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Further improve PSMethod to Delegate conversion (#6851)
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Refactor code to make it easier to maintain and a little faster. Changes are as follows:

1. Support finding a matching signature with variance. But make PowerShell prefer exact match over a match with variance.
2. The metadata signatures in `PSMethod<..>` are generated based on the array of method overloads in `MethodCacheEntry.MethodInformationStructures`, in the exact same order. So in `LanguagePrimitive.ConvertViaParseMethod`, when we try to figure out if there is a match using the metadata signatures in `PSMethod<..>`, we can get the index of the matching signature, and the same index should locate the matching method in `MethodCacheEntry.MethodInformationStructures`. Therefore, we don't need to compare signatures again in the actual conversion method, and instead, we can just leverage the index we found when figuring out the conversion in `ConvertViaParseMethod`.
   - This gets rid of the reflection call `GetMethod("Invoke")` and the subsequent signature comparisons in the final conversion method.
   - Also, when comparing signatures using `PSMethod<..>` in `ConvertViaParseMethod`, we can just use the generic argument types of each `Func<..>` metadata type, instead of calling `GetMethod("Invoke")` and then `GetParameters()`. This makes the code for comparing signatures simpler (the type `SignatureComparator`).
   - Move `MatchesPSMethodProjectedType` from `PSMemberInfo.cs` to the type `SignatureComparator` in `LanguagePrimitives.cs`, as it's closely related to the signature comparison. Also, renamed it to `ProjectedTypeMatchesTargetType`.
   - These changes make PSMethod-to-Delegate conversion a little faster, but no big improvement, as the true bottleneck probably is in delegate creation(?). Actually, the performance of this conversion is not critical at all at this moment because this feature should rarely be used in any hot script path. So this exercise is mainly for fun. 
3. Remove `PSEnum<T>`. We can directly use enum types when constructing the metadata type `Func<..>`.
4. Remove the code that generates metadata signatures for generic method definitions (call `MakeGenericMethod` with fake types like `GenericType0`, `GenericType1`). This is because:
   - We don't support convert generic method to delegate today, so may be better not spending time on preparing the metadata signature types for those methods. 
   - When the day comes that we need to support it, it's better to use generic argument types directly to construct the `Func<..>` metadata types. I left comments in `GetMethodGroupType` method in `PSMemberInfo.cs` to explain why that approach is better.
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daxian-dbw committed May 15, 2018
1 parent 472b5f7 commit aa0af5e
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Showing 4 changed files with 308 additions and 279 deletions.
252 changes: 175 additions & 77 deletions src/System.Management.Automation/engine/LanguagePrimitives.cs
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
using System.Text;
using System.Management.Automation.Internal;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; // for fxcop
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Dbg = System.Management.Automation.Diagnostics;
using MethodCacheEntry = System.Management.Automation.DotNetAdapter.MethodCacheEntry;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3202,49 +3202,6 @@ private static PSConverter<bool> CreateNumericToBoolConverter(Type fromType)
valueToConvert.ToString(), resultType.ToString(), exception.Message);

private static Delegate ConvertPSMethodInfoToDelegate(object valueToConvert,
Type resultType,
bool recurse,
PSObject originalValueToConvert,
IFormatProvider formatProvider,
TypeTable backupTable)
// We can only possibly convert PSMethod instance of the type PSMethod<T>.
// Such a PSMethod essentially represents a set of .NET method overloads.
var psMethod = (PSMethod)valueToConvert;

var methods = (MethodCacheEntry)psMethod.adapterData;
var isStatic = psMethod.instance is Type;
var targetMethodInfo = resultType.GetMethod("Invoke");
var comparator = new DelegateArgsComparator(targetMethodInfo);

foreach (var methodInformation in methods.methodInformationStructures)
var candidate = (MethodInfo)methodInformation.method;
if (comparator.SignatureMatches(candidate.ReturnType, candidate.GetParameters()))
return isStatic ? candidate.CreateDelegate(resultType)
: candidate.CreateDelegate(resultType, psMethod.instance);
catch (Exception e)
typeConversion.WriteLine("PSMethod to Delegate exception: \"{0}\".", e.Message);
throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastExceptionPSMethodToDelegate", e,
valueToConvert.ToString(), resultType.ToString(), e.Message);

var msg = String.Format(ExtendedTypeSystem.PSMethodToDelegateNoMatchingOverLoad, psMethod, resultType);
typeConversion.WriteLine($"PSMethod to Delegate exception: \"{msg}\".");
throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastExceptionPSMethodToDelegate", null,
valueToConvert.ToString(), resultType.ToString(), msg);

private static object ConvertToNullable(object valueToConvert,
Type resultType,
bool recursion,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3486,6 +3443,65 @@ private static PSConverter<bool> CreateNumericToBoolConverter(Type fromType)
return ConvertStringToEnum(sbResult.ToString(), resultType, recursion, originalValueToConvert, formatProvider, backupTable);

private class PSMethodToDelegateConverter
// Index of the matching overload method.
private readonly int _matchIndex;
// Size of the cache. It's rare to have more than 10 overloads for a method.
private const int CacheSize = 10;
private static readonly PSMethodToDelegateConverter[] s_converterCache = new PSMethodToDelegateConverter[CacheSize];

private PSMethodToDelegateConverter(int matchIndex)
_matchIndex = matchIndex;

internal static PSMethodToDelegateConverter GetConverter(int matchIndex)
if (matchIndex >= CacheSize) { return new PSMethodToDelegateConverter(matchIndex); }

var result = s_converterCache[matchIndex];
if (result == null)
// If the cache entry is null, generate a new instance for the cache slot.
var converter = new PSMethodToDelegateConverter(matchIndex);
Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_converterCache[matchIndex], converter, null);
result = s_converterCache[matchIndex];

return result;

internal Delegate Convert(object valueToConvert,
Type resultType,
bool recursion,
PSObject originalValueToConvert,
IFormatProvider formatProvider,
TypeTable backupTable)
// We can only possibly convert PSMethod instance of the type PSMethod<T>.
// Such a PSMethod essentially represents a set of .NET method overloads.
var psMethod = (PSMethod)valueToConvert;

var methods = (MethodCacheEntry)psMethod.adapterData;
var isStatic = psMethod.instance is Type;

var candidate = (MethodInfo)methods.methodInformationStructures[_matchIndex].method;
return isStatic ? candidate.CreateDelegate(resultType)
: candidate.CreateDelegate(resultType, psMethod.instance);
catch (Exception e)
typeConversion.WriteLine("PSMethod to Delegate exception: \"{0}\".", e.Message);
throw new PSInvalidCastException("InvalidCastExceptionPSMethodToDelegate", e,
valueToConvert.ToString(), resultType.ToString(), e.Message);

private class ConvertViaParseMethod
// TODO - use an ETS wrapper that generates a dynamic method
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4772,66 +4788,148 @@ internal static object ThrowInvalidConversionException(object valueToConvert, Ty
return CacheConversion<object>(fromType, toType, LanguagePrimitives.ConvertIntegerToEnum, ConversionRank.Language);

if (fromType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PSMethod)) && toType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Delegate)))
if (fromType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(PSMethod)) && toType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Delegate)) && !toType.IsAbstract)
var mi = toType.GetMethod("Invoke");

var comparator = new DelegateArgsComparator(mi);
var targetMethod = toType.GetMethod("Invoke");
var comparator = new SignatureComparator(targetMethod);
var signatureEnumerator = new PSMethodSignatureEnumerator(fromType);
int index = -1, matchedIndex = -1;

while (signatureEnumerator.MoveNext())
var candidate = signatureEnumerator.Current.GetMethod("Invoke");
if (comparator.SignatureMatches(candidate.ReturnType, candidate.GetParameters()))
var signatureType = signatureEnumerator.Current;
// Skip the non-bindable signatures
if (signatureType == typeof(Func<PSNonBindableType>)) { continue; }

Type[] argumentTypes = signatureType.GenericTypeArguments;
if (comparator.ProjectedSignatureMatchesTarget(argumentTypes, out bool signaturesMatchExactly))
return CacheConversion<Delegate>(fromType, toType, LanguagePrimitives.ConvertPSMethodInfoToDelegate, ConversionRank.Language);
if (signaturesMatchExactly)
// We prefer the signature that exactly matches the target delegate.
matchedIndex = index;

// If there is no exact match, then we use the first compatible signature we found.
if (matchedIndex == -1) { matchedIndex = index; }

if (matchedIndex > -1)
// We got the index of the matching method signature based on the PSMethod<..> type.
// Signatures in PSMethod<..> type were constructed based on the array of method overloads,
// in the exact order. So we can use this index directly to locate the matching overload in
// the converter, without having to compare the signature again.
var converter = PSMethodToDelegateConverter.GetConverter(matchedIndex);
return CacheConversion<Delegate>(fromType, toType, converter.Convert, ConversionRank.Language);

return null;

struct DelegateArgsComparator
private struct SignatureComparator
private readonly ParameterInfo[] _targetParametersInfos;
private readonly Type _returnType;

public DelegateArgsComparator(MethodInfo targetMethodInfo)
enum TypeMatchingContext
_returnType = targetMethodInfo.ReturnType;
_targetParametersInfos = targetMethodInfo.GetParameters();

public bool SignatureMatches(Type returnType, ParameterInfo[] arguments)
private readonly ParameterInfo[] targetParameters;
private readonly Type targetReturnType;

internal SignatureComparator(MethodInfo targetMethodInfo)
return ReturnTypeMatches(returnType) && ParameterTypesMatches(arguments);
targetReturnType = targetMethodInfo.ReturnType;
targetParameters = targetMethodInfo.GetParameters();

private bool ReturnTypeMatches(Type returnType)
return PSMethod.MatchesPSMethodProjectedType(_returnType, returnType, testAssignment: true);
/// <summary>
/// Check if a projected signature matches the target method.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argumentTypes">
/// The type arguments from the metadata type 'Func[..]' that represents the projected signature.
/// It contains the return type as the last item in the array.
/// </param>
/// <param name="signaturesMatchExactly">
/// Set by this method to indicate if it's an exact match.
/// </param>
internal bool ProjectedSignatureMatchesTarget(Type[] argumentTypes, out bool signaturesMatchExactly)
signaturesMatchExactly = false;
int length = argumentTypes.Length;
if (length != targetParameters.Length + 1) { return false; }

bool typesMatchExactly, allTypesMatchExactly;
Type sourceReturnType = argumentTypes[length - 1];

if (ProjectedTypeMatchesTargetType(sourceReturnType, targetReturnType, TypeMatchingContext.ReturnType, out typesMatchExactly))
allTypesMatchExactly = typesMatchExactly;
for (int i = 0; i < targetParameters.Length; i++)
var targetParam = targetParameters[i];
var sourceType = argumentTypes[i];
var matchContext = targetParam.IsOut ? TypeMatchingContext.OutParameterType : TypeMatchingContext.ParameterType;

if (!ProjectedTypeMatchesTargetType(sourceType, targetParam.ParameterType, matchContext, out typesMatchExactly))
return false;
allTypesMatchExactly &= typesMatchExactly;

signaturesMatchExactly = allTypesMatchExactly;
return true;

return false;

private bool ParameterTypesMatches(ParameterInfo[] arguments)
private static bool ProjectedTypeMatchesTargetType(Type sourceType, Type targetType, TypeMatchingContext matchContext, out bool matchExactly)
var argsCount = _targetParametersInfos.Length;
// void is encoded as typeof(VOID) in the PSMethod<MethodGroup<>> as the last parameter
if (arguments.Length != argsCount)
matchExactly = false;
if (targetType.IsByRef || targetType.IsPointer)
if (!sourceType.IsGenericType) { return false; }

var sourceTypeDef = sourceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
bool isOutParameter = matchContext == TypeMatchingContext.OutParameterType;

if (targetType.IsByRef && sourceTypeDef == (isOutParameter ? typeof(PSOutParameter<>) : typeof(PSReference<>)) ||
targetType.IsPointer && sourceTypeDef == typeof(PSPointer<>))
// For ref/out parameter types and pointer types, the element types need to match exactly.
if (targetType.GetElementType() == sourceType.GenericTypeArguments[0])
matchExactly = true;
return true;
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)

if (targetType == sourceType ||
targetType == typeof(void) && sourceType == typeof(VOID) ||
targetType == typeof(TypedReference) && sourceType == typeof(PSTypedReference))
var arg = arguments[i];
var argType = arg.ParameterType;
var targetParamType = _targetParametersInfos[i].ParameterType;
var isOut = (arg.Attributes | ParameterAttributes.Out) == ParameterAttributes.Out;
if (!PSMethod.MatchesPSMethodProjectedType(targetParamType, argType, isOut: isOut))
return false;
matchExactly = true;
return true;
return true;

if (targetType == typeof(void) || targetType == typeof(TypedReference))
return false;

return matchContext == TypeMatchingContext.ReturnType
? targetType.IsAssignableFrom(sourceType)
: sourceType.IsAssignableFrom(targetType);

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