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Read a purchased book

viestursr edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

After the user makes a purchase of the book, he will be able to find it in his dashboard. User will see a "Read" button and clicking on it will redirect him to the reader window where the book will then be displayed.

When the user enters the reader page, we send a request to the books contract where we check if this user actually has the balance of the tokens on his address.

In case if the user has the Read tokens on his account which are assigned to the books contract, we will generate a temporary signed URL which will be used to display this book to the user.


For the proof of concept we decided to simplify the reader, however in the future we want to allow to upload a variety of existing book formats.

In the future you will be able to Sell or Transfer your tokens, however that wasn't a task for this proof of concept