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Releases: ProjectFaerun/Faerun

13 July 2024 Experimental Release

13 Jul 19:35
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  • History rework in the Northdark and Glimmerwood
    • Several new or massively expanded drow houses, most of them with at least one playable member
    • New moon elf and arctic dwarf realms
    • Sundry other changes
  • History rework in Raurin and Semphar
    • Lots of new historical characters, a few of whom hang on into playable start dates
    • Missing vassals added to 15th century Semphar
    • Later Muhjari Caliphs are actually Muhjari
  • Deeper title history in parts of the Shining South
  • New historical bloodline
  • New affairs and rivalries
  • United Kingdom of Moonshae removed
  • More monstrous humanoids in the early history of the Moonsea


  • Decision to refound the kingdom of Muluk
  • Decision to refound Athalantar


  • De jure rework of the Moonshae Isles


  • Forest Gnome dynasty names
  • Character biographies


  • Improved mass sacrifice support
  • Magic apprentices will eventually graduate and drop the title; they stick around a bit longer if they're loyal
  • Duergar and derro can take the ambition to level up as psions, as they should
  • Some minor titles (like apprentice) grant regular XP
  • Further adjustments to legitimation for polyamorous couples, with more options being considered depending on how these ones go
  • Opinion penalties for mixed-species characters reduced and adjusted
  • Better aging procedures
  • Tightened requirements for title adjacency in several casus belli
  • Court priests are easier to appoint
  • Some decisions will be available to human players more often
  • Adjustments to pregnancy for long-lived characters
  • Fewer characters' dark secrets will be given away by things like their combat stats
  • It's now easier to convert to your liege's religion
  • Nomads are less likely to pillage
  • It's not much easier to create the Land of the Lions
  • Guardian of the Deep can be chosen from a much wider candidate pool
  • The Harp of Healing is no longer indestructible
  • Revoke title plot should now be able to be chosen at appropriate times


  • New static portraits
  • Elves can now get grey hair with age
  • Less Christian-looking heraldry in Moonshae


  • Species compatibility trigger is now modular
  • More casus belli brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Wonders brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Wonder upgrades brought into line with CleanSlate
  • More wonder and wonder upgrade flags added for future feature compatibility
  • New and hopefully better approach to fixing the overspill bug with the ages of immortal characters
  • Some diseases brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Temporary artifacts get cleaned up more promptly
  • Lots of small CleanSlate fixes


  • AI will not send adventurers against host leaders who are already in prison
  • Dryad and centaur seduction now makes sense in context
  • Lots of historical wars fixed
  • Patron deity traits cleaned up to not have unwanted legacy modifiers
  • Gendered pronoun fixes and related issues in several events
  • Broken event window frames replaced
  • Corrected several tooltips
  • Same-gender marriage should now be available at appropriate times
  • Several broken historical wars fixed
  • Venetian customs will no longer trouble the patricians of Toril
  • Cormyrian royal bloodline restored

13 July 2024 Experimental Release

13 Jul 18:13
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  • History rework in the Northdark and Glimmerwood
    • Several new or massively expanded drow houses, most of them with at least one playable member
    • New moon elf and arctic dwarf realms
    • Sundry other changes
  • History rework in Raurin and Semphar
    • Lots of new historical characters, a few of whom hang on into playable start dates
    • Missing vassals added to 15th century Semphar
    • Later Muhjari Caliphs are actually Muhjari
  • Deeper title history in parts of the Shining South
  • New historical bloodline
  • New affairs and rivalries
  • United Kingdom of Moonshae removed
  • More monstrous humanoids in the early history of the Moonsea


  • Decision to refound the kingdom of Muluk
  • Decision to refound Athalantar


  • De jure rework of the Moonshae Isles


  • Forest Gnome dynasty names
  • Character biographies


  • Improved mass sacrifice support
  • Magic apprentices will eventually graduate and drop the title; they stick around a bit longer if they're loyal
  • Duergar and derro can take the ambition to level up as psions, as they should
  • Some minor titles (like apprentice) grant regular XP
  • Further adjustments to legitimation for polyamorous couples, with more options being considered depending on how these ones go
  • Opinion penalties for mixed-species characters reduced and adjusted
  • Better aging procedures
  • Tightened requirements for title adjacency in several casus belli
  • Court priests are easier to appoint
  • Some decisions will be available to human players more often
  • Adjustments to pregnancy for long-lived characters
  • Fewer characters' dark secrets will be given away by things like their combat stats
  • It's now easier to convert to your liege's religion
  • Nomads are less likely to pillage
  • It's not much easier to create the Land of the Lions
  • Guardian of the Deep can be chosen from a much wider candidate pool
  • The Harp of Healing is no longer indestructible
  • Revoke title plot should now be able to be chosen at appropriate times


  • New static portraits
  • Elves can now get grey hair with age
  • Less Christian-looking heraldry in Moonshae


  • Species compatibility trigger is now modular
  • More casus belli brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Wonders brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Wonder upgrades brought into line with CleanSlate
  • More wonder and wonder upgrade flags added for future feature compatibility
  • New and hopefully better approach to fixing the overspill bug with the ages of immortal characters
  • Some diseases brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Temporary artifacts get cleaned up more promptly
  • Lots of small CleanSlate fixes


  • AI will not send adventurers against host leaders who are already in prison
  • Dryad and centaur seduction now makes sense in context
  • Lots of historical wars fixed
  • Patron deity traits cleaned up to not have unwanted legacy modifiers
  • Gendered pronoun fixes and related issues in several events
  • Broken event window frames replaced
  • Corrected several tooltips
  • Same-gender marriage should now be available at appropriate times
  • Several broken historical wars fixed
  • Venetian customs will no longer trouble the patricians of Toril

9 June 2024 Experimental Release

09 Jun 01:19
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Lots of improvements to existing systems this time:


  • New tiered acquired traits for intelligence, strength, and attractiveness
  • When you go through gender transition, you will be prompted to choose a new name
  • Courtiers and heirs for enatic mercenaries should now be much better
  • Monster duels during adventures and raids now use simulated duels instead of vanilla ones
  • Species fertility system overhauled
  • Abyssal piety gain for evil actions should now work better
  • Membership in the Heralds is now restricted based on religion
  • Characters who are immune to religious conversion are now properly protected from it
  • Better logic for assigning children to polyamorous parents
  • Sekolah's devotees now have better access to sacrifice
  • Certain classes will affect your physique
  • Adventurer warbands are unlikely to be led by pacifists
  • Clones of characters with biographies and portraits will inherit them
  • The Stygian religions now have access to the Cathedral wonder instead of the Pagan Temple
  • More nicknames


  • House Mizzrym now hold the barony of West Wall in Menzoberranzan
  • House Morueme now wreak havoc in the eastern Nether Mountains
  • Loviatans hold Silverwood just after the Time of Troubles
  • Rethmar no longer falls to the gnolls
  • Many vampires of Baldur's Gate, past and present
  • Ancient history in Raurin


  • The Leewai has been separated from de jure Vaasa, and forms its own de jure kingdom with Aefarn and White Peaks (both moved from the empire of Pelvuria)
  • Damara now has its canon duchies, both de jure and where appropriate de facto
  • Formable duchy of Bloodstone and kingdom of Bakar


  • Polyamory events overhauled
  • Freelance adventuring tweaked


  • Lots of new static portraits, especially for Menzoberranyr drow
  • Giant troops will be appropriately armed


  • All remaining buildings brought into line with CleanSlate
  • The XP and level system now runs on the yearly pulse
  • Sorcerers' spell points also run on the yearly pulse
  • Lots of events now only run for landed rulers
  • Artifacts brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Many vanilla events brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Spell Resistance now uses scripted scores
  • Aging system now runs through on_actions
  • More casus belli brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Improved decluttering of minor characters
  • Various events assigned to better action triggers
  • MTTH events moved to on_actions instead
  • on_actions tided and cleaned
  • AI use of the 'clone' spell will be less excessive
  • Fewer courtiers for AI rulers
  • Recent changes to the CleanSlate base applied to appropriate places
  • Wider range of wonder flags
  • A new internal flag for quickly checking if a character has a patron deity
  • And many other optimisations


  • Various events, especially in warrior lodges, will now correctly say why specific responses are available
  • Some casus belli triggers have been fixed
  • Society definitions and initial populations tidied up
  • Trade route scripted triggers corrected
  • Some broken localisation fixed
  • Many scripted triggers adjusted
  • Reincarnation trait now has an icon
  • Astarion no longer has a distant orcish relative
  • Robin and Marion will have convincing aliases
  • Lake Weng always has sensible culture and religion
  • Yikarian succession will work better in certain cases
  • Forbidding vassal wars will no longer make you universally unpopular
  • Patrician government will be checked more closely
  • Healing spells should work more tidily
  • You can no longer inherit an undead ethnicity from a grandparent
  • Bards, not barbarians, get the opportunity to restory the magistracy
  • Dynamic localisation for wonders now works properly
  • The Tower event chain from Way of Life now has some sensible checks on it
  • A new fix for long-lived adults with child portraits
  • Many other bugs fixed

6 May 2024 Experimental Release

06 May 17:23
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It's our one-hundredth experimental release! And it's another bumper one:


  • Idle courtiers may go adventuring or raiding
  • Physician-missionary removed
  • Eladrin may sometimes switch to follow the Seldarine


  • Decision to turn a commonwealth vassal into a merchant republic
  • Mass sacrifice option introduced


  • Default chaplain activity is now encouraging vocations, not hunting heretics. Hopefully an end to inappropriate burning at the stake!


  • Scarlet Scourge orcish holy order added

History tweaks:

  • Vassal rework in Mulhorand
  • Namshita now becomes landed as the only non-dragonborn Thymari leader
  • Eltab and Soneillon both have bloodlines
  • Ugewood changes to Uzbeg when appropriate


  • Menzoberranzan and Airspur now have wonder-cities


  • Several new event pictures


  • Combat tactics tidied up
  • More casus belli brought into line with CleanSlate
  • New scripted trigger for flying
  • More scripted triggers for character classes
  • Several complex sections refactored
  • Old Gods adventurers reworked
  • More recursive events use 'repeat event'
  • Some buildings brought into line with CleanSlate
  • Definitions of 'True Outsider' and 'Native Outsider' adjusted


  • Raiding will give XP more consistently
  • Newly spawned commanders are likely to have relevant character classes
  • Heads of faith will no longer demand you dismiss heathen councillors
  • Elven liches will not retreat unless they are baelnorns
  • Non-mammals will not suffer most negative effects of pregnancy
  • Mercenaries may only employ engineers if landed
  • Enatic mercenary companies should get female courtiers


  • Granular congential traits included properly in lots of places that used to skip them
  • Ziss'thiss will not mysteriously vanish
  • Booga's children are of her dynasty
  • Imbrar Heltharn will remain young forever (but as he's undead, he's not a pretty sight)
  • Zealot voting corrected
  • Viking invasions adjusted to correct pathfinding bug
  • Scopes tightened up in a few places
  • Kraken Society malenti invaders won't pretend to be aboleths
  • Missing loc added
  • Many others

14 April 2024 Experimental Release

14 Apr 22:55
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* New provinces of Dun-Orthass, Dun-Tharos, Fields of Nun, Mussum, Giant Gap, Mount Sar, Sar'Rukoth, Vaults of Record, Shandaular, Southern Shandaular, Star Mounts, and Xûl-Jarak
* New de jure duchies of Dunwood, Council Hills, Okoth, Shandaular, and Giantspires
* New titular kingdoms of Eltabranar, Giantspires, Naratyr, Ashanath, and Thentur
* New barony names in Chondath
* The Duchy of Impiltur is now called Uplands
* The Duchy of Uplands in Turmish is now called Halondar
* The Duchy of Imphras is now called Dunthelar (after the original name of the river)
* New Giantspire Mountains region
* More accurate topography for The Rift

* New flags
* New static portraits
* Manshoon will only mask up when appropriate
* Dead characters will still get historic graphics changes

* History overhaul in Chondath, Thar, Impiltur, the Vast, the Sword Mountains, Great Dale, Giantspire Mountains, Eastern Shaar, Shadowdale, and Delimbiyr Vale
* Small history tweaks in Cormyr, Unther, Treacherous Isles, Moonrise

* New biography traits to support the new static portraits

* Diseases brought into line with CleanSlate
* Most Casus Belli brought into line with CleanSlate
* Council voting patterns brought into line with CleanSlate
* Tactics brought into line with CleanSlate

* Merchant republics allow matrilineal marriage
* Martial Faith can now use haruspicy as intended
* Gender conditions on council posts and minor titles updated
* AI characters whose creature type makes them immune to disease will not shut the gates
* Better event to spawn new concillors on startup, which should especially help enatic realms
* Long-lived species will now have older elders
* The Furious faith now uses county conquests
* Sharess now grants gender alteration, as she should
* Abyssal Army and Animate Dead now use different timers, which are visible and correctly described in tool-tips

* Lots of localisation fixes
* Decadence events no longer have unnecessary effects
* The Kuo-Tan Society decision to become a vassal of the Western Shou Provinces can now only target the Governor-General, as intended
* The Old Gods adventure event will now fire properly
* AI should now plunder dragon hoards more appropriately

10 March 2024 Experimental Release

10 Mar 23:33
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  • More characters' secret society membership has been approved
  • Some more baatezu are creeping around
  • Vangerdahast has been hard at work concealing the Obarskyrs' extra-marital indiscretions
  • Mirandor, Wyvernspur, Winter, Kendrick, Sarifal, and other dynasties corrected and updated
  • Lots of small fixes to character history


  • LeShay culture added


  • Elves can no longer have beards
  • Smoother hobgoblins
  • Lots of adjustments to portraits, especially religious garb
  • Characters without sexual dimorphism now have small gender badges below their portraits


  • New character names
  • New nicknames
  • Small history adjustments


  • Succession gender laws cleaned
  • Status of women laws updated
  • Job actions cleaned
  • Holding types cleaned
  • Death and heir text updated
  • Settling a tribe is more consistent
  • Government flavour updated
  • Execution methods sorted out and made more lore-compliant
  • New scripted triggers for various elements


  • The character screen will now say 'spouse' instead of 'husband' or 'wife'. Isobel is very relieved.


  • Immortal characters are less likely to seek experimental medical treatment
  • AI characters will raid less often
  • Special courtiers will not be affected by unusual conditions in the courts they join
  • Raiding Shou Lung is now controlled by the same conditions as other raiding
  • The Bhaalspawn trait is now occasionally heritable
  • Lots of new text for when a ruler dies
  • The Black Altar can be landless
  • Employees of titles with religious connotations should now make sensible patron choices
  • The longevity decision for arcane spellcasters now requires journeyman level in any class that has it
  • You can only form a special court type (eg undead) if you are independent or your liege already has that type
  • Excommunication chances now get worked out properly
  • Naturally long-lived characters should be less bothered about having long lives

Bug fixes

  • Lots of localisation errors fixed
  • Graz'zt now always has his portrait and biography
  • Historical wars of the Tuigans should work correctly
  • The outsider purges should now work as intended
  • Religious disqualification for certain titles now works better

19 February 2024 Experimental Release

19 Feb 17:21
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It's been a long time coming, and we're grateful for your patience. But it's here at last - the latest experimental release!



  • Full overhaul of government potentials - many realms have different government now
  • Corresponding full overhaul of succession laws
  • Some fixes imported from CleanSlate
  • Cleanup around job titles and some of their actions
  • Retiring the 'is Muslim' trigger - the Calishite faith may play slightly more like other Faerûnian religions now


  • More than 80 new static portraits
  • Diversified Dekanter, Tasloi and Batiri portraits
  • New Elder Brain portrait set
  • New loading screens
  • Religious garb now varies by patron deity and class
  • Lots of subtle adjustments to portrait rendering
  • Additional death type icons
  • Icons for all patron traits that lacked them
  • Canon heraldry for Barze


  • More nicknames added
  • Characters who transition gender while having a gendered nickname will now get it replaced

Character history

  • Lots of new characters, including dynasties for previously isolated courtiers
  • Lifespan adjustments for lots of existing characters
  • Historical vampire spawn now remember who spawned them
  • Relatedly, Saestra Karanok now actually does the thing she's notorious for
  • Aylin and Isobel's happy ending has been upgraded
  • Luna's Silver Blood now has a bloodline
  • Past Meisarchs of Amn get their correct titles
  • More custom titles for other historical characters too

Title history

  • Three more dwarfholds
  • Kadar and the Nine Council use Divine Elective succession
  • New history details in the Western Heartlands


  • Genies, fiends, and celestials get diverse courtiers


  • Long-lived species have reduced disease chances
  • More people can now worship the Abeiran primordials
  • Some groundwork for future warlock-patron interactions
  • Candidates in Nomadic Elective succession must be inside the realm
  • Vendettas can only be declared within diplomatic range
  • Changes to the celestial summons for some cultures
  • Sahuagin CBs are now range-limited


  • Aerie of the Snow Eagles is now part of Angalpuk duchy
  • Ibelgrak Valley split out from Angalpuk as its own duchy
  • Brynwood is now a forest, as it should be
  • Commonwealths are now orange


  • Government flavour updated
  • Cooldown timers explained better
  • No more 'semper ubi sub ubi'
  • Katakoro Plateau region correctly identified
  • Warnings about attacking co-religionists no longer assume your religion is a denomination of a wider faith
  • Rivals will now accuse each other of being alienists, not witches
  • No more references to Purgatory in the English localisation
  • Hlal's aliases will work correctly

Bug fixes

  • Only adults can appoint apprentices
  • Barbarian Adventure CB should now work as intended, with better AI control
  • Localisation broken by case-sensitivity should be fixed now
  • No more name-swapped murders
  • Lots of small fixes

6 January 2024 Experimental Release

06 Jan 17:50
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It's time for another experimental release! Experimental 96, out today, offers:


  • Easting culture (in the Vast) split off from Impilturan
  • Rakasta culture (as a form of Tabaxi) added as a minority in Easting culture
  • Corbie culture (as a form of Tengu) added as part of...
  • ...cultural diversity for drow and duergar added


  • Decadence really removed this time
  • Limits placed on AI joining secret religious movements

Casus Belli

  • The Liberate Nomad Duchy CB now applies to more regions


  • Two new regions defined - the Ride and the Land of the Lions

Character history

  • New characters in the Vast, including two Heralds
  • New details in Daggerdale, including a new holder


  • Nearly 200 new nicknames


  • Avatars have different eye effects from Chosen
  • New death icon for going to another plane


  • Better warrior lodge cultural loc
  • Lots of fixes
  • Copy-editing to add Realms flavour and remove real-world references


  • Old patron events deleted
  • Planetouched type assignment overhauled
  • Council power laws updated
  • Nomadic tribal laws displayed
  • New scripted triggers for governments


  • No more error spam from the Raid CB
  • Barbarian Adventure outcome cleaned up
  • No level-ups for fully dead people
  • Correct scope for law additions in maintenance events
  • AI characters will correctly refuse conversion in many more scenarios
  • Restoring the Lotus Throne should now work correctly
  • Various other events and decisions tweaked
  • Employment dates in character history fixed to reflect recent changes
  • Evil reformation options for orc and goblin faiths now exclude their opposites correctly


29 December 2023 Experimental Release

29 Dec 23:13
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Hi - we have another experimental release for you today, with some bug fixes and some other changes and enhancements we think you'll like.


  • Decadence is turned off for all religions
  • The group formerly known as Akalaic is now called Stygian
  • The group formerly known as Unenlightened is now called Ka
  • The Thasmudyanic faith is now in the Stygian group, where it should be
  • The Interloper faith's deity-specific enemies should now work properly
  • Patron selection decision tidied up


  • The selection of cultures for random worlds should now be better
  • The Celestial Sea culture group is now called Han, reflecting its canon origins
  • The Bawani culture is now in the Malatran group, as it is not of Han origin and is more similar to Mahasiswa
  • Gur councillor events have correct triggers
  • The pirates of Jahaka Bay are Nelanthern cultured, so as to be actual pirates


  • Zakhara de jure rework: Empires of the Great Sea, Yehimal, and Segara replace Outer Zakhara, Utter East, and Yikarian Empire respectively; Crowded Sea has different extent
  • Yikarian Empire is now titular instead
  • Dragonisle is the de jure capital of both Pirate Isles titles
  • Adjustments to geographical regions, including new Yehimal and Segara Sea regions

Character history:

  • Amn rework finished - lots of new characters, and a different selection of patrician houses in various dates
  • Lots of character histories adjusted
  • New nicknames, especially for members of the Obarskyr dynasty
  • Minthara is a paladin


  • Mari hair adjusted


  • More culture descriptions
  • More real-world references removed
  • Better localisation for some religions
  • A lot of typos fixed


  • Monster cleanup event now more organised
  • Bhaalspawn events now use a counter rather than cached trait checks
  • Therianthrope and vampire infection now use saved targets
  • Decision conditions tidied up
  • Council power law optimisation begun


  • The nicknames list is working properly again
  • The Barbarian Adventure casus belli should no longer cause major lag; if you see it doing things it shouldn't, please let us know

18 December 2023 Experimental Release

18 Dec 17:35
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Mostly bug fixes this time:


  • A new historical Magister
  • Some title history glitches fixed


  • More cultures have descriptions


  • Raurindi culture can build pyramids
  • Hindu temple removed completely
  • Burial ground upgrades correctly flagged
  • New 'barrow' upgrade for stone circle


  • Yet more nicknames


  • Reduced lag due to 'Cuckold' nickname
  • Historical wonders correctly flagged and barred from being duplicated
  • You can now safely join the Black Network if you hold, or are vassal to, the Zhentarim title
  • Generated barons' culture will no longer be wrongly randomised, but will instead be fixed
  • Block some god names from changing when they shouldn't
  • Lots more loc fixes
  • Vanilla mercenary princess gets her correct troops
  • Sending concubines to Shou Lung reflects the emperor's sexuality
  • You cannot send creatures with unusual reproduction to Shou Lung as concubines or eunuchs, nor those without hands as commanders