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Running From Source on Mac OS X

Khroki edited this page Nov 10, 2014 · 10 revisions

These steps will detail how to run Khroki/MCEdit-Unified from source, on Mac OS X 10.10.

The first step is to clone the repository

git clone
cd MCEdit-Unified

or if you've cloned the repository in the past...

git pull

If you don't have it already, install Homebrew. Please follow the instructions presented at the end of installation to make sure your Homebrew is set up properly.

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"`

Now you have to install PyGame. These instructions will detail building PyGame 1.9.1 from the PyGame Downloads page.

First, download PyGame and open it. You can also download it from the link above and unarchive it however you want.

curl -OfSL#
cd pygame-1.9.1release

Then run Answer Y to any setup questions you receive.

sudo python

It should show you a list of items and indicate wether it found them or not. Compare the list to the one presented here

You aren't done yet, even if all your dependencies are installed, including XQuartz, it still won't work. Use the following command to make XQuartz readable. This makes a symbolic link to XQuartz at the location where PyGame expects it.

sudo ln -s /opt/X11/include/X11 /usr/local/include/X11

Ok, last step. I promise. Download scale_mmx64.c and put it in pygame-1.9.1release/src, replacing the one included in PyGame.

Now, you can try to build. Make sure you've cded into pygame-1.9.1release

sudo python install

You can test that its installed by opening Python


and importing PyGame

import pygame

Once PyGame is working, install pip (if you don't already have it)

sudo easy_install pip

And use pip to install the remaining dependencies

sudo pip install pyopengl pyyaml pillow

Now, in Finder open MCEdit-Unified (that you cloned earlier), and double click mcedit.command. If you receive a permissions error, type (with trailing space) chmod +x , drag mcedit.command into the terminal window, and hit enter.

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