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  1. Install node 14.10.0 or later

    Option 1: Using node version manager

    1. Install nvm from
    2. Run below commands
    nvm install 14.10.0
    nvm use 14.10.0

    Option 2: Installing nodejs and npm directly

  2. Install yarn

    npm install -g yarn
  3. Install BuckleScript globally

    yarn global add bs-platform
  4. Install react-scripts globally

    yarn global add react-scripts --save --no-bin-links
  5. Install packages from package.json

    > cd
    > yarn install
  6. Compile the ReasonML files to javascript

    yarn build:reason


  1. Run the project using:

    yarn start

    If you see System limit for number of file watchers, you can solve the problem using:

    sudo sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=100000
  2. .env contents:


Note: Try to split the frontend in components and screens

Yet An Otter System

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Known issues

Can't run yarn build:reason. What can I do?

  • Please run yarn build.

I get the error 'BROWSER' is not recognized as an internal or external command when trying to start in Windows.

Open package.json and remove Browser=brave. You can set an env variable to run in chrome if you want.

setx BROWSER chrome