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Poisot Lab Manuscript Template

This template is a way to make writing academic papers using pandoc and markdown simple. Feel free to look at the pdf in the output folder to see what it can do.

This requires pandoc 2.0

Getting started

Edit the ABSTRACT file, change the authors names in authors.yaml, and the basic document infos in infos.yaml.

To compile, use make all. If you have a Rmd, Jmd or a md file in your directory (and it is called manuscript), then things should work.

Just type make to see a list of all possible commands:

all                 Make all the default outputs
clean               Remove the temporary file
diff                Create the pdf with track changes
draft               Create a pdf using the draft template
help                Show the help
.metadata.yaml      Compile the document metadata in a hidden file
odt                 Create a LibreOffice document
output/             Create the output directory to store the pdf and odt files
preprint            Create a pdf using the preprint template

If you want to dig in the structure, have a look at the Makefile -- the source is commented quite a lot. The example document is the manuscript.Rmd file.

Is it standard markdown?

Yes, with a few additional filters.

What do you need?

  • pandoc
  • LaTeX
  • node and npm
  • GNU make
  • an idea for a manuscript
  • knitr, Weave.jl if you need to render these sort of things
  • pandoc-crossref and pandoc-citeproc


  • URL should be more visible
  • PDF metadata