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yaasl - yet another atomic store library


This project is meant for personal use only. I won't stop you from using it, but I would rather recommend to use a similar and more mature solution like jotai.

See the docs directory for detailed documentation.


Name Description
@yaasl/core Core package for vanilla JS. demo
@yaasl/react React bindings for yaasl. demo
@yaasl/preact Preact bindings for yaasl.


  1. Pick one of the main packages
$ npm i @yaasl/core
$ npm i @yaasl/react
$ npm i @yaasl/preact
  1. Create an atom
import { atom } from "@yaasl/core";

const myAtom = atom({ defaultValue: 0 });
  1. Use the atom
// Read
const currentValue = myAtom.get(atom);
// Write
// Subscribe to changes
myAtom.subscribe((value) => {

Usage examples

Vanilla typescript

import { atom, CONFIG, middleware } from "@yaasl/core";

// Provide an app name to yaasl = "demo-vanilla";

// Create a counter atom that is connected to the local storage
const counter = atom({
  name: "counter", // local storage key will be "demo-vanilla/counter"
  defaultValue: 0,
  middleware: [localStorage()],

function setupCounter(element: HTMLButtonElement) {
  const updateCounterText = (value: number) =>
    (element.innerHTML = `count is ${value}`);

  element.addEventListener("click", () => {
    // Set the value of the atom
    counter.set((previous) => previous + 1);

  // Subscribe to value changes
  counter.subscribe((value) => updateCounterText(value));

  // Read the value of the atom in the store

const counter = document.getElementById("counter");

React (or Preact)

import { atom, CONFIG, localStorage, useAtom } from "@yaasl/react"; // or "@yaasl/preact"

// Provide an app name to yaasl = "demo-react";

// Create a counter atom that is connected to the local storage
const counter = atom({
  name: "counter", // local storage key will be "demo-vanilla/counter"
  defaultValue: 0,
  middleware: [localStorage()],

export const Counter = () => {
  // Use the atom like you would use a state
  const [value, setValue] = useAtom(counter);

  const onClick = () => setValue((previous) => previous + 1);

  return <button onClick={onClick}>count is {value}</button>;