's good to maintain backwards compatibility. When objects have new attributes that are used for functioning, compatibility checks can be added to the __setstate__ function of the class. __setstate__ is called while unpickling an object, and the state argument it takes is a dictionary of attributes and their values. The corpustools/corpus/ file has many examples.

Executable building

The current build process is unfortunately fairly fragmented, due to mismatches in what freezer modules support on various platforms.


For Windows, esky ( is used to make the executable (due to the possibility of self updating, not working yet). To make an installer:

  1. Run python bdist_esky in the root directory, which will create a zip file in the dist/ folder.
  2. Unzip that in the same folder.
  3. Run pct.iss using InnoSetup ( InnoSetup will create a Windows installer in the Output/ folder.


There are two potential ways of installing PCT and its dependencies for development and building. The Anaconda route is simpler in some sense (and probably faster) as it doesn't involve system level installations. Instead it uses virtual environments, so the installation is isolated from the system version of Python. The MacPorts version will involve more compilation and the potential for more issues.

NB: I have only tested it on MacOSX 10.8, on the same machine used to create the pyqt5 conda packages, which may be different enough from a given user's machine.

Might require Xcode 5.1.1 or higher? Maybe only 10.8+?

With Anaconda (probably easiest and more reliable):

  1. Download Miniconda install script (
  2. Open terminal and go to download location (cd ~/Downloads)
  3. Install Miniconda (chmod +x && ./ -b -p ~/miniconda)
  4. Close terminal and reopen (the command conda list should work in new terminal)
  5. Create pct environment (conda create -c mmcauliffe -n pct python=3 numpy scipy scikit-learn networkx pyqt5)
  6. Activate pct environment (source activate pct)
  7. Install python-acoustic-similarity (pip install acousticsim --allow-external textgrid --allow-unverified textgrid --process-dependency-links)
  8. Install pytest (conda install pytest) -- Not needed for building
  9. Install pytest-qt (git clone && cd pytest-qt && python install) -- Not needed for building
  10. Install cx_Freeze (pip install cx-freeze) -- Not needed for development
  11. Get CorpusTools (git clone
  12. Make sure PCT works (python CorpusTools/bin/
  13. To build (in the CorpusTools directory) run python bdist_dmg

With MacPorts (potentially more finicky):

  1. Install MacPorts (
  2. Install python (sudo port install atlas python34 py34-pip py34-pyqt5)
  3. Install prerequisites (sudo pip-3.4 install numpy scipy skikit-learn networkx)
  4. Install pytest (sudo pip-3.4 install pytest) -- Not needed for building
  5. Install pytest-qt (git clone && cd pytest-qt && sudo python3.4 install) -- Not needed for building
  6. Install cx_Freeze (sudo pip-3.4 install cx-freeze) -- Not needed for development
  7. Get CorpusTools (git clone
  8. Make sure PCT works (python3.4 CorpusTools/bin/
  9. To build (in the CorpusTools directory) run python3.4 bdist_dmg

For Mac, cx_freeze ( is used to make the .dmg file. To create the DMG, run python bdist_dmg. The resulting DMG will be in the dist/ folder.