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Nummy edited this page Apr 9, 2018 · 13 revisions

This page contains all of the commands and permissions in ProjectKorra (Core). It was last updated for v1.8.6


The default command that everything is prefaced by is /bending. Aliases are other words that you can use to convey the same command. Aliases for /bending are: /b, /bend, /tla, /mtla, /korra, /projectkorra, /pk, /minecrafttla. This means that /b would do the exact same thing as /bending. Each command also has an alias, so /b h does the exact same thing as /bending help or /bending h.

Items enclosed like <this></this> are items that are required in the command - you must specify something. On the other hand, items enclosed like [this] are optional - the command will still execute without them, but it can be specified to change the context of the command. "|" in a command represents or.

If you'd like to take permissions away, for those that default to a rank, you can remove them by negating their permission. Whenever you want to negate a permission, add the permission with a '-' in front of it. For example, if I'm using PermissionsEX and I wanted to remove the ability for players to create presets, I'd do this command:

/pex group (group) add -bending.commands.presets.*


This section is devoted to commands that all players have access to by default. If you cannot use any command listed here, it is because your server administrator has disabled it.

Command Description Usage Permission Node
/bending help Shows help on a given command. /bending help [Command] (DEFAULT)
/bending bind Binds an ability so a player can use it. If a slot is not specified, it will bind to whichever item slot the player is currently on. /bending bind [Slot] bending.command.bind (DEFAULT)
/bending choose Chooses an element. Players can rechoose their bending with the appropriate permissions and admins with appropriate permissions can pick elements for other players. /bending choose [Player] bending.command.choose (DEFAULT) bending.command.rechoose (OP) bending.admin.choose (OP)
/bending clear Clears a bound ability. If no slot is specified, it'll clear all bound abilities. /bending clear [Slot] bending.command.clear (DEFAULT)
/bending preset This command manages presets, which are saved sets of bound abilities. /bending preset <list|create|delete|bind|>[Preset] bending.command.preset.list (DEFAULT) bending.command.preset.create.2 (DEFAULT) bending.command.preset.create (DEFAULT) bending.command.preset.bind (DEFAULT) bending.command.preset.delete (DEFAULT)
/bending toggle Toggles a player's bending on/off. Server admins can use this to toggle specific elements or bending for the entire server. /bending toggle [All|Element|Player] bending.command.toggle (DEFAULT) bending.command.toggle.all (OP)
/bending version Checks to see which version of ProjectKorra you are running on. /bending version bending.command.version (DEFAULT)
/bending who Views information of players on a server, or a specific player if one is specified. /bending who [Page|Player] bending.command.who (DEFAULT)


Command Description Usage Permission Node
/bending add Gives a player the specified element or subelement /bending add <Player> <Element | SubElement> bending.command.add (OP) bending.command.add.others (OP)
/bending check Checks to see if your server is using the latest version of ProjectKorra /bending check bending.command.check (OP)
/bending copy This will allow a player to copy the binds of another player either for himself, or assign them to another player if one is specified. /bending copy [Player] bending.command.copy (DEFAULT) bending.command.copy.assign (OP)
/bending debug Outputs information on ProjectKorra and the installed add-ons. /bending debug bending.admin.debug (OP)
/bending import Imports data from Orion's original MinecraftTLA plugin. This should only be done once. /bending import bending.command.import (OP)
/bending invincible Makes the player invincible to all bending damage until they log off or use the command again. /bending invincible bending.command.invincible (OP)
/bending permaremove Permanently removes a player's bending. Players will not be able to pick their bending again until this command is run on them again. /bending permaremove bending.admin.permaremove (OP)
/bending reload Reloads the bending config file. /bending reload bending.command.reload (OP)
/bending remove Removes specified element from player, or all of a player's Bending if no element is specified. /bending remove [Element] bencing.admin.remove (OP)