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v0.42 1.1.0

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@Putnam3145 Putnam3145 released this 23 Feb 02:03
· 157 commits to master since this release

Added a few outsiders, reworked the ki system sorta (made your ki double with every 5000 weighted attribute gain instead of 7229.5 or whatever, added more attributes to what counts for ki), reworked the god ki system (basically, there's only two types of ki now most of the time, normal and godly, and normal ki can only beat godly ki if you have a LOT of it to represent Golden Freeza, which I haven't put into the mod yet but whatever; all this is overridden when the BTTL event activates, at which point it uses the old system until the event is over), made it so that Super Saiyan is a multiplier instead of a linear boost, allowed Super Saiyan Blue to be learned instead of requiring the god ritual, added an easy way to get discipline in adv mode.