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rogermatic edited this page Feb 5, 2016 · 7 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this replace the Vanilla Spawn System?

A. No. JAS operates in parallel with the vanilla spawner. See JAS 101.

Why do some spawnlists show 0-0-0-0 when I know it can spawn?

A. They are not set to spawn in the vanilla spawn system. This can be confirmed by looking at LoggingProperties.cfg. Either the mod uses its own spawning system or they have some other special scenario to spawn the entities i.e. from mob spawners.

Are there any major deviations from how the Vanilla system functions?

A. Yes.

  • During passive spawning, Vanilla only checks caps at the beginning of the spawn loop and will go over the cap by large margins. Noticeably mostly with Squids near water. JAS checks throughout loop and will stop immediately if it goes over the cap.
  • Vanilla performs spawning and counting in all loaded chunks. It also keeps an area of chunks at server spawn always loaded even if not players are present; spawning entities in this area no players are located in. JAS only performs spawning & counting for chunks near players.
  • For CreatureTypes that check for an Air Medium, JAS counts non-liquid materials which don't restrict movement as Air blocks such as TallGrass and Snow cover.

Does JAS provide spawn eggs or mob spawners?

A. No, this system only affects mob spawning/despawning behavior, it does not introduce new eggs or mob spawners.

Minecraft crashes after I edit my configuration files. Why?

A. First make sure your edits follow the correct syntax for JSON (this is the language in which they're written). You can use a free online validator for this such as JSONLint If you are still having trouble, make sure all your property names are written exactly as listed in the Example configuration section. Extra spaces, missing letters and spelling mistakes are likely to cause JAS to fail on loading or crash. Also note that the MVEL language (used for spawning/despawning expressions) is case-sensitive. Please recheck the case of any functions used in your expressions using the page above, or the MVEL guide.

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