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Pivotal .NET Core Web Api Template (PCF Enabled)

This is an opinionated .NET Core template for the dotnet new command.

Getting Started

  1. Install the template from

    dotnet new -i PivotalServices.WebApiTemplate.CSharp
  2. This should install a template with the shortname pvtlwebapi

    Templates                                         Short Name         Language          Tags
    PCF Ready .NET Core WebAPI                        pvtlwebapi         [C#]              PCF/WebAPI/Web
  3. To generate a new project

    dotnet new pvtlwebapi -n <NAME_OF_SOLUTION>
  4. Make sure you have the compatible .NET Core SDK versions installed

    Package Version 3.0.0 -> .NET Core SDK Version 3.1

  5. Goto the folder and run either build.bat or for the initial build.

Packaging this template

  1. To package this template use the following command.
    dotnet pack -p:PackageVersion=[version-number]