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[experiment] New function
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eliotmcintire committed Apr 5, 2016
1 parent 2e4af43 commit 02135d1
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290 changes: 266 additions & 24 deletions R/parallel.R
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#' @inheritParams spades
#' @inheritParams simInit
#' @param replicates The number of replicates to run of the same \code{simList}
#' @return Invisibly returns the modified \code{simList} object.
#' @param substrLength For outputPath, how many characters should be kept from each factor level. See Details.
#' @details
#' This function takes a simList where the majority of parameters are defined, and changes
#' a few, passed as arguments here, to create a fully factorial experiment.
#' There are a few behaviours that are assumed:
#' - outputPath is updated to include a subdirectory with names identifying which values of parameters
#' were used. This subdirectory could be long if there are lots of dimensions to the experiment.
#' When making sub directories for saving outputs, in order for the filenames to be meaningful (the default),
#' the module(s) are listed, and the parameter names and the parameter values. This can become very long. To
#' truncate these names to shorter, manageable lengths, \code{substrLength} can be used, and it represents the length
#' of each character string (module name, parameter name) is truncated to. The resulting directory name would be, say
#' psprea_0.225-N_10 if \code{substrLength} is 6, the default.
#' @return Invisibly returns all resulting \code{simList} objects from the fully factorial experiment.
#' Since this may be large, the user is not obliged to return this object (as it is returned invisibly).
#' Any objects that are desired as outputs, will be contained within these
#' @seealso \code{\link{simInit}}, \code{\link{SpaDES}}
#' @importFrom raster getCluster returnCluster
#' @importFrom parallel clusterApplyLB
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname spades
Expand All @@ -23,58 +44,279 @@
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(raster)
#' beginCluster(10)
#' # Example of changing parameter values
#' mySim <- simInit(
#' times = list(start = 0.0, end = 2.0, timeunit = "year"),
#' params = list(
#' .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned")
#' .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned"),
#' # Turn off interactive plotting
#' fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime=NA),
#' caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime=NA),
#' randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime=NA)
#' ),
#' modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
#' paths = list(modulePath = system.file("sampleModules", package = "SpaDES"))
#' paths = list(modulePath = system.file("sampleModules", package = "SpaDES"),
#' outputPath = tempdir()),
#' # Save final state of landscape and caribou
#' outputs = data.frame(objectName=c("landscape", "caribou"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' )
#' # Create an experiment - here, 2 x 2 x 2 (2 levels of 2 params in fireSpread,
#' # and 2 levels of 1 param in caribouMovement)
#' experimentParams <- list(fireSpread = list(spreadprob = c(0.2, 0.23),
#' nFires = c(20, 10)),
#' caribouMovement = list(N = c(100, 1000)))
#' sims <- experiment(mySim, params=experimentParams)
#' # Read in outputs from sims object
#' FireMaps =, lapply(1:NROW(attr(sims,"experiment")), function(x) sims[[x]]$landscape$Fires))
#' Plot(FireMaps, new=TRUE)
#' # Or reload objects from files, useful if sim objects too large to store in RAM
#' caribouMaps <- lapply(sims, function(sim) {
#' caribou <- readRDS(outputs(sim)$file[outputs(sim)$objectName=="caribou"])
#' }
#' )
#' experiment(mySim, params=list(fireSpread = list(spreadprob = c(0.2, 0.23),
#' nFires=c(20, 10)),
#' caribouMovement = list(N = c(100, 1000))))
#' names(caribouMaps) <- paste0("caribou",1:8)
#' # Plot does not plot whole lists (yet)
#' Plot(caribouMaps[[1]], caribouMaps[[2]], caribouMaps[[3]], caribouMaps[[4]],
#' caribouMaps[[5]], caribouMaps[[6]], caribouMaps[[7]], caribouMaps[[8]],
#' size=0.1)
#' endCluster()
#' #######
#' # Example of changing modules, i.e., caribou with and without fires
#' # Create an experiment - here, 2 x 2 x 2 (2 levels of 2 params in fireSpread,
#' # and 2 levels of 1 param in caribouMovement)
#' experimentModules <- list(
#' c("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
#' c("randomLandscapes", "caribouMovement")
#' )
#' sims <- experiment(mySim, modules=experimentModules, params=experimentParams)
#' # Read in outputs from sims object
#' FireMaps =, lapply(1:8, function(x) sims[[x]]$landscape$Fires))
#' Plot(FireMaps, new=TRUE)
#' # Or reload objects from files, useful if sim objects too large to store in RAM
#' caribouMaps <- lapply(sims, function(sim) {
#' caribou <- readRDS(outputs(sim)$file[outputs(sim)$objectName=="caribou"])
#' }
#' )
#' names(caribouMaps) <- paste0("caribou",1:8)
#' # Plot does not plot whole lists (yet)
#' Plot(caribouMaps[[1]], caribouMaps[[2]], caribouMaps[[3]], caribouMaps[[4]],
#' caribouMaps[[5]], caribouMaps[[6]], caribouMaps[[7]], caribouMaps[[8]],
#' size=0.1)
#' # manipulate directory names
#' sims <- experiment(mySim, params=experimentParams, dirPrefix=c("expt", "simNum"))
#' # doing replicate runs - THESE TAKE SOME TIME (minutes if not using a cluster)
#' sims <- experiment(mySim, replicates = 10)
#' # putting them in a subdirectory
#' sims <- experiment(mySim, replicates = 10, dirPrefix = c("expt"))
#' # Both replication and experiment, both params and modules
#' # use a sub directory
#' outputPath(mySim) <- file.path(tempdir(), "myExpt3")
#' sims <- experiment(mySim, replicates = 5, modules=experimentModules,
#' params=experimentParams, dirPrefix=c("expt", "simNum"))
#' # Use replication to build a probability surface, here, need to provide a fixed landscape
#' # Step 1 - run randomLandscapes once to get a landscape map
#' mySim <- simInit(
#' times = list(start = 0.0, end = 0.1, timeunit = "year"),
#' params = list(
#' .globals = list(stackName = "landscape"),
#' # Turn off interactive plotting
#' fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime=NA)
#' ),
#' modules = list("randomLandscapes"),
#' paths = list(modulePath = system.file("sampleModules", package = "SpaDES"),
#' outputPath = tempdir()),
#' )
#' mySim <- spades(mySim) # Run it
#' #extract the landscape, which will be passed into next as an object
#' landscape <- mySim$landscape
#' mySim <- simInit(
#' times = list(start = 0.0, end = 1, timeunit = "year"),
#' params = list(
#' .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned"),
#' # Turn off interactive plotting
#' fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime=NA),
#' caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime=NA)
#' ),
#' modules = list("fireSpread", "caribouMovement"), # No randomLandscapes modules
#' paths = list(modulePath = system.file("sampleModules", package = "SpaDES"),
#' outputPath = tempdir()),
#' objects = c("landscape"), # Pass in the object here
#' # Save final state of landscape and caribou
#' outputs = data.frame(objectName=c("landscape", "caribou"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' )
#' outputPath(mySim) <- file.path(tempdir(), "myExpt6")
#' sims <- experiment(mySim, replicates = 50) # Run experiment
#' attr(sims, "experiment") # shows the experiment, which in this case is just replicates
#' # list all files that were saved called 'landscape'
#' files1 <- dir(outputPath(mySim), recursive=TRUE, pattern="landscape", full.names=TRUE)
#' # Read them in - alternatively, this could use the sims object directly also, e.g., sims[[1]]$landscape$Fires
#' landscapes <- lapply(files1, readRDS)
#' fires1 <-, lapply(landscapes, function(x) x$Fires)) # Extract just Fire layer
#' fires1[fires1>0] <- 1 # convert to 1s and 0s
#' fireProb <- sum(fires1)/nlayers(fires1) # sum them and convert to probability
#' Plot(fireProb, new=TRUE)
#' endCluster()
#' library(magrittr)
#' dir(file.path(tempdir()), pattern="myExpt[.]*", full.names=TRUE) %>%
#' unlink(recursive=TRUE)
#' }
setGeneric("experiment", function(sim, params, modules, objects, inputs, outputs, ...) {
setGeneric("experiment", function(sim, replicates = 1, params = list(), modules = list(),
objects = list(), inputs = list(),
dirPrefix = "simNum", substrLength=3, ...) {

#' @rdname spades
signature(sim = "simList"),
definition = function(sim, params, modules, objects, inputs, outputs, ...) {
definition = function(sim, replicates, params, modules, objects, inputs, substrLength, ...) {

cl <- tryCatch(getCluster(), error=function(x) NULL)
on.exit(if(!is.null(cl)) returnCluster())

parFun <- if(!is.null(cl)) { "clusterApplyLB" } else {"lapply"}
if(length(modules)==0) modules <- list(modules(sim)[-(1:4)])
factorialExpList <- lapply(modules, function(x) {
paramsTmp <- pmatch(x, names(params)) %>% na.omit
factorsTmp <- if(NROW(paramsTmp)>0) {
unlist(params[paramsTmp], recursive = FALSE)
} else {

paramsSimple <- unlist(params, recursive = FALSE)
factorsX <- append(factorsTmp, list(modules=x))
factorialExpInner <- expand.grid(factorsTmp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
modulesShort <- paste(substr(x,1,substrLength),collapse=",")
if(NROW(factorialExpInner)>0) {
factorialExpInner[["modules"]] <- modulesShort
} else {
factorialExpInner <- data.frame(modules=modulesShort, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
factorialExp <- rbindlist(factorialExpList, fill=TRUE) %>% data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
numExpLevels <- NROW(factorialExp)
factorialExp$expLevel <- seq_len(numExpLevels)

factorialExp <- expand.grid(paramsSimple)
# Add replicates to experiment
if(replicates>1) {
if(length(replicates==1)) {
factorialExp <-, replicate(length(replicates), factorialExp, simplify = FALSE))
factorialExp$replicates=rep(replicates, each=numExpLevels)

mod <- strsplit(names(paramsSimple), split="\\.") %>% sapply(function(x) x[1])
param<- strsplit(names(paramsSimple), split="\\.") %>% sapply(function(x) x[2])
FunDef <- function(ind, ...) {
mod <- strsplit(names(factorialExp), split="\\.") %>% sapply(function(x) x[1])
param<- strsplit(names(factorialExp), split="\\.") %>% sapply(function(x) x[2])
param[] <- ""
paramValues <- factorialExp[ind,]

#sims <- get(parFun)(cl=cl, 1:NROW(factorialExp), function(ind) {
sims <- get(parFun)(1:NROW(factorialExp), function(ind) {
sim_ <- sim
whNotExpLevel <- which(colnames(paramValues)!="expLevel")
if(length(whNotExpLevel)<length(paramValues)) {
repl <- paramValues$expLevel
mod <- mod[whNotExpLevel]
param <- param[whNotExpLevel]
paramValues <- paramValues[whNotExpLevel]

whNotRepl <- which(colnames(paramValues)!="replicates")
if(length(whNotRepl)<length(paramValues)) {
repl <- paramValues$replicates
mod <- mod[whNotRepl]
param <- param[whNotRepl]
paramValues <- paramValues[whNotRepl]

notNA <- which(!
if(length(notNA)<length(mod)) {
mod <- mod[notNA]
param <- param[notNA]
paramValues <- paramValues[notNA]

sim_ <- sim
for(x in 1:length(mod)) {
params(sim_)[[mod[x]]][[param[[x]]]] <- factorialExp[ind,x]
if(any(mod!="modules")) {
if(![ind,x])) {
params(sim_)[[mod[x]]][[param[[x]]]] <- factorialExp[ind,x]
paths(sim_)$outputPath <- file.path(paths(sim_)$outputPath,
paste(collapse = "-",substr(mod,1,4),substr(param, 1,6),factorialExp[ind,], sep="_"))

# Deal with directory structures
if(numExpLevels>1) {
dirName <- paste(collapse = "-",substr(mod,1,substrLength),
substr(param, 1,substrLength),
paramValues, sep="_")
dirName <- gsub(dirName, pattern="__", replacement = "_")
if(any(dirPrefix=="simNum")) {
exptNum <- paddedFloatToChar(factorialExp$expLevel[ind], ceiling(log10(numExpLevels+1)))
dirPrefixTmp <- paste0(dirPrefix, collapse="")
dirPrefix <- gsub(dirPrefixTmp, pattern="simNum", replacement=exptNum)
if(any(dirPrefix!="")) {
dirName <- paste(paste(dirPrefix, collapse=""), dirName, sep="_")
} else {
if(any(dirPrefix!="")) {
dirPrefixTmp <- paste0(dirPrefix, collapse="")
dirName <- gsub(dirPrefixTmp, pattern="simNum", replacement="")

if(exists("repl", inherits = FALSE)) {
if(!is.null(dirName)) {
dirName <- file.path(dirName, paste0("rep",paddedFloatToChar(repl, ceiling(log10(length(replicates)+1)))))
} else {
dirName <- file.path(paste0("rep",paddedFloatToChar(repl, ceiling(log10(length(replicates)+1)))))
newOutputPath <- file.path(paths(sim_)$outputPath,dirName)
if(!dir.exists(newOutputPath)) dir.create(newOutputPath, recursive = TRUE)
paths(sim_)$outputPath <- newOutputPath
outputs(sim_)$file <- file.path(newOutputPath, basename(outputs(sim_)$file))

sim_ <- spades(sim_, ...)


if(!is.null(cl)) {
parFun <- "clusterApplyLB"
args <- list(x=1:NROW(factorialExp), fun=FunDef)
args <- append(list(cl=cl), args)
} else {
parFun <- "lapply"
args <- list(X=1:NROW(factorialExp), FUN=FunDef)

sims <-, args)
attr(sims, "experiment") <- factorialExp

#' @rdname spades
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