It is a very simple self-hosted image holder service.
- Image Holder is a self hosted app on node.js
- it provides a Drag / Drop images upload.
- it stores the files and thumbnails in a public local folder.
- it may require a pass key for an upload (set in the server's settings).
- it shows teh latest images preview on load.
- it has a RegExp search through all uploaded images.
- it manages duplicated files.
- it validates the image size, file extension and the mime type.
- it shows code for integration in forums (the code format is customizable).
Image Holder in action:
"acceptedFiles": ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"],
"maxFileSizeKb": 1024,
"passCode": 42,
"port": 8080,
"storagePath": "store",
"metaFilePath": "db/meta.json",
"maxSearchCount": 20,
"showLastImages": 20,
"thumbnailPattern": "[URL=img-url][IMG]thumb-url[/IMG][/URL]",
"thumbnailWidth": 300,
"thumbnailHeight": 200
The passCode can be a number or a string. If it is 0 or "", the "Pass code" input is hidden.
After cloning this repo, run
npm install
npm start
to start the app
Forex Software Ltd. at
MIT License Copyright © 2012-present, Miroslav Popov