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The grunt API / grunt.utils

Miscellaneous utilities, including Underscore.js, Async and Hooker.

See the utils lib source for more information.

The utils API


Return the "kind" of a value. Like typeof but returns the internal [[Class]] value. Possible results are "number", "string", "boolean", "function", "regexp", "array", "date", "error", "null", "undefined" and the catch-all "object".



The linefeed character, normalized for the current operating system. (\r\n on Windows, \n otherwise)


Given a string, return a new string with all the linefeeds normalized for the current operating system. (\r\n on Windows, \n otherwise)



Recurse through nested objects and arrays, executing callbackFunction for each non-object value. If continueFunction returns false, a given object or value will be skipped.

grunt.utils.recurse(object, callbackFunction, continueFunction)

See the config lib source for usage examples.


Return string str repeated n times.

grunt.utils.repeat(n, str)


Given str of "a/b", If n is 1, return "a" otherwise "b". You can specify a custom separator if '/' doesn't work for you.

grunt.utils.pluralize(n, str, separator)


Spawn a child process, keeping track of its stdout, stderr and exit code. The method returns a reference to the spawned child. When the child exits, the done function is called.

grunt.utils.spawn(options, doneFunction)

The options object has these possible properties:

var options = {
  // The command to execute. It should be in the system path.
  cmd: commandToExecute,
  // An array of arguments to pass to the command.
  args: arrayOfArguments,
  // Additional options for the Node.js child_process spawn method.
  opts: nodeSpawnOptions,
  // If this value is set and an error occurs, it will be used as the value
  // and null will be passed as the error value.
  fallback: fallbackValue

The done function accepts these arguments:

function doneFunction(error, result, code) {
  // If the exit code was non-zero and a fallback wasn't specified, the error
  // object is the same as the result object.
  // The result object is an object with the properties .stdout, .stderr, and
  // .code (exit code).
  // When result is coerced to a string, the value is stdout if the exit code
  // was zero, the fallback if the exit code was non-zero and a fallback was
  // specified, or stderr if the exit code was non-zero and a fallback was
  // not specified.
  // The numeric exit code.

See the init task source and the qunit task source for usage examples.


Given an array or array-like object, return an array. Great for converting arguments objects into arrays.


Internal libraries


An internal library for resolving deeply-nested properties in objects.


An internal library for task running.

External libraries


Underscore.js - Tons of super-useful array, function and object utility methods. Underscore.string - Tons of string utility methods.

Note that Underscore.string is mixed into grunt.utils._ but is also available as grunt.utils._.str for methods that conflict with existing Underscore.js methods.


Async - Async utilities for node and the browser.


JavaScript Hooker - Monkey-patch (hook) functions for debugging and stuff.