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Reread in-db config when recoverying connection
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* Separate reading files from whole config re-read
* Only reload external file on SIGUSR2/NOTIFY
  • Loading branch information
steve-chavez committed Mar 6, 2021
1 parent 6750a5c commit 498e772
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Showing 6 changed files with 207 additions and 166 deletions.
71 changes: 45 additions & 26 deletions main/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,8 +66,15 @@ main = do
-- read command/path from commad line
CLI{cliCommand, cliPath} <- readCLIShowHelp env

-- build the 'AppConfig' from the config file path
conf <- either panic identity <$> readConfig mempty env cliPath
-- build the 'AppConfig' from the config file path and env vars
pathEnvConf <- either panic identity <$> readAppConfig mempty env cliPath Nothing Nothing

-- read external files
dbUriFile <- readDbUriFile $ configDbUri pathEnvConf
secretFile <- readSecretFile $ configJwtSecret pathEnvConf

-- add the external files to AppConfig
conf <- either panic identity <$> readAppConfig mempty env cliPath dbUriFile secretFile

-- These are config values that can't be reloaded at runtime. Reloading some of them would imply restarting the web server.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,10 +111,19 @@ main = do
-- Config that can change at runtime
refConf <- newIORef conf

let configRereader startingUp = reReadConfig startingUp pool gucConfigEnabled env cliPath refConf

-- re-read and override the config if db-load-guc-config is true
when gucConfigEnabled $ configRereader True
-- re-reads config file + db config
dbConfigReReader startingUp = when gucConfigEnabled $
reReadConfig startingUp pool gucConfigEnabled env cliPath refConf dbUriFile secretFile
-- re-reads jwt-secret external file + config file + db config
fullConfigReReader =
reReadConfig False pool gucConfigEnabled env cliPath refConf
dbUriFile =<< -- db-uri external file could be re-read, but it doesn't make sense as db-uri is not reloadable
readSecretFile (configJwtSecret pathEnvConf)

-- Override the config with config options from the db
-- TODO: the same operation is repeated on connectionWorker, ideally this would be done only once, but dump CmdDumpConfig needs it for tests.
dbConfigReReader True

case cliCommand of
CmdDumpConfig ->
Expand All @@ -126,7 +142,8 @@ main = do
-- This is passed to the connectionWorker method so it can kill the main thread if the PostgreSQL's version is not supported.
mainTid <- myThreadId

let connWorker = connectionWorker mainTid pool refConf refDbStructure refIsWorkerOn (dbChannelEnabled, mvarConnectionStatus)
let connWorker = connectionWorker mainTid pool refConf refDbStructure refIsWorkerOn (dbChannelEnabled, mvarConnectionStatus) $
dbConfigReReader False

-- Sets the initial refDbStructure
Expand All @@ -149,13 +166,13 @@ main = do

-- Re-read the config on SIGUSR2
void $ installHandler sigUSR2 (
Catch $ configRereader False
Catch fullConfigReReader
) Nothing

-- reload schema cache + config on NOTIFY
when dbChannelEnabled $
listener dbUri dbChannel pool refConf refDbStructure mvarConnectionStatus connWorker $ configRereader False
listener dbUri dbChannel pool refConf refDbStructure mvarConnectionStatus connWorker fullConfigReReader

-- ask for the OS time at most once per second
getTime <- mkAutoUpdate defaultUpdateSettings {updateAction = getCurrentTime}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,7 +228,8 @@ connectionWorker
-> IORef Bool -- ^ Used as a binary Semaphore
-> (Bool, MVar ConnectionStatus) -- ^ For interacting with the LISTEN channel
-> IO ()
connectionWorker mainTid pool refConf refDbStructure refIsWorkerOn (dbChannelEnabled, mvarConnectionStatus) = do
-> IO ()
connectionWorker mainTid pool refConf refDbStructure refIsWorkerOn (dbChannelEnabled, mvarConnectionStatus) dbCfReader = do
isWorkerOn <- readIORef refIsWorkerOn
unless isWorkerOn $ do -- Prevents multiple workers to be running at the same time. Could happen on too many SIGUSR1s.
atomicWriteIORef refIsWorkerOn True
Expand All @@ -227,6 +245,7 @@ connectionWorker mainTid pool refConf refDbStructure refIsWorkerOn (dbChannelEna
NotConnected -> return () -- Unreachable because connectionStatus will keep trying to connect
Connected actualPgVersion -> do -- Procede with initialization
putStrLn ("Connection successful" :: Text)
dbCfReader -- this could be fail because the connection drops, but the loadSchemaCache will pick the error and retry again
scStatus <- loadSchemaCache pool actualPgVersion refConf refDbStructure
case scStatus of
SCLoaded -> pure () -- do nothing and proceed if the load was successful
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,15 +291,6 @@ connectionStatus pool =
putStrLn $ "Attempting to reconnect to the database in " <> (show delay::Text) <> " seconds..."
return itShould

loadDbSettings :: P.Pool -> IO [(Text, Text)]
loadDbSettings pool = do
result <- P.use pool $ HT.transaction HT.ReadCommitted HT.Read $ HT.statement mempty dbSettingsStatement
case result of
Left e -> do
hPutStrLn stderr ("An error ocurred when trying to query database settings for the config parameters:\n" <> show e :: Text)
pure []
Right x -> pure x

-- | Load the DbStructure by using a connection from the pool.
loadSchemaCache :: P.Pool -> PgVersion -> IORef AppConfig -> IORef (Maybe DbStructure) -> IO SCacheStatus
loadSchemaCache pool actualPgVersion refConf refDbStructure = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,20 +350,29 @@ listener dbUri dbChannel pool refConf refDbStructure mvarConnectionStatus connWo
errorMessage = "Could not listen for notifications on the " <> dbChannel <> " channel" :: Text
retryMessage = "Retrying listening for notifications on the " <> dbChannel <> " channel.." :: Text

-- | Re-reads the config at runtime.
reReadConfig :: Bool -> P.Pool -> Bool -> Environment -> Maybe FilePath -> IORef AppConfig -> IO ()
reReadConfig startingUp pool gucConfigEnabled env path refConf = do
dbSettings <- if gucConfigEnabled then loadDbSettings pool else pure []
readConfig dbSettings env path >>= \case
-- | Re-reads the config plus config options from the db
reReadConfig :: Bool -> P.Pool -> Bool -> Environment -> Maybe FilePath -> IORef AppConfig -> Maybe Text -> Maybe BS.ByteString -> IO ()
reReadConfig startingUp pool gucConfigEnabled env path refConf dbUriFile secretFile = do
dbSettings <- if gucConfigEnabled then loadDbSettings else pure []
readAppConfig dbSettings env path dbUriFile secretFile >>= \case
Left err ->
if startingUp
then panic err -- die on invalid config if the program is starting up
else hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed config reload. " <> err
else hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed config load. " <> err
Right conf -> do
atomicWriteIORef refConf conf
if startingUp
then pass
else putStrLn ("Config reloaded" :: Text)
else putStrLn ("Config loaded" :: Text)
loadDbSettings :: IO [(Text, Text)]
loadDbSettings = do
result <- P.use pool $ HT.transaction HT.ReadCommitted HT.Read $ HT.statement mempty dbSettingsStatement
case result of
Left e -> do
hPutStrLn stderr ("An error ocurred when trying to query database settings for the config parameters:\n" <> show e :: Text)
pure []
Right x -> pure x

-- | Dump DbStructure schema to JSON
dumpSchema :: P.Pool -> AppConfig -> IO LBS.ByteString
Expand Down
149 changes: 56 additions & 93 deletions src/PostgREST/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ module PostgREST.Config
, Environment
, readCLIShowHelp
, readEnvironment
, readConfig
, readAppConfig
, readDbUriFile
, readSecretFile
, parseSecret
) where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,9 +333,9 @@ instance JustIfMaybe a a where
instance JustIfMaybe a (Maybe a) where
justIfMaybe a = Just a

-- | Parse the config file
readAppConfig :: [(Text, Text)] -> Environment -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either Text AppConfig)
readAppConfig dbSettings env optPath = do
-- | Reads and parses the config and overrides its parameters from env vars, files or db settings.
readAppConfig :: [(Text, Text)] -> Environment -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Text -> Maybe B.ByteString -> IO (Either Text AppConfig)
readAppConfig dbSettings env optPath dbUriFile secretFile = do
-- Now read the actual config file
conf <- case optPath of
-- Both C.ParseError and IOError are shown here
Expand All @@ -345,6 +347,10 @@ readAppConfig dbSettings env optPath = do

parseConfig =
let pB64 = fromMaybe False <$> optWithAlias (optBool "jwt-secret-is-base64")
(optBool "secret-is-base64")
pSec = parseJwtSecret "jwt-secret" =<< pB64
<$> parseAppSettings "app.settings"
<*> reqString "db-anon-role"
Expand All @@ -366,13 +372,12 @@ readAppConfig dbSettings env optPath = do
<*> (fromMaybe True <$> optBool "db-load-guc-config")
<*> parseTxEnd "db-tx-end" snd
<*> parseTxEnd "db-tx-end" fst
<*> reqString "db-uri"
<*> pure Nothing
<*> parseDbUri "db-uri"
<*> (fmap parseSecret <$> pSec)
<*> parseJwtAudience "jwt-aud"
<*> parseRoleClaimKey "jwt-role-claim-key" "role-claim-key"
<*> (fmap encodeUtf8 <$> optString "jwt-secret")
<*> (fromMaybe False <$> optWithAlias (optBool "jwt-secret-is-base64")
(optBool "secret-is-base64"))
<*> pSec
<*> pB64
<*> parseLogLevel "log-level"
<*> parseOpenAPIServerProxyURI "openapi-server-proxy-uri"
<*> (maybe [] (fmap encodeUtf8 . splitOnCommas) <$> optValue "raw-media-types")
Expand All @@ -381,6 +386,25 @@ readAppConfig dbSettings env optPath = do
<*> (fmap unpack <$> optString "server-unix-socket")
<*> parseSocketFileMode "server-unix-socket-mode"

parseDbUri :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config Text
parseDbUri k = flip fromMaybe dbUriFile <$> reqString k

parseJwtSecret :: C.Key -> Bool -> C.Parser C.Config (Maybe B.ByteString)
parseJwtSecret k isB64 = optString k >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just sec ->
let secStr = encodeUtf8 sec
secFile = fromMaybe secStr secretFile
-- replace because the JWT is actually base64url encoded which must be turned into just base64 before decoding.
replaceUrlChars = replace "_" "/" . replace "-" "+" . replace "." "="
willBeFile = isPrefixOf "@" (toS secStr) && isNothing secretFile
if isB64 && not willBeFile -- don't decode in bas64 if the secret will be a file or it will err. The secFile will be filled with the file contents in a later stage.
then case B64.decode $ encodeUtf8 $ strip $ replaceUrlChars $ decodeUtf8 secFile of
Left errMsg -> fail errMsg
Right bs -> pure $ Just bs
else pure $ Just secFile

parseAppSettings :: C.Key -> C.Parser C.Config [(Text, Text)]
parseAppSettings key = addFromEnv . fmap (fmap coerceText) <$> C.subassocs key C.value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,90 +539,6 @@ readAppConfig dbSettings env optPath = do
splitOnCommas (C.String s) = strip <$> splitOn "," s
splitOnCommas _ = []

-- | Reads the config and overrides its parameters from files, env vars or db settings.
readConfig :: [(Text, Text)] -> Environment -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (Either Text AppConfig)
readConfig dbSettings env path =
readAppConfig dbSettings env path >>= \case
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right appConf -> do
conf <- loadDbUriFile =<< loadSecretFile appConf
pure $ Right $ conf { configJWKS = parseSecret <$> configJwtSecret conf}

type Environment = M.Map [Char] Text

readEnvironment :: IO Environment
readEnvironment = getEnvironment <&> pgrst
pgrst env = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> "PGRST_" `isPrefixOf` k) $ pack $ M.fromList env

The purpose of this function is to load the JWT secret from a file if
configJwtSecret is actually a filepath and replaces some characters if the JWT
is base64 encoded.
The reason some characters need to be replaced is because JWT is actually
base64url encoded which must be turned into just base64 before decoding.
To check if the JWT secret is provided is in fact a file path, it must be
decoded as 'Text' to be processed.
decodeUtf8: Decode a ByteString containing UTF-8 encoded text that is known to
be valid.
loadSecretFile :: AppConfig -> IO AppConfig
loadSecretFile conf = extractAndTransform mSecret
mSecret = decodeUtf8 <$> configJwtSecret conf
isB64 = configJwtSecretIsBase64 conf
-- The Text (variable name secret) here is mSecret from above which is the JWT
-- decoded as Utf8
-- stripPrefix: Return the suffix of the second string if its prefix matches
-- the entire first string.
-- The configJwtSecret is a filepath instead of the JWT secret itself if the
-- secret has @ as its prefix.
extractAndTransform :: Maybe Text -> IO AppConfig
extractAndTransform Nothing = return conf
extractAndTransform (Just secret) =
fmap setSecret $
transformString isB64 =<<
case stripPrefix "@" secret of
Nothing -> return . encodeUtf8 $ secret
Just filename -> chomp <$> BS.readFile (toS filename)
chomp bs = fromMaybe bs (BS.stripSuffix "\n" bs)
-- Turns the Base64url encoded JWT into Base64
transformString :: Bool -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
transformString False t = return t
transformString True t =
case B64.decode $ encodeUtf8 $ strip $ replaceUrlChars $ decodeUtf8 t of
Left errMsg -> panic $ pack errMsg
Right bs -> return bs
setSecret bs = conf {configJwtSecret = Just bs}
-- replace: Replace every occurrence of one substring with another
replaceUrlChars =
replace "_" "/" . replace "-" "+" . replace "." "="

Load database uri from a separate file if `db-uri` is a filepath.
loadDbUriFile :: AppConfig -> IO AppConfig
loadDbUriFile conf = extractDbUri mDbUri
mDbUri = configDbUri conf
extractDbUri :: Text -> IO AppConfig
extractDbUri dbUri =
fmap setDbUri $
case stripPrefix "@" dbUri of
Nothing -> return dbUri
Just filename -> strip <$> readFile (toS filename)
setDbUri dbUri = conf {configDbUri = dbUri}

Parse `jwt-secret` configuration option and turn into a JWKSet.
Expand All @@ -615,3 +555,26 @@ parseSecret bytes =
maybeJWK = JSON.decode (toS bytes) :: Maybe JWK
secret = JWT.JWKSet [JWT.fromKeyMaterial keyMaterial]
keyMaterial = JWT.OctKeyMaterial . JWT.OctKeyParameters $ JOSE.Base64Octets bytes

type Environment = M.Map [Char] Text

readEnvironment :: IO Environment
readEnvironment = getEnvironment <&> pgrst
pgrst env = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> "PGRST_" `isPrefixOf` k) $ pack $ M.fromList env

-- | Read the JWT secret from a file if configJwtSecret is actually a filepath(has @ as its prefix).
-- | To check if the JWT secret is provided is in fact a file path, it must be decoded as 'Text' to be processed.
readSecretFile :: Maybe B.ByteString -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)
readSecretFile mSecret =
case (stripPrefix "@" . decodeUtf8) =<< mSecret of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just filename -> Just . chomp <$> BS.readFile (toS filename)
chomp bs = fromMaybe bs (BS.stripSuffix "\n" bs)

-- | Read database uri from a separate file if `db-uri` is a filepath.
readDbUriFile :: Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
readDbUriFile dbUri = case stripPrefix "@" dbUri of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just filename -> Just . strip <$> readFile (toS filename)

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