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Building an NFT Marketplace with Solidity, The Graph Protocol, IPFS and Next.js

This is a full-stack NFT Marketplace application that provides the main functions of the ERC-721 standard and a propietary marketplace to trade these NFTs. It's being built for development purposes - so new features and fixes might be integrated in the future.

You can check the live web application through this link. I hope you find it useful. Enjoy it :)

Tech Stack

For the development of this project, the following technologies have been used:

  • Solidity: source code to implement the NFT collection and Marketplace functions, and store the information on the blockchain.
  • OpenZeppelin: library for secure smart contract development for the ERC721 standard and other libraries such as Ownable, Pausable, Counters, EnumerableSet, PullPayment and ReentrancyGuard.
  • The Graph Protocol: subgraph to retrieve and query the smart contract's information.
  • IPFS: protocol to pin the NFT metadata to Graph IPFS Node.
  • Ethers.js: library to interact with the smart contracts from the front-end web app.
  • Next.js: front-end framework (based on React) to provide an interface for the user to interact with the smart contracts and obtain their information from the subgraph.
  • Vercel: framework to deploy the front-end (Next.js) application to production.


  • Mint (create) NFTs with random metadata.
  • Manage a whitelist for NFT collections to be able use the marketplace.
  • List and buy NFTs on the marketplace.
  • Pull-payments to securely transfer coins when buying NFTs and withdrawing the users' earnings.
  • Track the marketplace and users' history.

Set up

This project has been launched on Goerli - Ethereum testnet. You can use another a different network by updating constants/global.js on the web app and the subgraph.yaml and networks.json on the subgraph. If you want to test the app you'll need to have some GoerliETH to cover the transaction fees. In order to get some free GoerliETH you can use any faucets available online.

NFT Collection and Marketplace on Solidity

You can find the code in contracts folder and use Remix to compile and deploy the smart contracts (0.8.7+ version). The marketplace contract must be deployed first so then its contract address can be passed as parameter to the NFT contract's constructor.

//NFT contract 

contract PCNFTCollection is ERC721URIStorage, Ownable {

  address public marketplaceContract;   
  uint256 public MAX_TOKENS;

        address _marketplaceContract, 
        uint256 _maxTokens
  ) ERC721("Platas Crypto Collection", "PCC") 
      marketplaceContract = _marketplaceContract;
      MAX_TOKENS = _maxTokens;

Subgraph with The Graph Protocol

You'll need to have Node.js installed in your machine to use Graph CLI.

To get started, open The Graph dashboard (sing-in or create a new account) and click on Add Subgraph to create a new subgraph. Then, you'll need to enter a Subgraph name and subtitle. Once it's created you can initialise and deploy it using Graph CLI. For more information read the docs here).

The subgraph will index 5 entities defined in schema.graphl. Token stores the information of each minted NFT. Item contains the data of the listings. Trade is used to store the marketpalce and users' activity when interacting with the marketplace (list, update, cancel and buy NFTs). Collection has the NFT collection information such as its name, symbol, creator and allowance, among others. Lastly, User registers the information of all the users with their NFTs, listings and trades.

You can query the subgraph and use the custom queries with the Playground's section through the following link:

type Token @entity {
  "unique token identifier and primary key"
  id: ID!
  "id of nft token"
  tokenId: BigInt!
  "collection of nft token"
  collection: Collection!
  "user object of owner"
  owner: User!
  "name of nft token"
  name: String
  "description of nft token"
  description: String
  "url of nft token"
  image: String
  "ipfs metadata"
  metadata: String!
  "timestamp of minting date"
  createdAt: BigInt!

type Item @entity {
  "unique item identifier and primary key"
  id: ID!
  "nft token object"
  token: Token!
  "user object of seller of nft token"
  seller: User!
  "user object of buyer of nft token"
  buyer: User
  "price of nft token"
  price: BigInt!
  "timestamp of item creation"
  createdAt: BigInt!
  "timestamp of last item update"
  updatedAt: BigInt!
  "timestamp of item deletion"
  removedAt: BigInt!
  "timestamp of item sale"
  soldAt: BigInt!

type Collection @entity {
  "unique collection identifier and primary key"
  id: ID!
  "user object of creator of collection"
  creator: User
  "whether the collection is allowed to use the marketplace"
  isAllowed: Boolean! 
  "timestamp of collection creation"
  createdAt: BigInt!
  "timestamp of last collection update"
  updatedAt: BigInt!
  "timestamp of collection deletion"
  removedAt: BigInt!
   "list of tokens of collection"
  tokens: [Token!]! @derivedFrom(field: "collection")

type Trade @entity {
  "unique trade identifier and primary key"
  id: ID!
  "type of trade"
  type: String!
  "source of trade"
  from: User!
  "destination of trade"
  to: User!
  "value of trade if any"
  price: BigInt
  "item traded"
  item: Item!
  "trade hash"
  hash: String!
  "timestamp of trade creation"
  createdAt: BigInt!

type User @entity {
  "unique user identifier and primary key"
  id: ID!
  "amount paid for nft tokens"
  deposited: BigInt!
  "pending amount to withdraw from sales"
  pendingToWithdraw: BigInt!
  "total amount already withdrawn from sales"
  withdrawn: BigInt!
  tokens: [Token!]! @derivedFrom(field: "owner")
  items: [Item!]! @derivedFrom(field: "seller")
  collections: [Collection!]! @derivedFrom(field: "creator")
  trades: [Trade!]! @derivedFrom(field: "from")  


The NFTs' metadata is stored on IPFS by pinning it to Graph IPFS Node so that the subgraph can read the corresponding files from IPFS using when NFTMinted event is executed. Since is not deterministic yet (read more here) files must be pinned or synced to Graph IPFS Node to avoid getting a null result due to time-out response and not retrieven its content.

// /website/utils/ipfs.js

const theGraphNodeUrl = new URL('');

const ipfs = create({
    protocol: theGraphNodeUrl.protocol,
    host: theGraphNodeUrl.hostname,
    port: 443,
    apiPath: theGraphNodeUrl.pathname + '/api/v0'

export const pinJSONToIPFS = async (url, name, description) => {

    if (!name || !description || !url) return { success: false, result: "Invalid NFT metadata." }

    //create metadata's object
    const metadata = new Object({ name: name, image: url, description: description })

    try {
        const result = await ipfs.add(JSON.stringify(metadata));
        return { success: true, result: "ipfs://" + result.path }

    } catch (error) {
        return { success: false, result: "An error occured while pinning the NFT metadata to IPFS." }


Web App on Next.js

To interact with the smart contracts and retrieve their data from the subgraph I've built a simple web application on Next.js. From this application, users can mint new NFTs and interact with the marketplace to list their NFTs, update and cancel their listings, and buy NFTs from other users. When clonning the repository you'll need to run npm install to install its dependencies. The logic has been defined in the utils folder within the following files:

  • auxiliary.js: secondary functions to sanitise data, generate random images and texts for the NFTs and convert dates, among others.
  • interact.js: contains the smart contract addresses and the functions to interact with the contracts.
  • ipfs.js: to pin the NFTs metadata and obtain the new CID before minting new NFTs through Graph IPFS Node.
  • subgraph.js: queries and functions to call the subgraph and retrieve the data stored on the smart contracts.