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Distant Horizons

A mod that adds a Level of Detail System to Minecraft

What is Distant Horizons?

Distant Horizons is a Minecraft mod that adds a Level Of Detail (LOD) system to
render simplified chunks outside the normal render distance
allowing for an increased view distance without harming performance.

In other words: this mod lets you see farther without turning your game into a slide show.
If you want to see a quick demo, check out a video covering the mod here:

Minecraft Level Of Detail (LOD) mod - Alpha 1.6.3

Minecraft and Library Versions

This branch supports the following versions of Minecraft:


Fabric: 0.14.24
Fabric API: 0.90.4+1.20.2
Forge: 48.0.13
Parchment: 1.20.1:2023.09.03
Modmenu: 8.0.0

1.20.1, 1.20 (Default)

Fabric: 0.14.24
Fabric API: 0.90.4+1.20.1
Forge: 47.2.1
Parchment: 1.20.1:2023.09.03
Modmenu: 7.2.2


Fabric: 0.14.24
Fabric API: 0.87.1+1.19.4
Forge: 45.2.4
Parchment: 1.19.4:2023.06.26
Modmenu: 6.3.1


Fabric: 0.14.24
Fabric API: 0.76.1+1.19.2
Forge: 43.3.2
Parchment: 1.19.2:2022.11.27
Modmenu: 4.2.0-beta.2


Fabric: 0.14.24
Fabric API: 0.76.0+1.18.2
Forge: 40.2.10
Parchment: 1.18.2:2022.11.06
Modmenu: 3.2.5

1.17.1, 1.17

Fabric: 0.14.24
Fabric API: 0.46.1+1.17
Forge: 37.1.1
Parchment: 1.17.1:2021.12.12
Modmenu: 2.0.14

1.16.5, 1.16.4

Fabric: 0.14.24
Fabric API: 0.42.0+1.16
Forge: 36.2.39
Parchment: 1.16.5:2022.03.06
Modmenu: 1.16.22

Versions no longer supported

  • 1.18.1, 1.18
  • 1.19.1, 1.19
  • 1.19.3

Plugin and Library versions

Fabric loom: 1.1.+
Forge gradle (Using Architectury): 3.4-SNAPSHOT
Sponge vanilla gradle: 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT
Sponge mixin: 0.8.5
Java Preprocessor plugin: Manifold Preprocessor

Source Code Installation


If using IntelliJ:

  1. Install the Manifold plugin
  2. Open IDEA and import the build.gradle
  3. Refresh the Gradle project in IDEA if required

If using Eclipse: (Note that Eclipse doesn't support Manifold's preprocessor!)

  1. Run the command: ./gradlew geneclipseruns
  2. Run the command: ./gradlew eclipse
  3. Make sure eclipse has the JDK 17 installed. (This is needed so that eclipse can run minecraft)
  4. Import the project into eclipse

Switching Versions

To switch between different Minecraft versions, change mcVer=1.? in the file.

If running in an IDE, to ensure the IDE noticed the version change, run any gradle command to refresh gradle. (In IntellJ you will also need to do a gradle sync if it didn't happen automatically.)

Note: There may be a java.nio.file.FileSystemException thrown when running the command after switching versions. To fix it, either restart your IDE (as your IDE is probably locking a file) or use a tool like LockHunter to unlock the linked file(s). (Generally it is a lib file under common\build\lib, forge\build\lib, or fabric\build\lib).
If anyone knows how to solve this issue please let us know here:



  • JDK 17 or newer

From the File Explorer:

  1. Download and extract the project zip
  2. Download the core from and extract into a folder called coreSubProjects
  3. Open a terminal emulator in the project folder (On Windows you can type cmd in the title bar)
  4. Run the commands: ./gradlew assemble (You may need to use a .\ on Windows)
  5. Merge the jars wih ./gradlew mergeJars
  6. The compiled jar file will be in the folder Merged

From the command line:

  1. git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. cd minecraft-lod-mod
  3. ./gradlew assemble
  4. ./gradlew mergeJars
  5. The compiled jar file will be in the folder Merged

Run tests with: ./gradlew test

Note: You can add the arg: -PmcVer=? to tell gradle to build a selected MC version instead of having to modify the file.
Example: ./gradlew assemble -PmcVer=1.18.2

Compiling with Docker

./compile <version>

You can also locally compile the DH jars without a Java environment by using Docker. Where <version> is the version of Minecraft to compile for (ie 1.20.1), or the keyword all. See Versions for a list of all supported values.

Other commands

./gradlew --refresh-dependencies to refresh local dependencies.

./gradlew clean to delete any compiled code.

Note to self

The Minecraft source code is NOT added to your workspace in an editable way. Minecraft is treated like a normal Library. Sources are there for documentation and research purposes only.

Source code uses Mojang mappings & Parchment mappings.

To generate the source code run ./gradlew genSources
If your IDE fails to auto-detect the source jars when browsing Minecraft classes; manually select the JAR file ending with -sources.jar when prompted by your IDE.
(In IntelliJ it's at the top where it says "choose sources" when browsing a Minecraft class)

Other Useful commands

Run the standalone jar: ./gradlew run
Build the standalone jar: ./gradlew core:build
Only build Fabric: ./gradlew fabric:assemble or ./gradlew fabric:build
Only build Forge: ./gradlew fabric:assemble or ./gradlew forge:build
Run the Fabric client (for debugging): ./gradlew fabric:runClient
Run the Forge client (for debugging): ./gradlew forge:runClient

To build all versions: ./buildAll (all builds will end up in the Merged folder)

Open Source Acknowledgements

Forgix (To merge multiple mod versions into one jar) [Formerly DHJarMerger]

LZ4 for Java (data compression)

NightConfig for Json & Toml (config handling)

SVG Salamander for SVG support (not being used atm)



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