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Example pipeline for helloworld Java application using Containers and WebSphere Liberty

Bluemix Containers have gone live! Before you start with this example you need to setup a namespace. The namespace is set for each organization and will be used for your image repositories names in your organizations private Container Registry. To setup a namespace, simply login to Bluemix, and click Start Containers. If you have not setup a namespace you will be asked to. Even if you were a beta participant you will need to create a new namespace.

Now press this button, to get your own copy of the sample running in Bluemix !

Deploy To Bluemix


IBM DevOps Services has a Continuous Delivery Pipeline for deploying Cloud Foundry applications, containers, and micro-services to IBM Bluemix. You can use a textual representation of a pipeline defined by a pipeline.yml file, which makes it easy to share and copy interesting pipelines. The Deploy to Bluemix button provides a simple way to clone a project that includes the source files and the Delivery Pipeline configuration.

The application

Very simple java application based upon the Bluemix sample WordCounter sample app that runs within a Liberty application server.

A Dockerfile has been added to package application as a Container. The application can be deployed as either a Cloud Foundry application or a Container on Bluemix. has been modified so that it has a two common security issues. This allows the application to be used to demonstrate static code scan capabilities.

To say hello: http://myroute.mydomain?name=myName To say inject a security issue: http://myroute.mydomain?name=<img src=x onerror=alert("ha") />

The pipeline

An interesting pipeline that demonstrates a few more advanced delivery pipeline capabilties

  • Package Application
    • Basic ant build to package a war file
  • Security Scanning
    • Leverages code scan security services to inspect war archive for security vunerabilities, provides a link to a dashboard of versioned security reports that map to the versioned application archives.
    • The pipeline is setup to continue even if security issues are discovered. This is configurable on the stage. In this case we are demonstrating the ability to run consistent scans in order to provide feedback to the development team without blocking deployment to staging environments.
  • Containerize
    • Builds a docker container using the Container Build Service in Bluemix. This service takes the contents of the repository, streams it to the build service, then pushes a versioned container image to the organizations registry on Bluemix ... ready for deployment.
  • Vulnerability Scan
    • Scans the docker container image for known vulnerabilities in included package. This verifies that containers built with known security issues can be blocked before they go live.
  • Deploy Stage
    • Using the container image from the Build stage, a container group is deployed with a single container to start with, and then a route is generated for the Deploy stage that will be reused across deployments.

The stages are setup with slack notifications. By simply providing a slack WebHook in the stage configuration files you can recieve notifications of just job failures, or all activity in the pipeline.



(UP) Static java security scans with Containers







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