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Use zmigrate Simple UI on Windows

ParrotGotMeEye edited this page Feb 14, 2019 · 11 revisions

Make Sure Your Computer's Firewall is Turned OFF

Steps to zmigrate Pirate (ARRR) in Windows:

  1. Download and run latest Agama from here (Select the installer if you want to install it or use the portable zip version to start Agama immediately)
  2. Sync PIRATE fully
  3. Create a new z address from received tab (it will start with zs)
  4. Click on the 3 dots in front of the address and select copy pub address
  5. Download the windows zip and extract in a directory from here
  6. Double click on zmigrate_launcher.exe (this will start the simple migration agent)
  7. Enter PIRATE in the Coin box and enter your sapling z address below
  8. Click start zmigrate button

This will open a new command prompt and start displaying as the migration is happening. Keep it running until the zmigration process finishes. You can keep an eye on Agama and you should see transactions happening as the process continues. If you scroll down at Agama Send tab you will also see operation statuses.

Once all your funds moved to zs (Sapling) address, you will be shown a message that process completed. You can hit Enter key on your keyboard or press CTRL+C button to exit.

How the zmigrate dApp works?

  • Sends all funds from Sprout (zc) address to Sprout (zc) address first using z_mergetoaddress call (This will take most of the time as it is pure sprout transacton).
  • After all funds moved to a new sprout address, the dApp starts sending them to unique new R addresses with a batch of 5000.0001 until there are enough to create a batch. Then, starting batching them up to 500.0001 until there is enough left for a batch. Then, it does 50.0001s batch as needed and one final. (This step may take some time as well as it does sprout transaction.)
  • After all funds moved to new transparent addresses, it starts the final steps to move funds to Sapling (zs) addresses.

Important notes:

  • It can take few minutes to couple of hour depending on your system spec and amount of zutxos (znotes) you have.
  • At the end it will flood your command prompt window with messages. Ignore them for 10 minutes as the dApp waits for 10 minutes before finishing.
  • Don't turn off your computer or interrupt the process

Many Thanks to Decker for providing us the dApp and simple launcher for Windows!