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by Omar, Josh, Anuj, Indhar

**Week 1: Update Graphics Panel and Fix Player based on TileGraphics

Omar: Enemy (And help with Graphics); Put image aashay into the program (still not done, will have to revamp), researched putting images into Java graphics. Anuj: Did Research and got the pictures for Indhar to implement in Graphics, and helped him with it. Researched enemy movement. Made powerpoint rulebook Indhar: Graphics Panel (And Sound Research) Put image aashay into the graphics program (still not done). Josh: Research (Player / Sound) Helped Omar and Indhar implement image aashay into the graphics program.

**Week 2: Continue Work on Graphics Panel (specifically player. Enemies later) / Get Sound working (IMPORTANT)

Indhar: 1/31 Research: sound java code Josh: 1/31 Research: (player movement) - problems regarding the configuration of IntelliJ programs. Anuj: 1/31: Research and helping to get the code to operate successfully, looking on how to get the players to move and the music Omar 1/31: PLAYER FINALLY WORKS!!!!!!!!!!! :) Josh 2/2: reserarched for an imperial .wav file and tried to get graphics program to work on the ide eclipse. Indhar 2/2: finished sound code, trying to implement sound with main graphics class or make driver class to call sound class Omar 2/2: Enemy Class/Function template set, need to implement files and move into it (Side Note: Use random num gen (Math.random()) for random enemy movement Anuj 2/2: Searched for new methods and worked on powerpoint more

**Week 3: Player and Enemy movement / positioning (will work on for couple of weeks); Title Screen

INDHAR 2/6: FIXED SOUND SO IT PLAYS WITH THE REST OF THE GRAPHICS AND FIXED THE LENGTH OF THE SOUND TRACK OMAR: STARTED WORKING ON THE BULLET ANUJ: Gone to 3/4 of the class to the college and career center and did some more reasearch to get the code working Josh: 2/6 (absent) Josh 2/8- implemented program on the other computers that aren't Indhars and helped Omar with the enemy. INDHAR COLLEGE AND CARRER CENTER WORKED ON PLAYER PLACEMENT AND SOUND OMAR: WORKED ON ENEMEY MOEVMENT ANUJ: HELPED WITH ENEMY MOVEMENT AND WORKED ON THE PACKET Omar (2/10): Enemy movement and started on curve motion Josh (2/10): implemented sound onto other computer (originally other comps not working: Only Indhar) Indhar (2/10): Worked on player movement positioning Anuj (2/10): Started Title Screen

**Week 4: Bullet set up and sound finish; Title Screen; Fixing error where the enemy doesn't stop at the edge of the screen

Omar (2/14): Started set up of bullets ( ) Josh (2/14): Expieremented the coordinates for using pictures other than pranay.jpg and aashay.jpg Indhar (2/14): Extending Sound length Anuj (2/14) Title page Omar (2/16): Enemy 1 back and forth straight line movement set up and working; onto Enemy 2 (zigzag movement) Indhar 2/16: Player postion finally in the right starting postion. Still working on sound tracks

**Week 5: Adding more enemies, organization, title slide, (maybe bullet) and additional enemy movement.

Josh(2/21): Worked on implementing the zig zag movement and adding more enemies. Omar(2/21): Organized git hub, worked on commenting the code. Anuj(2/21): Worked on screen title Indhar(2/21): ABSENT

Josh and Omar(2/23): added more enemies and set coordinates for them to move horizontally, vertically and diagonal inside of. Anuj(2/23): ABSENT Indhar(2/23): worked on editing .wav files and worked on player bullets.

**Week 6: Working on presentation and presenting.

**Week 7:

Indhar (3/22/2017): worked on bullet and health bar Omar and Josh(3/22/17)- worked on bullet creation and implementation Anuj: Redoing Title slide

Josh(3/28/17): Helped Indhar with filling in hp bar and did research Indhar(3/28/17):Worked on hp bar and filling in rectangles Anuj(3/28/17): Worked on title screen Omar(3/28/17): Worked on bullet and did research

**Week 8: Bullet finish and start collision detection

(4/3) Omar: Finished the bullet, start collision detect Josh, Indhar: HP Bar and Title Screen Anuj: Title Screen

(4/5) Omar: Collision detech method finished, thread = ?? (helped by Josh) Josh, Anuj, Indhar: Researched and worked on title screen integration

(4/7) Omar: Threading methods to enable collision detection Josh, Indhar, Anuj: HP Bar, Title Screen, integration of HP with collision and title screen with rest of code

**Week 9: Threading (WTF does this even mean?), Title Screen Messing iup 25/7, and Enemy Bullet

(4/11) Omar: Threading (WTF DOES THIS MEAN? I STILL DONT KNOW) Josh: HP Title Screen Anuj: Title Screen Indhar: Enemy Bulley

**Week 10 Finishing Game

(4/18) **MISSING TITLE SCREEN & WIN CONDITION Omar: Made lose condition and made a bar for time Josh: Helped with "Game Over!" and helpled recolorize enemies Anuj: Worked on enemy ship (rotation + color) Indhar: worked on enemies (making more + color)

(4/20) Omar: Title Screen Done and Win Condition started Josh: Researched issues that came up on IntelliJ and helpled Omar Anuj:Helped with thinking what to do next Indhar: Absent

**Week 11 Game Finish, Comment and clean game and github

(4/24) Omar: Game finish, comment code Josh/Anuj: Clean Github Indhar: Get better sound (4/28) Indhar Omar Anuj Josh work on making the game harder

**Hell Week (also known as AP exam week)

(5/2) All: Nothing (5/4) Omar: try to fix bug; Indhar: Calibrating Game; Anuj: Testing Calibrations from Indhar; Josh: Work with Omar

**Final Week: Making Presentation

(5/16) All: work on presentatoin


by Omar, Josh, Anuj, Indhar






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