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Pebble manager

viestursr edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 2 revisions

Pebble manager is responsible for direct blockchain interaction with the Pebble (PBL) contract.

The source of contract that was used during development is located in:
contracts/Pebble.sol - This contract is exactly the same as the live one, except for two things - check the notes below
build/contracts/Pebbles.json - Compiled JSON version of the contract

Notes: Development contract expects founder address in the constructor, however live contract have it defined already. Also there's an additional method for development purpose which is receivePbls.


Method that will return the existing or assign a new instance of Pebble contract. Pebble contract address should be defined in the js/config/index.js file.

Note: It would NOT deploy the contract itself, it will connect to existing already deployed instance.


Method will create and **deploy new **instance of Pebble contract to the blockchain network

approve(spender, player, value)

Method will approve specified amount of PBL that can be used by the user

spender - Address of a user who will be allowed to get PBLs

payer - Address of a user from who PBLs will be withdrawn

value - Amount of PBLs that should be transferred

balanceOf(address, callback)

Method will return the balance of PBLs for the specified address

address - wallet address of the user to get balance of

callback - expects the callback function that will be triggered after the balance is received


This is a DEVELOPMENT method that will give PBLs to a user.

receiver - wallet address of the user who PBLs should be transferred to

Note: Keep in mind that this method will only work with the pebble contract that is in the repository and not the live contract, because there's a specific method in the development contract that does not exist in the live one.