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1.2. Authentication

Sergey Sobko edited this page Feb 22, 2018 · 1 revision

Not all task trackers allow unauthenticated access. Even GitHub penalizes unauthenticated users by drastically dropping its API rate limit. Let's fix this by specifying your username and password for our servers.

Create the .credentials.edn file in your home directory so you can access it with cat ~/.credentials.edn:

 {:login "your_login_here"
  :domain "YOURDOMAIN"
  :password "YourSecretPassword"
  :email ""}}

This is not the only way to specify your credentials and it's definitely not the most secure, but we will use it here as the simplest one. If necessary, feel free to change it by redefining the flower.credentials.get-credentials function.

So, let's get iterations from some company's internal task tracker (GitLab in the following example):

(require '[flower.credentials :as credentials])
(require '[flower.tracker.core :as tracker.core]
         '[flower.tracker.proto :as tracker.proto])

(def login (credentials/get-credentials :account :login))
(def password (credentials/get-credentials :account :password))

;; Initialize the tracker component for authentication
(def tracker-component (tracker.core/start-component {:auth {:gitlab-login login
                                                             :gitlab-password password}
                                                      :context {}}))

;; Our trackers definition
(def our-trackers (tracker.core/trackers tracker-component
                                         {:inner-gitlab {:tracker-type :gitlab
                                                         :tracker-url ""
                                                         :tracker-projects ["example-project"]}}))

;; Get iterations for our project using auth from tracker-component
(tracker.proto/get-iterations (first (:inner-gitlab our-trackers)))

ATTENTION! All further examples will not contain the :auth key. However, it is implied. It is your responsibility to ensure you have the right credentials.

You may use the following properties for :auth:

  • :jira-login and :jira-password for Jira
  • :tfs-login and :tfs-password for TFS
  • :github-login and :github-password or :github-token for GitHub
  • :gitlab-login and :gitlab-password for GitLab

Here is a convenient macro that uses flower.credentials under the hood and supplies necessary credentials to start-component functions. It is supposed to be used together with flower.tracker.core/get-tracker, flower.repository.core/get-repository, and flower.messaging.core/get-messaging definitions:

(require '[flower.macros :as macros])
(require '[flower.tracker.core :as tracker.core])

  (def inner-gitlab-tracker (tracker.core/get-tracker "")))
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