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A simple JS markdown to html compiler

This JS module converts markdown source to html. The goal is to make it's inner-workings very verbose and extensible. All parsing is done with regular expressions and rednering happens through a primitive virtual DOM.

How to use

Import the index.js file to access some convenience functions that provide a preconfigured Kekpiler compiler instance. This file also serves as an example how to configure and use the compiler.


The supported markdown syntax is a simplified CommonMark version. A few things are removed for simpler parsing and rendering.

Name Syntax Description Example
Comment <!-- --> Ignored by the parser <!-- Comment -->
Header # The number of # defines header level # My header
Code ``` ``` No highlighting by default ```js\n Code ```
Container ::: ::: A html class name can be set :::warning\n Text:::
Image ![]() ![Alt text](
Custom Block @[]() Can be defined with extensions @[TOC][]
Reference name: url Maps a resource URL to a name image:
Itemized - * + May contain nested lists - List item
Enumerated 1. The value of the number is ignored 1. List item
Table | | The full syntax is described below
Quote > May contain lists and paragraphs > Text

Blocks always refer to a resource, which either is a URL or the name of a reference. This might be usefull to place long URLs at the end of the document. URLs can also be transformed by extensions to convert database names into actual URLs with database ids.

![My image](
![My image][ref]


Here is an example how to write a table:

| Name | Syntax | Description | Example |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Comment | `<!-- -->` | Ignored | `<!-- Comment -->`
| Header | `#` | The number | `# My header`

Styling text in paragraphs can be done with the following syntax:

Style Syntax Example
Emphasised _ * _important_
Strong __ ** __bold__
Strike Through ~ ~removed~

Default Extensions

The Kekpiler compiler comes with a few extensions out of the box, to modularize some of it's functionality and provide examples how to use and create extensions yourself.

The following extensions are included and applied to the preconfigured compiler instance:

  • HeaderSlugger Adds unique ids to headers to make them linkable fragments
  • TableOfContents Adds the @[TOC]() custom block that renders a simple table of contents. Headers need to be Fragmenets to be recognized.
  • LineBreak Adds the @[break][] inline custom block that renders a html <br\> element.

About the name

The name is based on an inside-joke with my Uni friends and a promise made to one of them. It has no special meaning besides sounding funnny.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


A simple JS markdown to html compiler







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