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Headers and footers

Greg Bowler edited this page Dec 5, 2019 · 5 revisions

For all pages of an application there is always going to be some shared HTML at the top and bottom of the page. It's beneficial to keep this code consistent between page views, and not to repeat the same HTML across multiple source pages. The parts of the Page View that are the same for all pages can be put into special files named _header.html and _footer.html, and will be automatically applied to all views in the same directory or deeper.

Overriding headers and footers in directories

It is possible to override the header and/or footer for nested directories by placing another header/footer file in a lower directory, such as page/admin/_header.html. In this example, all page requests to /admin and deeper (such as /admin/settings, /admin/users) will have the new header applied, however it's always a good idea to keep the headers and footers as consistent as possible across all views of the application.

Disabling headers and footers per file

It is beneficial to have the same consistent header and footer throughout your application wherever possible, but certain pages may need the header/footer removing, so that they can specify their own.

This is done on a per-file basis by inserting an HTML comment as the first line of the file. There are three comments to use:

  • <!--no-header--> - Disable loading the _header.html file.
  • <!--no-header-footer--> - Disable loading both the _header.html and _footer.html files.
  • <!--no-footer--> - Disable loading the _footer.html file.
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