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Releases: ProfessorAire/Evands.Pellucid-Crestron

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.5.2

25 Jun 14:29
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Bug Fixes

  • #89 - Resolved an issue where logging warnings and errors would not properly print the header in the log.

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.5.0

21 Jun 02:30
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New Features

  • #81 - Added the ability to define the maximum length that debug messages are allowed to print strings using.
  • #82 - Added the ability to specify a width for pretty printed logs, with --width #. Also added a -w flag that can be used to wrap log messages to the line below the header.
  • Added a default log timestamp format property to the Options class and an override in the LogMessage class, allowing modification of the timestamp format for pretty printed logs.
  • #84 - Added the ability to filter pretty logs by the message level and improved the commands to allow providing any combination of origin, message, and level filters.

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.4.0

12 May 02:54
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New Features

  • Added new logging console command for pretty printing error logs. The new ErrorLogFormatters class gives you access to the parsing mechanisms. Currently this only supports the current log. Future versions will support formatting the persistent logs.
  • Introduced a new Console Markup feature, for short-hand formatting of strings. View information about the Console Markup formatting here:
  • #77 - Added the ability to place formatted text into table cells.

Bug Fixes

  • #75 - Resolved issue with table cells improperly trimming characters and calculating line-widths incorrectly.

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.3.1

12 Nov 03:59
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Bug Fixes

  • #73 - Added error checking to top-level dump methods to ensure that dumping an object that is inaccessible due to Crestron restrictions is properly handled.

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.3.0

07 Nov 07:20
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New Features

  • #67 - Updated the dumping functionality, adding new options as well as adding the concept of chrome, which can be swapped out for improved visuals.
    • The Dump methods now return the object being dumped, allowing the use of the Dump method inline with other actions.
    • There are overloads on the Dump method:
      1. (maxDepth) Restricts the number of levels that will be dumped in an object's hierarchy. Defaults to 20 0 is unlimited.
      2. (useFullTypeNames) When true will print the full type names of objects.
    • There is a new Options property UseFullTypeNamesWhenDumping which defaults to false and allows you to set the default for the use of full type names, so you do not have to use the overloads for your default desired behavior.
    • There is a new Evands.Pellucid.Terminal.Formatting.Formatters.Chrome property that allows you to change out the type of chrome used for printing borders. This same property is used for default Table chrome as well. There are three default implementations of the IChromeCollection interface: BasicChrome, which is the default, as well as RoundedChrome and SquareChrome. Custom implementations of the IChromeCollection can be created to customize to taste.
    • The methods used for dumping are more capable of catching and providing information about exceptions that occur while dumping values.
    • There is a new verb chrome under the debug console command, which can be used to swap between the default implementations of the chrome, in case you're using a terminal that does not support the currently selected chrome.
  • #71 - Updated Tables to use IChromeCollection implementations for deciding which characters to use for border chrome.
    • There is now an additional set of ToString() method overrides that have an IChromeCollection parameter for specifying a Chrome set to use that is different than the default.


The refactored dump methodology and introduction of chrome make for prettier console output in a variety of ways. When dumping the Options class through the ProDemo using Rounded chrome you would get something like:


Example Tables

Likewise, when dumping tables you can get a variety of appearances using different chrome.

Basic Chrome


Rounded Chrome


Rounded Chrome - Thick Headers


Square Chrome


Square Chrome - Thick Headers


Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.2.2

17 Oct 01:41
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New Features

  • #44 - Added CwsConsole writer via separate nuget package.

Bug Fixes

  • #63 - Resolved issue with space between header and content having header color format. This would cause headers printed with background colors to appear to extend to the start of the content.
  • #61 - Removed Crestron specific calls from Options initializers and added method for initializing Options without loading from disc.

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.2.1

30 Jul 04:37
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New Features

  • #52 - Added new LogMessage methods to the Logger class to provide the ability to specify the color a logged message is printed to the console with.

Bug Fixes

  • 57 - Changed how command names are printed to the console and ensure they get printed in alphabetical order.

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.2.0

28 Jul 03:56
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New Features

  • Added ability to set the name of a terminal command prior to it being registered with any global commands.

Bug Fixes

  • #48 - Updated Global Command help to print commands with suffix information.

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.1.3

07 Jul 19:20
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Bug Fixes

  • Updated code to allow registering global commands on VC-4 instances.
  • (#46) Resolved issue causing an exception to be thrown when adding commands to a global command that has an existing command with the same name.

Evands.Pellucid-Crestron v1.1.2

15 Jun 04:24
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Bug Fixes

  • (#40): Resolved issue printing tables when setting cell contents to null.