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This add-on is utility for copy url or texts in active web page, specified in templates. This is Currently published to AMO: PrsPrsCopy , or Chrome Web Store

What it does

Copy Utility only for text. When no range selected on page, Alt-c copy with template composed of url, title, or so. Also, you can copy from Toolbar icon. You can edit templates in options page.

For each 'Alt-c' key, copy text to clipboard. Text is constructed with one of the templates for URL-matched website. And after Alt-c key, choice of template is shift to next. Next Alt-c means 'copying with other template and shift'. Toolbar icon tell 'copy is fired' by color-flipping, and 'next index of template' by number in badged text. Also, clicking toolbar icon shows the list of template, and clicking template-name button go 'start copying'.


Settings. There are site, and each site may have some templates. Alt-c key starts 'copy' and shift to next template for the site.


Tool has site-specialized spec. Currenly only for username, datetime, and you can copy from 1-level nested QuotedTweet.


From toolbar icon, templates for the site are shown. And you can do copy by simply clicking button.

Known Issue

Release Notes


fix: When text exists after quoted-tweet's URL, it will be dropped.


fix: help text fix: qt_text escapes for reST, Md