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Stable Release 0.1.2: A new year, a new release!

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@dfreedm dfreedm released this 10 Jan 17:56
· 5648 commits to master since this release

General updates

Custom element renames

Some of the Custom Element callbacks and APIs were renamed at the spec level. The polyfills
and docs have been updated to
reflect these changes:

  • document.register-> document.registerElement
  • enteredViewCallback -> attachedCallback
  • leftViewCallback -> detachedCallback

The old names will be supported for a while long.

Single-use bindings

Anywhere you use {{}}, you can now use double brackets ([[]]) and the result will be a one-time binding. Polymer fills this value once.

<div foo="this value is inserted once: [[ obj.value ]]">

One time bindings can potentially be a performance win if you don't need the overhead of setting up property observation.



  • enteredViewCallback ->attachedCallback, leftViewCallback -> detachedCallback (commit)
  • support document.registerElement (commit)
  • use two underscores, less likely to have conflict (commit)
  • Avoid conflicts with using Functions as Custom Element definitions (commit)
  • dispatch WebComponentsReady event on document instead of body. (commit)


  • remove deprecated forceCollectObservers (commit)
  • Remove async hack for select binding (and ensureScheduled which is no longer needed). (commit)
  • NodeBind: oneTime. (commit)
  • Observable.reset -> Observable.discardChanges (commit)
  • Node.bind(name, observable) (commit)


  • Make sure a valid ShadowRoot or Document is returned from target.owner (commit)
  • Fix demo links with github hosting (commit)
  • Don't look for touch-action-delay support (commit)
  • Fix touchEvent support for touch-action (commit)


  • Slightly polish pinch/rotate example (commit)
  • Add docs for pinch and zoom (commit)
  • add simple pinchrotate sample (commit)
  • add center location to events (commit)
  • remove version info from master branch (commit)
  • add pinch and rotate events to logger (commit)
  • start of a working pinch/rotate impl (commit)
  • update pointermap impl (commit)


  • Fix issue with getElementById (commit)
  • Update support for CustomElements: change document.register to document.registerElement; entered/leftViewCallbacks to attached/detachedCallbacks (commit)
  • Dispatch native events at all times (commit)
  • Do not create an applet element during startup (commit)


  • Nothing to do if false one-time if (commit)
  • remove deprecated forceCollectObservers (commit)
  • remove ensureScheduled from TemplateBinding (commit)
  • d8_benchmark (commit)
  • minor benchmark changes (commit)
  • Produce sub-templates synchronously. (commit)
  • Refactor template bindings: Clone and bind instance nodes in single pass (commit)
  • Fix codereview benchmark example (commit)
  • Implement one-time bindings. (commit)
  • Fix logic in processSinglePathBinding (commit)
  • Observable.reset -> Observable.discardChanges (commit)
  • TemplateBinding changes to support Observable interface change (commit)



  • Allow CompoundObservers to be reset (commit)
  • allow Path/CompoundObservers to share observedSets (commit)
  • runEOM (commit)
  • Decouple observedSet from PathObservers (commit)
  • Cache & reuse direct observers when O.o is present (commit)
  • Revert "run benchmarks longer" (commit)
  • run benchmarks longer (commit)
  • remove unused properties (commit)
  • move addToAll to open() (commit)
  • Allow discardChanges to be called before open (commit)
  • This patch makes a set of related changes: (commit)
  • Remove isObservable check in addObserver. This isn't really adding much as the open() call will throw if it's absent. (commit)
  • CompoundObserver.getValues retrieve present values, but not update last reported values. (commit)
  • Fix ObserverTransform.getValue/setValue/discardChanges (commit)
  • add back observed_ as third arg to CompoundObserer callback (temporary) (commit)
  • Fix CompoundObserver for Object.observe when all deps are Observers (commit)
  • PathObserver.defineProperty(target, name, model, path) -> Observer.defineProperty(target, name, observable) (commit)
  • Refactor to support Observable interface (commit)


  • run audit log not by default (commit)
  • document.register -> document.registerElement (commit)
  • Refine timing related to calling Polymer() in main document scripts when polymer is imported. (commit)
  • Use shared "version" task to add git revision to version number between releases (commit)
  • allow polymer to bootstrap sooner. (commit)



  • run audit log not by default (commit)
  • Add support for attached/detachedCallbacks; users can now implement attached/detached; in addition, entered/leftView remain available for bc. (commit)
  • include discardChanges (commit)
  • document.register -> document.registerElement (commit)
  • adapt to new observe-ms api. (commit)
  • proper factoring. (commit)
  • add DOMMouseScroll to mixed-case events list (commit)
  • support combining names in observe block (e.g. observe { 'foo bar baz': 'stuffChanged'}) (commit)
  • Refine timing related to calling Polymer() in main document scripts when polymer is imported. (commit)
  • use shared "version" task for adding git revision to builds between releases (commit)
  • mixin wrapper must not squelch return values (commit)
  • Fixes #378 (commit)
  • workaround for PolymerBase mixin API incompatibility with super() implementation (commit)
  • install landing page (commit)
  • support extra number formats (i.e. hex) when deserializing numbers from markup (commit)
  • update to reflect changes to observe-js/Node.bind - bind changed to take an observable - CompoundPathObserver changed to CompoundObserver. (commit)
  • remove deprecated polymer.js, polymer should be included via importing polymer.html. (commit)


  • cr changes (commit)
  • fix build (commit)
  • Correctly track expression dependencies (commit)
  • dont collect observers for O.o (commit)
  • Fix observer count (commit)
  • polymer-expressions: oneTime (commit)
  • add deliver to ConstantObservable (commit)
  • Observable.reset -> Observable.discardChanges (commit)
  • polymer-expression changes to support Observable interface (commit)


  • add three-js to (commit)
  • pull-all-elements: add polymer-ui-dropup (commit)
  • pull-all-elements: add polymer-ui-dropdown (commit)
  • Grunt task to tickle version # in platform and polymer builds (commit)
  • add polymer-home-age (commit)
  • sort elements (commit)
  • first draft of doc viewer script (commit)
  • going with the explicit approach, mush faster (commit)
  • add polymer-ui-iconset (commit)
  • always have to load repos (commit)



  • make 'value' attribute, add metadata, update landing page (commit)


  • comment out metadata files that don't exist (commit)
  • update meta files (commit)


  • add contentType property and default to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" (commit)



  • support declaratively setting layout via attribute (commit)


  • update Template.bind to use observer (commit)


  • improve support for default values when using JSON with localstorage (commit)


  • add polymer-ui-dropdown, polymer-ui-dropup (commit)
  • remove css file in favor of css in polymer-ui-base component. (commit)


  • update to use ui-iconset (commit)


  • use 'on' class to change on/off style (commit)


  • make designer maximize (commit)
  • need to pass in PathObserver for bind() (commit)
  • refactoring, add landing page (commit)


  • make designer maximize (commit)
  • adjust font-family (commit)


  • range-editor: set default min, max and step values (commit)


  • make designer maximize (commit)


  • support explicit categories via 'key' attribute on x-meta (commit)



  • need explicit path observers now (commit)


  • insulate from change order issues (commit)
  • fix expression syntax to use tokenList (commit)



  • make designer maximize (commit)
  • add more-components to bower.json (commit)



  • update bindProperties call. (commit)


  • fix so update() will show all the stops (commit)
  • make showAll stops working (commit)


  • fix bower.json (commit)
  • update to use bower via standard convention. (commit)